The Adventures of Food Boy
The Adventures of Food Boy
PG | 02 April 2009 (USA)
The Adventures of Food Boy Trailers

Ezra discovers he has a unique ability to make food appear in his hands. He quickly uses his new super powers to impress his friends and to become popular around school for the first time in his life.

Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
Skyler Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
haydonpalmerbpc The Adventures of Food Boy is a film that has quite literally changed my entire outlook on; love, life and ham sandwiches. Not quite as impressive as "Hobo with a shotgun", "The Toxic Avenger" or "Surfing Nazis Must Die" but it hardly seems fair to compare it against such lofty masterworks of cinema. So the premise. Ezra, a unpopular high school student believes that running for junior class president is his one way ticket to clunge-town and paving his way to a prestigious college, unfortunately much to Ezra's dismay, he gets hit hard by a heavy handed puberty metaphor and rather than growing a curly wig of hairs around his particulars he instead begins shooting bread from the palms of his hand! But he isn't limited to just bread, oh no! It transpires that he is able to create all manner of food stuffs from his body and thus begins Ezra's adventure as the titular food boy.So you are probably thinking that his adventures consist of globe trotting and solving the crippling food problems in third world countries or perhaps he dons a mask and fights crime firing peanuts from his finger tips at allergic bank robbers! Alas you are thinking far too small eager readers! No, Ezra uses his unique gift for personal gain, mystifying his peers with 'food magic', becoming a food fight dynamo and teaching his 40-something year old school bully a lesson in humility! To be fair to Ezra he does do a brief stint feeding the homeless in a soup kitchen but soon realised the futility of it all realising that they would much rather be given change to buy drugs or a can of special brew despite their protests that in an age of mobile phones that they only want it for bus fare or a pay phone. If I went any further into explaining the film then I would be spoiling the incredibly gripping and deep plot that the writers have sculpted as their very own modern day citizen Kane. The Adventures of Food Boy is a master piece coming of age film, set to become a modern day classic and a complete roller coaster.
mymphr People will h-ATE on this film, but I could not CARROT all. This is actually the best film I've ever seen, 10/10 doesn't begin to sum it up. It had me enraptured by the point that our protagonist, little Ezra, was curled up in a ball in the bathroom surrounded by bread. I've never felt an emotion before; this film changed that.My favourite part was when Ezra realised that his crush wasn't deserving of his love, gave her speed in a sports drink, and she believed she was winning the race, when in actual fact she was foaming at the mouth at the side of the track while he tried to slip his fingers up her top. I also loved the aggressive metaphors for homosexuality. Ezra was a repressed homosexual but, when he was 5900 days old for some reason he got hard looking at a man. He then jerked off in his school bathroom, was caught by the principal and some friends and got kicked out of school. Then his grandma revealed that she was gay and was creating some gay pornography (her cookbook) and he started to come to terms with himself. In the end, he couldn't repress his feelings, so he chucked his "love" at that one guy in the orange t shirt who looks about 45 years old and I'm not sure how he's in high school. You only live nonce, bush did 9/11, willies out for harambe, google the NWO. Oh also, i ATE this film up ! I'm hungry for more! watch me as i eject bread out me fingers
Kitch Michael One thing that drove me nuts! The actors are suppose to be high school students?! Garret looks like a 40 year old. I was waiting for something interesting to happen.. His coolness all has to do with shooting food from his hands. An it was all a bit pointless?! I can't say much with out adding a spoiler. Ugh. I don't think they really have one tho. It's just a really corny movie with old people that are suppose to betray high school students! His issue of not being able to control his magic food hands I guess is the issue? An debating if he should get with a girl! They want me to add ten lines and this story is so blank I can't think of that much to right! Any ways the girl is mad at him over something ridiculously silly! She thinks he's acting odd well DUH he's all of a sudden shooting food out of his hands! An yeah no one questions how or why he can do it? Really there isn't even a point on why he got them or how. I'm watching this right now and Garret trying to be a popular high school student makes me laugh! What was the directors thinking when they thought this would look normal? I see more background actors that look younger then the main!
Filippa Olsson excellent. Food. Boy. MAGIC! what do you mean I need 10 lines of text?! bullshit! I don't have anything more to add. It is all about food hands and magic. There is not much more to it. The boy is blond, typical American kid. Not like super pretty but tots alright you know. Not too much not too little. Could get kidnapped and when you See the fliers you'd be like "aaah i have probably seen him" but then you'd be all like "no wait he looks like EVERY OTHER KID, that's why i recognize him! duh!". Is this 10 lines yet? let me check. Nope line number 6. I really don't know what more write. OK the poster is cool I guess. It's like a superman copycat thing. But with bread you know, to match the plot. Looks like good tasting bread but you really can't be sure, it might be a bit dry. I work at a bakery so I know how to spot dry bread however this one is TRICKY! Actually this is all lies. I'm so sorry, I haven't seen it. But it seems awesome. I'm going to download it now. Not like "spend money on it"-good but definitely "spend 10 minutes searching for it online"-good. Heard my bud Hugh Grant likes it so thats a plus. Have you ever thought about his hair? It looks good but at the same time floppy and kind of not good?