Biker Boyz
Biker Boyz
PG-13 | 31 January 2003 (USA)
Biker Boyz Trailers

A mythic motorcycle tale of father and son", this is the story of Manuel Galloway, also known as "the King of Cali", the president of a motorcycle club whose members are all African-American men, mostly white-collar workers who exchange their suits and ties at night and on weekends for leather outfits and motorcycle helmets.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Grissom66 An action-packed contemporary Western on wheels with desperado's who live every day on the edge. Lawyers and city workers by day, they take to the streets in their leathers to race by night.In the world of underground motorcycle clubs, the undefeated racer known as Smoke (Fishburne) is the undisputed "King of Cali." But Smoke's dominance of the set is about to be threatened by a young motorcycle racing prodigy called Kid (Luke), who is determined to win Smoke's helmet and earn the coveted title. An average movie which still i found very entertaining. I would recommend it for a rainy day or whenever. Biker Boyz 7/10
onceaweek_doomed what's wrong with you people? what's wrong with the world? what could possibly make you write, direct, cast, come up with music ad outfits, create special effects and... so many, many other things which you have to take care of when making a movie... and all, ALL, for THIS?! what's wrong with the world??? what did i hate about this movie? well, just about everything - everything, from actors to script, from... oh, i might be lying... the bikes were... wow! ...i might be in love. anyway, we are not talking about their rides, we're talking about the movie itself and i have no reason whatsoever to claim that i enjoyed it. it was rubbish: "i hate you, i hate you, ...oh, you're my father ... then... i don't know, i guess i'll drop by and ask you to give me that helmet i won... sometimes... soon". it just didn't seem right, you know? besides, this movie made me think: what would I do if i found out that my father was a racer i was trying to get revenge at because the person i used to think of as my father got killed because of the racer i mentioned earlier?! oh, that's not it. it made me think of... i remember now: i am about to get my driver's licence and i felt a certain(very, very, VERY pleasant) rush when i saw them racing with... let's say "considerable" speed. yep, that's the reason why it made me think. and i HATE using my brain (kidding, i hope that my review made you guys "know better"). so: WILL I DIE??? i'm scared... will speed turn me into a freak? will i become one of those people wearing horrifyingly ugly clothes and behaving like a sex-addicted person??? mummy! somebody help me!!!
nick0871 I don't understand the negative views about this movie. I think that it is excellent. It shows reality and has a story line. I would rank this movie higher than a 10 if i could. Biker Boyz was well put together and was very interesting. It was a good movie with little violence,and it is also a more real approach to what a Bike crew really does. Everyone thinks that all they do is race around. They are just like a football team. I wish they would come out with Biker Boyz 2. There was drama in the movie but it went with the story line. I think that there was not an over kill of it and not to little it was very balanced. I wish that people would give it a chance and see the movie for what it is and not just a bike movie. If you sit and watch it you can really get into it. I can watch this movie anytime and day and have seen it at least 15 times. "Burn Rubber not Your Soul" is one of the best catch phrases I have heard in a movie. Stating to be true to your self. What other movies can you say that about. Everyone is so caught up in non reality and homosexuality. Lets keep our minds open instead of passing judgment. I mean we are giving movies like Broke Back Mountain better reviews that a movie that for once doesn't demonstrate that.
Kaine82 In fact, the story is very low! But the ultimate plus in that movie . . . ahh come on, tell me . . .! Right, the bike scenes!All of them! I was 21 as I saw the movie and i bought a Honda CBR600 '99! Now I'm 22 and I love to ride my devil on two wheels!It is a small (600) Bike but with an top speed of 278KMH, really enough to take! I live in Germany so, no speed-limits--> think about that! Driving on the highways around my country as fast as possible!With my club of 12 Biker BoyZ/GirlZ! It is really fun! No one wants to be the Fu*** best. we all just drive together!After all being a biker is cool and fun!