Hell Ride
Hell Ride
R | 08 August 2008 (USA)
Hell Ride Trailers

Two rival bikers gangs, the Victors and the Six-Six-Six's, refuel their decades-old rivalry.

Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
ss336 I think I'll remember most of the scenes in this movie. It was extremely memorable. It was also skillful and clever. However, I'm surprised by all of the negative feedback towards it. I can only imagine that the reason it wasn't appreciated was that it's a Tarantino-style movie, and most people, to this day, don't 'get' Tarantino.To put it simply, Tarantino established a movie genre of his own, by making **movies about other movies**. Every scene references another, in a completely different movie. All of his references are from popular culture. The problem is that most people don't have even 5% of his movie knowledge, and are unsympathetic and lack understanding regarding his personal psychological issues, which also, always, find expression in his movies.While this movie wasn't directed by Tarantino, it's still firmly positioned in, and faithful to, the Tarantino style. For example, the scene where Leonor Varela tries to seduce the Pistolero Presidente across a snooker table, in a hallway, while giving him 'prophecies'. This is basically an allusion to a scene in the original Conan the Barbarian, but if you weren't aware of this context it would just strike you as lascivious, pointless lewdness (which, incidentally, is a popular myth or urban legend in its own right, but that's another matter)...What is this movie about? Again, if you watch this movie and expect to find things from the real world as opposed to a collection of homages and references to the yesteryear's classic cinema, you'll be disappointed. But if you watch it as it was intended - a piece of popular, entertaining art - you'll get the picture. It belongs to the Alexandre Dumas camp of enlightened liberty of consciousness. In short, it's about the romance of freedom. Even down to the arrow-in-the-chest scene, the characters are bandits cast in an exotic frame a la Dumas... I won't spoil it but you will need to have done some reading and/or movie watching before approaching this one.
grantss A mediocre attempt to imitate Quentin Tarantino. Larry Bishop, the writer/director/lead actor, tries to copy the QT formula of tight intriguing scripts, snappy and funny dialogue and lead characters with "swagger".Plot is OK, though has some unfathomable tangents and sub-plots. The dialogue misses the mark: rather than being "snappy and funny" it is cheesy and lame.Bishop went so far as to cast two actors who would be instant reminders of QT films: Michael Madsen (Reservoir Dogs & Kill Bill) and David Carradine (Kill Bill). Dennis Hopper is thrown in to give the film some biker-cred (he did star in the ultimate biker movie, Easy Rider, remember). Hopper also appeared in True Romance, a movie QT wrote, so another QT reference.The swagger is there and Michael Madsen gets it down pat. Larry Bishop himself, however, overdoes it and comes across as unconvincing.Not the worst QT homage I've seen, but could have been better. Best thing about this is that, if you don't like it, at only 83 minutes, you won't have wasted too much of your life on it.
James Bond Peewee Herman is back, as the leader of a 1% motorcyle gang, set on revenge for the death of the previous leader. This movie was not half bad, if you bought this like I did because it has some decent babes. Was reading the content advisory, and it said graphic nudity, and I said OK Im sold. I was not disappointed, there is full frontal nudity, lots of t and a, camel toe, nude jello wrestling, etc. This was pretty close to being NC-17, but they edited enough to give it an R rating. The bedroom scene with the filipina girl is pretty hot.As far as the acting and storyline, it pretty much sucks. Although I found this movie to be rather comical, if thats what they were going for. Dennis Hopper and Vinnie Jones, almost save this movie from the hands of some not so great actors (Eric Balfour and Larry Bishop) Overall, if you want to see nice bikes, babes, and booze, then this movie is for you!
Sühan Gürer My hopes were not exceptionally high for this movie after our last episodes with Mr. Tarantino and I was honestly expecting a black comedy style criticism as the main theme of the movie. Boy, I was wrong, so wrong. Someone should tell Tarantino that he should be done with this theme and its time to move on for him (And us also). The characters are out of place, even the well established actor villains that are in the cast who could have done much better had the story been a little more acceptable. It is so dull that I could have had more fun watching Ninja Turtles or Gremlins (The original versions btw). That is some achievement. Anyway, 80 minutes lost, gone and will never return.