R | 15 September 2000 (USA)
Bait Trailers

Landing in jail for a petty theft crime, Alvin finds himself sharing a cell with John Jaster, the incarcerated half of the pair of high-tech thieves responsible for the missing gold. His partner, Bristol, is still at large. Alvin wants only to get out of prison and start fresh with his girlfriend, Lisa, and when the Feds, led by U.S. Treasury investigator Clenteen, set him loose on a sketchy deal, he thinks his luck has changed. Alvin has his freedom and the Feds have found their bait.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Rio Hayward All of these films share one commonality, that being a kind of emotional center that humanizes a cast of monsters.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Newsense I am amazed at how this movie(and most others has a average 5 stars and lower when there are crappy movies averaging 7 to 10 stars on IMDb. The fanboy mentality strikes again. When this movie came out just about everyone slammed it. Even my ex-girlfriend said this movie questionable. Years later I sat down to watch this movie and I found myself enjoying. Even laughing quite a bit. This and The Replacement Killers are the movies that had people labeling the director Antoine Fuqua as the black Michael Bay. I don't see how since most of Fuqua's movies are smarter than anything Michael Bay has came up with. At any rate...Story: Alvin Sanders(Jamie Foxx) is former convict that is used by a no-nonsense Treasury agent Edgar(David Morse) as a pawn to catch a killer named Bristol(Doug Hutchinson). Alvin's every moves are tracked by a bug implanted in his jaw after an accident. While these agents are after Bristol, Bristol is after the gold bricks that were taken in a heist gone awry.Jamie Foxx is funny as well as great as Alvin Sanders. Alvin is a fast-talker that is a lot smarter than he lets on. Doug Hutchinson is okay as Bristol. He can be over-the-top sometimes in his John Malkovitchesque demeanor. He was better here than he was as Looney Bin Jim in Punisher: War Zone. David Morse is good as the hard edged treasury agent. Even Mike Epps is funny as Alvin's brother Stevie. Both him and Jamie had some funny moments on screen.The only flaw of the movie is the some of the attempts at a thriller fall flat. The scenario at the horse race track is way over-the-top but I couldn't look away. The director went all out there so he gets points for that. Plus the bomb scene with the treasury agent tied to a chair while the detonator rests on the door was pretty nifty.All in all Bait is not a bad movie by a long shot. Its never boring, its always funny and I wasn't checking my watch every minute. That should count for something. Bait is one of the most underrated movies of 2000 period.PS: to the reviewer that claimed this movie is too violent.... How long have you been living under a rock? I'm pretty sure you've seen the Die Hard series and EVERY movie by Quentin Tarantino. But those movies aren't violent right? Weirdo.
bless1 This is a really interesting movie. It is an action movie with comedy mixed in. Foxx teams up with comedian Epps in this movie to give it a comedic spin. It will keep you wondering whats going to happen to Foxx next. It was a well shot movie, the director used the right colors in this movie(dark blue colors) to give it the right kind of feel. Kimberly Elise also starred in this movie and it is always a pleasure to see her on the big screen. She plays her role well. Even Jamie Kennedy is in this movie. It's worth seeing it you haven't seen it. It's definitely worth having if you are a Jamie Foxx fan. It deserves more credit than it is actually given.
sebastian_goofy Now, some people say this is just your standard genuine popcorn movie- and they're right. There is no big surprise, no overly brilliant acting, no twisted story, no well known producer (you all know who I'm talking about..)..But it's a very well made, nice to see movie. Acting is good. Or better, it's like it should be in any movie. Photography seems sometimes a little bit careless, but it's OK- it does the trick. Directing is well done.To get to this conclusion, I compared that flick to Last Boy Scout, because it's basically almost the same background. And I have to say: while LBS is supported by the acting of Bruce Willis, this movie is founded on the acting of each actor. They all do well, the evil guy is convincingly evil (flat character maybe, but hey- it's a popcorn flick, don't forget!), the effects are pleasing, the story is neat, and the director does his best to put all of this on the screen so you can enjoy the picture.What do you want more? A bag of popcorn.
MichaelOates "Bait" is the type of film that makes you say "Wow!!!! I enjoyed this film.There are several things I enjoyed about "Bait." The first thing was the villainous character played by Doug Hutchison. His character is played with excellence and brilliance.The second thing I enjoyed was the fact that the script seemed to be so unique in what was being played out on screen. When I watch movies I look for originality and I found this with "Bait." Finally, I enjoyed how "Bait" never let up from the beginning to the end. Also, each cast member brings something special to "Bait," which makes it much more dramatic and funny film. "Bait" is a film that will appeal to everyone who enjoys dramatic scenes as well as comedic scenes.