Attack the Block
Attack the Block
R | 29 July 2011 (USA)
Attack the Block Trailers

A teen gang in a South London housing estate must team up with the other residents to protect their neighbourhood from a terrifying alien invasion.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
xerodroid What a horrible, tasteless, tacky POS! This movie epitomized the mindless drill that millennials have become! This movie is made to be played in the background as you do housework to drown out the sound of the vacuum, that's about all it's good for, or maybe, I couldn't even finish that sentence, that's how mind numbingly BAD this movie is!
airsnob So I actually bought this movie - rented - after I read the reviews and saw the ratings and , I mean, people were raving about this movie like it was made of gold. Now see I live in a country where Trump is president so it all makes sense now. People just like dumb sh**. So basically if you're over 30 and you stopped smoking weed ( that's a big one) this movie is just going to be dumb. Idk, maybe it's me- I don't like drug movies either ... i mean if you're not impressed by gangs or English slang / Ebonics, this won't be that great. It's a kids movie and I imagine kids who relate with the characters... to me , I just from the very first scene I wanted the lead actor to die and get killed by the alien. I couldn't believe that the movie was going to actually be about this group of punk kids.. but again, makes total sense nowadays . j didn't think it was funny or smart or anything. But I lived a pretty crazy lifestyle for most of my youth and I'm just over it .. smoked more weed all that. I think this movie is for people who wish they lived like this or kinda think they are like this in their heads or the other option. Just immature and stupid with really easy to meet needs as far as film goes - action, etc. I don't want to sound like Debbie downer- I mean the acting is great , the script is realistic. As far as dialogue, and it's a well produced movie. Its cute . I just wanted to warn the adults out there that this is not the movie for you if you're smart and like I said over 30 and stopped smoking weed. It isn't even entertaining - because if you don't think smart ass kids or smoking weed or gang mentality and gang bangers are funny or cool you'll just be bored as fu**. That is basically the only thing to the movie .. the plot is simple.
sykespj Since its' 2011 debut, this gem from rookie writer/director Joe Cornish has slowly worked its way into the sci-fi consciousness. The film also proves you can still make fun action movies that ooze a social conscience... and therein lies the magic.The movie kicks off with a South London teenage gang - led by a black Moses - mugging a young white woman. Immediately, my sense of social justice kicked in and I thought: "I'm going to hate this. Should I just turn it off now?" Glad I didn't.After a while I began to realize that the movie is about the enemy within... in this case represented by shadowy alien beasts invading "the block". Every time the film throws us an answer, it leads to yet another question. As others have pointed out, the movie is by no means perfect. But its' many good points far outweigh its' minor flaws.The performances are uniformly good to excellent. The special effects, while not brilliant, defy the movie's minuscule budget. All in all an impressive effort by Joe Cornish.Peter Sykes (Sci-Fi Lists)
huh_oh_i_c I picked this movie from a list of the "25 best SciFi movies of the 21st century, so far" mainly because of the poster: What Scifi movie has black people on the poster? On average, zero. So when I finally got to see it, I was happy to see this wasn't a social commentary movie, documentary styled movie (not that there's anything wrong with those), it was a genuine high production value type of movie. Also, the acting is quite good, if not excellent: Certainly Boyega does a lot of damage with his sullen looks and strong silent thing. But the members of his crew are quite good actors and the unforgettable young actors who play Probs and Mayhem deserve huge applause. In America, these two would be huge Disney stars with their own show. Also, Jodie Whittaker does a good job as the Designated White Pretty Girl.It isn't a comedy, but it's funny like "Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels" or "Snatch". While the story line is not all that new, it's still a surprise to see the kids retreat inside the block, rather than trying to flee it. Of course, they go to what they know, but still.And if this is a low production value movie, it doesn't show it. The CGI for the creatures is above average. Perhaps some of it was just actors in suits? This is just a great film, great entertainment, and special mention for the London slang, it's totally funny but every one outside of London should probably get a subtitled version. BELIEVE!The Melancholic Alcoholic.