A Low Down Dirty Shame
A Low Down Dirty Shame
R | 23 November 1994 (USA)
A Low Down Dirty Shame Trailers

A black detective becomes embroiled in a web of danger while searching for a fortune in missing drug money. During the course of his investigation, he encounters various old connections, ultimately confronting the criminal responsible for Shame's expulsion from the force. He must also deal with two women, Angela, a beautiful old flame, and Peaches, his energetic but annoying sidekick.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Ortiz Excellent and certainly provocative... If nothing else, the film is a real conversation starter.
westside-surfer After all these years, I can finally scratch this one off the list. I'm a big fan of Keenen's work. Who doesn't love In Living Color and I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, c'mon now! But somehow Shame went under my radar.Straight up, it wasn't as good as I'm Gonna Git You Sucka, which is pure comedy gold. But it was definitely a perfect movie to watch after coming home from work and just wanting something that doesn't involve a lot of thinking but still fun to watch.Everything about this movie is pretty mediocre: the action lacks explosions, the gun play is a little tame, and the bad guy isn't very "bad." What saves this movie is Keenen's charisma. The dude is really funny and can carry flimsy plot all the way to the end. It felt as if he were missing an equally strong partner, such as Lethal Weapon's set up, but Jada sorta fills that role with her strong personality. I just wish they would have given her more screen time.All in all, cool movie to chill out with.
Bob-45 More a series of sketches and action set pieces than a coherent movie, `A Low Down Dirty Shame' succeeds because it is basically good natured. That's pretty hard to imagine in a movie full of bloody violence and `trash talk,' but it is the same kind of good naturedness that made Keenan Ivory Wayan's other work so likeable `I'm Gonna Get Ya, Sucka, In Living Color'. I've never thought much of Wayans as an actor, but he has a gift few actors possess, i.e., the uncanny ability NOT to take himself seriously. He's relaxed and funny, even when much of what occurs around him is not. Wayan's the producer, on the other hand, can be quite edgy, and his work milks a lot of humor from negative stereotypes, particularly of his own race. It should be no secret that Wayans' work has a big following among white southerners, for reasons likely quite different than those of his black audience.The action set pieces in `. . . Shame' are as impressive as anything in a Bruce Willis movie. That's saying a lot. Other than Wayans, the actors in `. . . Shame' play everything pretty broadly. Charles Dutton comes off the worst, a disappointment considering his impressive work in `Alien 3' and the TV series `Roc'. Salli Richardson, besides being luscious (a light-skinned Pam Grier, without the big tits) does a serviceable job. However, I could have done without `motormouth' Jada Pinkett. You guys who find her attractive in this movie get what you deserve. POSSIBLE SPOILER: The `twist' when Wayans suddenly becomes `supercool' seriously undermines the credibility of the movie. His firepower alone would equal a cop's annual salary. Throw in that wardrobe and car and one wonders whether Wayans was on the take, after all. However, this `twist' convinces me Wayans should have played John Shaft in the remake. NOTE TO PRODUCER WAYANS: YOU'RE NOT TOO OLD TO DO IT NOW! If the primary purpose of movies is to entertain, `A Low Down Dirty Shame' succeeds. You want plausibility? Look elsewhere.
actionpro As a huge fan of the genre, I was greatly disappointed with this Keenan Ivory Wayans vehicle. This movie plays upon every single cliche in the action/comedy genre. The jokes are lame and miss on almost every attempt, the heroic one-liners are ridiculous (ala Bowfinger's "Gotcha Suckers!"), and the plot is terribly predictable, moreso than the average action/comedy flick. You know exactly what's going to happen the moment "Shame" appears and even the "extreme" plot twist towards the end is extremely predictable. Don't see this movie if you don't have to; instead, see something like 'The Last Boy Scout' starring the good Wayans brother, Damon.
hillari It was a shame that this movie couldn't have been 1) funny, and 2) faster paced. The plot was full of tired detective story cliches, including a plucky assistant who wants to get more involved in the action, a beautiful gun moll, and the cop who's main purpose is to berate the detective. Include stereotypical Hispanic gangsters, stereotypical gay men, and a friend of the cop who may not be whom he seems, and it adds up to poorly executed film. There were too many scenes that failed to move the plot along. In many spots, the movie came to a dead stop. Waynans, who did such great work on TV's "In Living Color", doesn't bring the same high quality to this movie. I'm glad I didn't see this in theaters when it was released. It doesn't make for a good video rental, either.