The Crying Game
The Crying Game
R | 27 November 1992 (USA)
The Crying Game Trailers

Irish Republican Army member Fergus forms an unexpected bond with Jody, a kidnapped British soldier in his custody, despite the warnings of fellow IRA members Jude and Maguire. Jody makes Fergus promise he'll visit his girlfriend, Dil, in London, and when Fergus flees to the city, he seeks her out. Hounded by his former IRA colleagues, he finds himself increasingly drawn to the enigmatic, and surprising, Dil.

Karry Best movie of this year hands down!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Cathardincu Surprisingly incoherent and boring
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Glassjaw86 I can't say anything that hasn't been said about this movie before. But I still wanted to add this review. This story took me for a spin. Sure, the direction and acting has flaws that damn near every 90s movie has. But it's 2+ hr runtime isn't enough to elaborate on everything this movie has to offer. I would've watched a 3+ hr version, were it ever made. I wish I had the vocabulary and eloquence to explain all the things this film made me feel and all the themes I noticed and explored in my mind during and after. This is a movie I can watch over and over again. Much like Before Sunrise, I love the characters and despite lacking a significant backstory I find myself musing over who they are and how they lived. Keep an open mind about this film and ignore the hype of "the big twist" because it's so much more than just a twist gimmick movie.
Angelika_New_York I watched this film recently and still to this day after twenty-four years it makes quite an impact. Seeing it on a nice flat screen TV really felt like watching it in a theatre, which is wonderful and the way it's meant to be seen. I remember I first heard of it when I noticed a review of it in a newspaper. At the time, I did not know it was only a few weeks after its release. I didn't know it initially opened in only six theatres across the country. There was a picture above the review, which I never read. At first I thought it was Richard Gere holding a gun in an authoritative pose outside an amusement park.The film was in theatres for the next five months and was nominated for several Academy Awards and ended up making big bank; much bigger than I ever expected. At the time, however, I didn't care at all about box office and awards. The movie poster intrigued me. It looked like something with style, and it definitely has substance.Well I never saw it in theatres. I was only fourteen at the time, so I suppose I was regarded as impressionable.Some time passed, so I did not see it until I was nineteen. I found it mostly boring. I thought the revealing of Dil's (Jaye Davidson) true gender was the most interesting aspect.Then I watched it again a few years later and it was like watching it from a somewhat different perspective. I found it engaging and sympathetic. I suppose it to be relatable at a certain age. Additionally, I am so captivated by how Fergus a.k.a. Jimmy (Stephen Rea) is so assured throughout. He seems emotionally balanced, although I am sure there are moments when he expresses confusion and ferocity; it is evenly displayed. This film has everything: action, drama, romance, and intrigue. Plus there is Jim Broadbent as a sexy bartender. These performances are all the way unforgettable. I have come to a realization that to me, this is the best film of 1992. This was definitely robbed at the Oscars for that year. The two actors deserved their awards, as well as winning Best Picture.
Hitchcoc There are so many elements to this incredible film that I could go through, but they have been pointed out over and over. Suffice it to say that it has an intense, dangerous element, with forces at work that are utterly overwhelming. It has a couple love stories that transcend the ordinary (not just romantic love but that which holds us up as human). We have characters that are so complex and who reveal themselves to us in ways we seldom see. The plot is complex and engaging. It could be divided into fourths, with each part a single plot line which then comes back to center. There are no cheap, superfluous elements here. At the time, it was controversial and there was talk that it was simply pushing shock value. Put the commentary aside and be ready for the ride.
gavin6942 A British soldier is kidnapped by IRA terrorists. He befriends one of his captors, who is drawn into the soldier's world.The then-fledgling film company Miramax decided to promote the film in the United States where it became a sleeper hit, earning over $60 million at the box office. A memorable advertising campaign generated intense public curiosity by asking audiences not to reveal the film's "secret" to their friends. Jordan also believed the film's success was a result of the film's British/Irish political issues being either lesser-known or completely unknown to American audiences, who thus flocked to the film for what Jordan called "the sexual politics." Alright, so I knew the "secret" for years before seeing this film. In fact, that is all I knew and thought it would come later in the picture. I was pleasantly surprised that this film has so much more -- history, political intrigue, thrills, and some crime elements. I have no idea what is up with Whittaker's voice -- he sounds dubbed.