Punisher: War Zone
Punisher: War Zone
R | 05 December 2008 (USA)
Punisher: War Zone Trailers

Waging his one-man war on the world of organized crime, ruthless vigilante-hero Frank Castle sets his sights on overeager mob boss Billy Russoti. After Russoti is left horribly disfigured by Castle, he sets out for vengeance under his new alias: Jigsaw. With the "Punisher Task Force" hot on his trail and the FBI unable to take Jigsaw in, Frank must stand up to the formidable army that Jigsaw has recruited before more of his evil deeds go unpunished.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
mrprince-32229 I am not joking when I tell everyone that they'll have one of the best experiences watching Punisher War Zone. I'm surprised how highly underrated this movie is due to the past failed Punisher movies which made audiences lose hope. Please.... PLEASE watch this masterpiece of a violent and bloody Marvel movie. Get a group of friends or family that can deal with the god-awful CGI blood and gore you'll be witnessing throughout this flick. This isn't even a comedy and it manages to be extremely laughable. Samurai Cop, Birdemic, The Room? They were quite the show but this broke new grounds. What I'm saying is probably subjective (in terms of what'll make you laugh) but the majority cannot lie that this is by far one of the greatest Punisher movies ever conceived. Does this do Punisher justice? That's up for you to decide!
generationofswine It's really rather bad. The Punisher 1989 was a B-Movie that pulled it off. The Punisher 2004 was a high budget movie that came close. The Punisher: War Zone is just awful.I credit the villains. Jigsaw and Loony Bin dominate the movie, they are the real stars and they are little more than cartoon villains in a bloody action movie. They are caricatures that would fit in better with the world of Dick Tracy than with the world of the Punisher.The sad part is the Villains make the movie, Peter Pan would be nothing without Captain hook. Heroes need something ominous and threatening to pit themselves against. The worse the villain the better the hero.The Punisher is up against two cartoon characters. Tom and Jerry on steroids.It kills the entire film. It makes it unwatchable. Over the top but not in a good Heath Ledger the Joker sort of way. No, they were over the top in a makes you want to walk out of a movie sort of way.It's just bad, comically bad and not in the good Evil Dead way.Stay away, stay far away.
Son-of-WRA I didn't expect Shakespearean quality in this picture. I knew I was watching someones interpretation of a comic book story. I get the lack of common sense and I try not to invoke too much plausibility because a story cannot be without some characters poor choices.For about the first half hour, I thought the movie flowed well and the cinematography was perfect. However, as it played on, the film devolved to the point of a third-rate feature at some long-forgotten drive-in of my youth. You know, the kind you didn't mind taking a break from in order to visit the snack shack.This film has its fans of course and I can understand the appeal. But I grew tired of gore after enduring much of it during the 80's because it just doesn't carry any shock value, nor does it tell us anything we can't already imagine.While Ray Stevenson depicts Frank Castle much better that Thomas Jane or Dolph Lundgren, and his interaction with the daughter of the FBI agent he killed is bittersweet, there wasn't much else to the entire production to elicit more than a rating of 2.I believe that the film was lost behind the scenes after I read the trivia section. There were the usual machinations that occur on every film production, but unfortunately for "Punisher: War Zone" they were insurmountable and it shows.
Hector Ttofa Even more than 6 years after it's release I really don't understand why people think this movie is bad. Maybe they expected something in the steps of the first movie (the Thomas Jane one, no the Dolph Lundgren one) but given that was an origin story, it's no strange that the sequel seems a bit more basic and generic to a lot of movie goers. But you gotta understand, this is a Punisher movie. To be exact a Punisher movie closer to the MAX line of comics, where the character often is shown as a merciless meat grinder who more often than not kills criminals even for the pettiest of crimes. So it's no surprise that the violence is extremely high and over the top, the character more serious and emotionless and the story more grounded and generic especially when compared with other Marvel comic adaptations like the Avengers or Spiderman. For good or bad this is the MAX version of the Punisher and to be honest after reading quite a few issues of this line of comics, I feel that the movie version of the character is up to par and maybe even better than the one shown in the books, thanks to a large part to Ray Stevenson's performance who is amazing as the Punisher. Is the movie flawless? Of course not, in the end of the day is a low budget action movie about a vigilante killing criminals in gruesome ways. Still, the action is decent and well directed, the acting for the most part is good (except maybe the character of Loony Bin Jim), there are a few decent lines and it never drags out or stalls.Must see for fans of the character (especially the MAX comics version) and for fans of classic action films like the ones we used to see in the 80s and 90s.