One False Move
One False Move
R | 08 May 1992 (USA)
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Following a series of drug deals and murders, three criminals -- Fantasia, Ray Malcolm and Pluto -- travel from Los Angeles to Houston, finally arriving in a small Arkansas town to go into hiding. Two detectives from the LAPD, who are already on the case, contact the town's sheriff, Dale Dixon, to alert him of the fugitives' presence in the area. Underestimating Dixon, the criminals have no idea what they are about to face.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Philippa All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
idontneedyourjunk I can't tell if Fantasia is a hooker or just a junkie. Either way, she sells out her LA 'friends' to her pimp/boyfriend, Ray.Ray and Pluto (cellmates from San Quinton) are looking to make some easy money, and Fantasia knows some street dealers. They turn up at their place and torture them until they tell them where their supplier lives.Then they murder them all. Pluto turns out to be a psychopath who gets turned on when he's stabbing people.They go over to the supplier and rob them of their cocaine and $15k. And them murder them all. Well, nearly all. Fantasia finds a kid in a back room but pretends that she can't find him.They get stopped by a state trooper while travelling out of town. Naturally, they kill him too, because that's the best way to stay off the radar. But by this time, they've already got a dedicated group of law enforcement hunting them down.Fantasia takes a bus to Star City, her hometown, while the murder duo travel from LA to Texas to sell the drugs to a pusher known to Pluto. When the pusher tries to bargain down the price, Ray and Pluto kill them all. Are we noticing a trend of stupidity yet, from the so-called 150 IQ genius Pluto?The LAPD get a tip that they might be heading to a small town in Arkansas, so they contact the sheriff there ("Hurricane" Dixon), who is very excited to be involved in a big city case, seeing as it might be his ticket for reassignment to the city force.The reason they might be stopping there is that Ray has an uncle who lives there and Fantasia (real name Lila) grew up there and has a kid living with her family.Dixon stakes out the house, and finds Lila who has come back to visit her son (turns out the father is Dixon, who was already married and has a child of his own). To keep that news to herself, Dixon promises if Lila calls in Ray and Pluto then he'll let her escape.They arrive, and everyone dies in a shootout, except Dixon (wounded) and his illegitimate child. Lila gets a bullet to the back of the head from Pluto, which, to be fair, she totally deserves. Three of her friends were brutally tortured and murdered because of her. She also murdered a cop (when they were pulled over earlier). And she abandoned her son after birth to go live in Hollywood and ended up a total loser.
powermandan One False Move is one of the key sleeper hits in film. It had a relative low-budget and was released straight-to-video. But word of mouth caused this to get a release in theatres soon after. It was the sleeper of 1992 that received acclaim by all. On "At the Movies" Gene Siskel ranked it as the best of the year while Roger Ebert ranked it the second best (behind Malcolm X). Usually surprises like this are always remembered, check out Rocky. Sure time has not been on its side and that's terrible for a film this good. It's just as bad as The Right Stuff from 1983 not aging well.Perhaps it is good that this is forgotten. That makes the surprise element of the watch stronger. If it was bigger, maybe some people would find it underwhelming and not meeting expectations. Nobody talks about this anymore, so that also gives me an intimate connection with this.The movie follows two parallel stories. The first is meeting a trio of violent drug dealers in Los Angeles. They're intense, profane, and ruthless enough to make the audience cringe while watching it. The movie opens with two extremely brutal drug busts--a good way to get the audience's attention. The trio consists of Billy Bob Thornton as the most vicious of the group, Ray; his reluctant girlfriend, Fantasia (Cynda Williams); and highly intelligent Pluto (Michael Beach). All the murders are brutal and they flee the state. A few times in the film they make boneheaded mistakes, but the guys' intensity and Pluto's brains can get them out of things. Although mistakes are made, we know they will definitely survive. Each scene with the trio are scary, but thrilling and fun. Also, we want them to stand a chance. Very few movies can successfully pull off unforgiving bad guys but still making them compelling.The other story deals with two LAPD cops who investigate the case and are led to the small town of Star City in Arkansas, where the sheriff Dale "Hurricane" Dixon (Bill Paxton) works with them. At first, there's some offbeat comedy as the big city cops bond with the cop from an uneventful town. As the deadly trio's route leads to the Dixon's town, the cops soon find secrets about Fantasia that really raise the stakes.In great crime films, the bad guys are always more fun. While the scenes with the bad guys are more fun here too, we still get great joy out of the good guys. And the secrets that raise the stakes make the heart beat faster. It is all about the characters. Character-driven movies are the best. We can't see through anything here, a job well-done. And the movie also expertly deals with the themes of the past, urban & rural cities, and loyalty. And of course, the principal photography are what's first and foremost when it comes to what's most memorable with this.Highly recommended!
chaos-rampant Here we have thugs on the run from a vicious crime, police waiting for them on the other end, holed up in a small place in backwoods Arkansas. Some ordinary tension as the first desperately try to evade cops on their way to getting rid of the drugs.Eventually it reveals itself to be about people, or wants to be. About the local yokel cop who wants to make it big in LA, eavesdropping on LA cops who make fun of his eagerness. About the black girl who came all the way back to see her son but can't because cops are staking out the house.When these two come together in an empty house for a night far from the anxious plot mechanics, that's where plot is supposed to part and we should have tentative baring of souls. That's where we find out about a white dad who walked out on his black kid one day and how that's rippled through to happen again. Tentative, while plot mechanics are meanwhile snapping into place. It's more the sentiment for a certain kind of weary world that deceives than the unencumbered view of what it means to be in the middle. We're always more heavily invested in a plot way than urges sent forth and encountered. It's one of those films where maybe a few tweaks could change it all around. The actors - Billy bob, Paxton, the black girl - and camera stop short of embodying this world in a way that would make the difference. Devil in a Blue Dress by the same maker got there I thought.Noir Meter: 1/4
Twins65 Just watched ONE FALSE MOVE again for the first time since the VHS era, and am really glad I did. This movie is never on cable TV, at least as far as I can tell, but certainly should be. It's a top notch crime movie that other than a shot of a phone booth, doesn't feel dated at all 20 years later.I'm not going to get into the story or plot, as that's been discussed several times in the preceding comments, so I'll just say that all the actors really hit their marks. Bill Paxton is great as a small town sheriff with an overbearing rah-rah attitude and a dark secret, and a younger Billy Bob as a ruthless killer on the run is downright frightening. Throw in the performances Cynda Williams, Michael Beach, Natalie Canerday, and the actors who played the LA cops, and it all adds up to an awesome 1 hour and 40 minutes that will completely suck you in.I can't recommend it enough.