PG-13 | 29 October 2004 (USA)
Ray Trailers

Born on a sharecropping plantation in Northern Florida, Ray Charles went blind at seven. Inspired by a fiercely independent mom who insisted he make his own way, He found his calling and his gift behind a piano keyboard. Touring across the Southern musical circuit, the soulful singer gained a reputation and then exploded with worldwide fame when he pioneered coupling gospel and country together.

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Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
jeffybay Jamie Foxx deserves every drop of praise that he has received for this film. His performance goes beyond impersonation or embodiment, he simply becomes Ray Charles. It is such an amazing performance, that it serves to shine a light on some of the film's shortcomings. This is a largely by-the-numbers biopic that hits all the familiar beats -- drug abuse, family drama, breakout performances -- but Foxx elevates every moment of it.
Oliver Thatcher Watson This film is absolutely amazing. Not only with an absolutely stunning performance from Jamie Foxx, but with a poignant, yet heartwarming story, great acting, and great music. Jamie Foxx shines beautifully as Ray Charles, and there is nobody else that could've done it better, since he not only acted very well, but he also sang and actually played the piano. The story is absolutely fantastic in this film, as it's not only thought-provoking, but it's poignant and heartwarming. It surely goes on a great flow that works almost perfectly. And the music in this film is amazingly composed and sounds not only high quality, but overall very catchy, just like the original versions by Ray Charles himself. I recommend this film to those who are fans of Ray Charles, as well as to those who haven't seen it yet, as this film will more than likely pleasantly surprise anyone who hasn't seen it yet, like it has done to me. This is one of the best biopics I have seen and easily one of, if not Jamie Foxx's best film, as it's got much more than enough to impress many.
kosmasp Making the most out of ones situation. But also acknowledging the talent one has and being able to stand up to people trying to take advantage of you. And all that while not being able to see. Ray is a wonderful movie, that is not afraid to go to tough places and ask tough questions. It's also not just glorifying the person/musician many loved and still love for the music he made.No one starts from the top and especially back then, when you consider the color of the skin played a big role. While racism isn't gone and some could argue it resurfaced big again lately, this was made in a time when it seemed far away. Still Taylor Hackford is a great director and he knows how to get powerful performances out of his actors. Great story, great ups and downs and you don't even have to know much to really enjoy this human story ...
Irishchatter Jamie Foxx really did an outstanding performance of playing Ray Charles. Yes he didn't look like him or sound like him, he took the risks and did what he had to do in order to be recognized as Ray Charles. I found the storyline pretty interesting because I never heard of the guy before until I saw the Blues Brothers movie like a few years ago. Its not easy being a blind person and touring around the world without knowing what's going on visually. But hey if Stevie Wonder can do it then Ray Charles or any other blind artists can do it also! :) As long as you are talented, hard working and a good decent advocate, you have got the job buddy! Man,the music was so uplifting in this film,I just danced and sang the songs out loud (lucky enough no one was at home). I mean if the man himself was alive today and came to my country to play a concert, heck I will be the first in the queue haha! Seriously though, Ray Charles is a legend!!