Grown Ups
Grown Ups
PG-13 | 24 June 2010 (USA)
Grown Ups Trailers

After their high school basketball coach passes away, five good friends and former teammates reunite for a Fourth of July holiday weekend.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
gokulchandanirinkesh This is a movie which you can watch just to pass the time.Five friends with their families meet each other after 30 years at their coach's funeral and then they all go on to a holiday where they have a lot of fun.They try to relive the old moments of their childhood and the movie is just all about the fun they have.Nothing special about this movie Grown-Ups!!
kencpotter I was warned not to waste my time, but did anyway. I figured it may be good for a few laughs. I laughed once... once! But, I must admit that the one laugh was during the first half which was the only half I watched. I bought the part 1 & 2 combo disk, and after the first half of part 1, I threw the disk & case into the trash. It was as if these guys got together and started filming with no script, and just made it up as they went along. And nothing happened, over and over and over again. A woman breastfeeding a four-year old might be funny to some. But I can't imagine the same idea being funny every 5 minutes. Likewise, some might find it funny that Rob's wife looks like a homely mother. But the same thing is not funny every 5 minutes. The script declares comedy-writing bankruptcy continually.
Lola A This movie is defiantly better than Grown Ups 2. They should have never made a sequel because they only ruined it. Real-life link: It was mainly based on the idea that people should go our and live their lives outside rather than staying in and wasting time on video games or social media as most people do today. And I do agree with that, I do agree that life is more fun in the nature and surrounded by good old friends. Character analysis: We don't know enough about characters to like them or get a sense of the reasons why they do things. We don't know them in a deep level, we only know them superficially. Towards the end the movie intents to become emotional but it only becomes cringy. But as I said, the this part is way way better than the second one even though in this one an actual plot is still not seen and the movie has no adequate story line. I would not recommend this movie.
Taylor Kingston I really enjoyed this movie. I actually saw Grown Ups 2 at the cinema before seeing this, but I got the main idea of it, and managed to follow along. While I do think Grown Ups 2 is better, this is still a really funny movie with a lot of funny people, including one my personal favorite actors, Adam Sandler. This movie actually got bad ratings, and 2 got even worse, but you can't go by the general population's opinion. It was good enough to get a sequel. I think anyone who enjoys comedy or any of the actors/actresses in this movie, will enjoy it.After the passing of their basketball coach, five friends and their families gather up for his funeral. They decide to go to the lake house where they used to party when they were teenagers. But sadly, things can't go perfect when you have real-world problems and families to take care of. Some really funny stuff happens on that Fourth of July weekend, and it's a weekend that no one will ever forget.Overall, I give this movie a 7 out of 10, which in my ratings book is: Great.