Brad's Status
Brad's Status
R | 15 September 2017 (USA)
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Although Brad has a satisfying career, a sweet wife and a comfortable life in suburban Sacramento, things aren't quite what he imagined during his college glory days. When he accompanies his musical prodigy son on a university tour, he can't help comparing his life with those of his four best college friends who seemingly have more wealthy and glamorous lives. But when circumstances force him to reconnect with his former friends, Brad begins to question whether he has really failed or if their lives are actually more flawed than they appear.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
stl4646 Ben Stiller is a fine actor and the young actor who played his son did a great job but I could not shake the feeling I was watching some updated version of Michael Scott from The Office. And that feeling has nothing to do with Jenna Fischer's presence. She's likable as well. The character of Brad made me cringe. More than once I wanted to scream "SHUT UP and stop talking for two minutes. I was happy when this was over. It was depressing.
Alexander_Blanchett A solid coming of age story combined with the story of a guy who is suffering from a major midlife crisis. It is a beautiful father-son - story that nicely declares what the most important things in life are and that too many things that are shallow are really overrated. Its not really a new concept but the film by Mike White is able to still make it relevant mostly thanks to the truly great performance by Ben Stiller who shines here in one of his finest on screen performances. Austin Abrams also gives a good performance and has potential to be a very promising new comer. He held himself very well against Stiller and although the performance often appeared to be a bit monotone , which the character was supposed to be, it really ended up great. Also the on-screen chemistry between the two leads is undoubtedly good and electrifying. The film has a really good soundtrack and a fine screenplay. The characters are mostly appealing, and if they are not at the beginning of the film the become once the film moves along. Which is one of its magics as well. It also successfully combines drama and comedy. Worth to see.
ravitchn I suspect not many will find this movie and its "hero" very familiar. But to people like myself, retired from academia, they are very close to home. Brad may not be an academic strictly speaking but his background and choice of vocation are very much like that of a professor or college administrator. He has had a fine education, remembers college with joy and nostalgia, has a loving wife who in the film is rather a nonentity, and a talented young son about to enter college. Clearly his relationship with his son has taken precedence over everything else -- except his disappointments with his achievements when compared to his college friends. He is definitely neurotic in a way very familiar on the academic scene. The only cure for his psychological woes is superficially the success of his son in getting into a first-rate university; but the real cure is his son's wise, even brilliant, explanation at the end that the only thing which should matter to Brad is not what others think of him, not even curiously what his wife thinks of him, but what his son Troy thinks of him. And what does Troy think of him? I will leave this to those who have yet to see the flick. Troy at his age of about 18 has more wisdom in his little finger than all the Ph.D.'s and successful people who plague his dad and give him the tremors. I cannot say I enjoyed the movie but I do say that it had a true spiritual message and a valuable one.
jims141 I recently re-watched Walter Mitty as I had remembered it being an enjoyable movie. Because I had enjoyed it, I thought I would watch Brad's Status. Sadly Brad's Status was very poor. I am pretty easy when it comes to watching movie or reading books and I am quick to immerse myself into even the unbelievable. I can tell my level of involvement by how loud I am yelling at the entertainment, either good or bad. I usually reserve that behavior for private watching or reading. Walter Mitty in his normal existence was not a whiner, he was not a hero or famous and he daydreamed. Maybe a bit more than most, but for the most part harmless, but when it really mattered he shook himself loose from that day dream and did what had to be done. He became his own hero. Hey, sometimes it happens. Brad never got around to growing up and seeing who he really was. He just kept on whining and talk, talk, talking to justify himself. In the bar Ananya explained him exactly and he couldn't see it or believe it, blaming her opinion on her youth. But she was right, he had so much more than most and he had enough. Walking out on his friend at dinner was juvenile and if he was listening, he might have seen that his fabulous friends we not without their faults and not riding as high as he believed. He was such a sad man and as loudly as I yelled at him he still did not understand.