You Instead
You Instead
R | 11 May 2012 (USA)
You Instead Trailers

Two feuding rock stars get handcuffed together for 24 hours at a music festival where they are both due to perform.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Micransix Crappy film
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
rachelandfilms The one thing I love about the British film industry is that it's not afraid to take some risks. They fund independent projects which don't always make a lot of money, but they don't care, or at least that isn't there number one priority. They don't reproduce a set of Hollywood- idealized plots, and they don't make sequels or prequels as if they're life depended on it. What they do is even better - they make something original. And originality and quality is what we have with Tonight You're Mine – its quirky, its British and its bloody good.It tells the story of two feuding rock stars who are handcuffed together for 24 hours at T-in-the-Park where they are both due to perform. Obviously a whole host of random drunken debauchery ensues and we see how, in the midst of the madness of brilliant music and classic British weather, their relationship develops from one of feuding and bickering to friendship and romance. Maybe not love, because come on, we British aren't deluded, you don't fall in love with someone in 24 hours, but you can fall 'in'. Big difference. This is something the film does rather brilliantly – it depicts the 'in'.If you would like to read the rest of my thoughts on this film then visit this site (
Tom Appleby It must have been an absolute nightmare to try to shoot a watchable film at a wet festival over one weekend. There's the odd really lovely piece of camera-work tucked away in here and the whole thing beautifully captures the festival experience with a surprisingly unobtrusive but mesmerizing music score. Great to see a cast of more or less unknowns, putting to shame bigger names and far bigger budgets. Not every film has to shock or nudge the audience into exploring some hidden dark side of themselves. Sometimes films are there just to record the lighter side of life, and this is one of them. A pleasant stroll through T in the Park ..... nothing wrong with that.
terrellrobinson71 Thank heavens for "Tonight You're Mine" (or its original title in the U.K.: "You Instead"), a movie that manages to exceed my expectations for a story like this. Undeniably sweet, magical and occasionally funny at times, this rock and roll gem will surprise you from start to finish. It's also the kind of movie you can watch on a rainy day and you can still have a good time. Luke Treadaway from the "Clash of the Titans" remake and "Attack the Block" stars as Adam, one-half of the American rock band "The Make". His day is not starting to go well. He's supposed to perform at the "T in the Park" music festival in Scotland. While that happens, he happens to be handcuffed, thanks to a scheming minister, with Morello (Natalia Tena, Nymphadora Tonks from the "Harry Potter" film series), the band leader for the British female rock group "The Dirty Pinks", (who also have to perform at the festival) after some bitter arguments. All of this takes place at that festival and throughout the movie, Adam and Morello has to find a way to break out of those cuffs, play their gigs, and---possibly---make a magical connection that might find themselves in love. I know you think that this is another one of those groan-inducing rom-coms, but trust me, this is much different than that. Clocking in a rather fast time of 80 minutes, "Tonight You're Mine" has a heart that pulsates with energy and a soul that rollicks with a staggering sweetness. It's hard to believe that Treadaway (with a very solid American accent) and Tena are very talented (Singing and playing guitar/keyboard) on- and off-screen. But they are and they accomplished that in spades. Their chemistry together is incredible. The music in the film is amazing. It's like listening to a mix tape that you made before, but never listened to it until now and it happens to be a very eclectic mix tape filled with many different sounds. (One of the standouts of that mix tape is Adam and Morello performing "Tainted Love" on stage.) I give director David Mackenzie (of the sexually charged "Young Adam", the Ashton Kutcher disaster "Spread", and the mind-boggling "Perfect Sense") credit for taking us inside the actual "T in the Park" festival. It must have been very difficult to shoot in the festival for 4-5 days, bringing a lot of pressure on the actors. But it feels very authentic, real and organic. What also works is that Mackenzie and screenwriter Thomas Leveritt gives the characters a lot of humanity, including Adam's model girlfriend (Ruta Gedmintas), Morello's on-again, off-again boyfriend (Alastair Mackenzie, the director's brother), Adam's other half Tyko (Mathew Baynton) and the sleazy manager (Gavin Mitchell), who nearly hits on women when he's drunk. Yes, there are no surprises. But there's nothing to be surprised about anyway, except for a couple of them. That's why "Tonight You're Mine" is really magical in many ways possible. You won't be disappointed. Give this film a go.
zjsmom03 Look. This movie is not going to win any awards. It's very short and honestly, there's NOT a whole lot of actual story here. However, I thought it was a nice little distraction. I enjoyed the chemistry between the two main characters. Are they gonna win Oscars for their acting? Eh. They were obnoxious but I liked them. The music was great. I loved hearing all the new songs and hearing some old ones in a whole new way. Actually, I really enjoyed all of the music in the movie. Is this movie gonna change your life? Nope. It's definitely not going to do that. Sometimes a movie just is what it is and that's OK! Give it a chance....