The Other Guys
The Other Guys
PG-13 | 06 August 2010 (USA)
The Other Guys Trailers

Unlike their heroic counterparts on the force, desk-bound NYPD detectives Gamble and Hoitz garner no headlines as they work day to day. When a seemingly minor case turns out to be a big deal, the two cops get the opportunity to finally prove to their comrades that they have the right stuff.

LouHomey From my favorite movies..
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
arunmaan A product replacement movie...first 15 minutes is good...but then boring movie
dynver Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg are hilarious gems that bring color and joy to the screen whenever they appear. This is far more than a cop movie. Everyone's acting throughout the movie is exciting and I feel this movie deserves a sequel instead of Daddy's Home.
Paul Gomes I would agree with many other reviewers that the best part of this film is early on. I was not quite sure when it started to lose it and was not fully conscious of it at the time. Sort of like how a frog will jump out of a hot pot immediately but if you boil it slowly it will stay there until it dies. With this film by the time I realized that it was gone it was too late. It was a slow gradual decline, but with moments here and there that would give you hope for it pulling it back together.Overall the film was a reasonably entertaining spoof on The NeverEnding stream of police/crime action films. It plays on many of the tropes of that genre and it's ridiculousness is a reflection of those tropes and the genre itself. I was surprised though that the plot was relatively coherent and maintained its own internal consistency. I'm used to most films like this not even trying to avoid plot holes, but rather lazily Revel in them. In this film almost everything ties back into the plot in some way. So while it often had a very juvenile humor, it also had a rather clever plot line that could be appreciated by someone more intellectual. This might make the film a good choice for a father and son to watch together.I would have rated closer to 7 for the first part and more like three for the final segments. I'll put it at 5 overall. I should note that it is still funnier and in better taste than anything Adam Sandler did ever.
SimonJack The Columbia folks must have thought the pairing of Will Farrell and Mark Wahlberg would be a good match for a comedy. But it certainly doesn't work in this film. The comedy in "The Other Guys" is thin at best. That weakness probably has to be chalked up mostly to the writers, for the script seems strained at times. The actors are hesitant in their dialog in places. It all smacks of a combination of a poor script, weak directing, and a plot that just doesn't register. The early scenes with Dwayne Johnson and Samuel Jackson as Danson and Highsmith are even less funny. It's obviously supposed to be a spoof of fast action cop movies. While that's quite clear, it's also clearly a weak and seemingly cheap effort to launch this movie. The only character of some interest is Captain Gene Mauch, played very well by Michael Keaton. Ferrell is just fair but Wahlberg and the rest strike me as the type that filled the B movies of the past. This film shows what Hollywood seems to have evolved into in much of its output so far in the 21st century. It seems obsessed with sex, and this film itself seems a fetish. Especially the scenes in which Ferrell's Allen Gamble and Eva Mendes as Dr. Sheila Gamble, pass descriptive sexual encounter desires to one another through her mother. That seemed to me to be just plain stupid. This is a film any thinking person will want to skip. Those who enjoy good comedies would soon be bored and then rightly miffed at spending any money for this flat piece.