In Your Eyes
In Your Eyes
NR | 20 April 2014 (USA)
In Your Eyes Trailers

Two seemingly unconnected souls from different corners of the United States make a telepathic bond that allows them to see, hear and feel the other's experiences, creating a bond that apparently can't be broken.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Bardlerx Strictly average movie
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
emma munns I absolutely loved this movie. I turned it on with exactly zero expectations and was thoroughly wowed. The story line is simple enough, but the acting is superb; especially so as the main characters only have one scene together. The facial and physical reactions to each other are subtle, full of nuance and evoked so much pathos I found it fairly staggering. There were moments I laughed out load during the movie, but it is definitely not a rom-com. Nor a dramedy either. It is essentially a drama which deals with love and mental health in a very unique, light and unusual way. If you in anyway enjoy a romantic movie which is full of quirks; I'm talking 'Safety Not Guaranteed', 'Her', 'Non-transferable', then you will probably fall head over heals with this little gem!
Shawn Mulligan It's dangerous to hype a movie in a review while not tainting the reader's perspective and set expectations too high. A perfect example for me as a movie goer was My Big Fat Greek Wedding. Everyone claimed it was so fantastic that when I finally got to see it, I really had to ask myself what the hype was about.So, that is my quandary in talking about this little film that nobody seems to have seen but should have. I saw the film listed on a blog of sleeper films still available on Netflix (and it's on Amazon, too). The short trailer definitely piqued my interest with its unique premise and unmistakable charm. The film stars Zoe Kazan and Michael Stahl-David - two actors I had not seen on screen before. Written by Joss Whedon and directed by Brin Hill the film tells the story of two people connected in a seemingly supernatural way. Becky (Kazan) and Dylan (Stahl-David) suddenly discover that they can experience each others senses yet they've never met and are practically on opposite sides of the country from one another.The fact that the unique premise of the film comes from the delightfully talented Whedon was no surprise to me at all. While Whedon is mostly known for the man behind cult hits like Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel and Firefly, his great body of writing work include monster hits like the Avengers, the tremendously clever The Cabin in the Woods and now this remarkably charming gem.Brin Hill's directing credits are not nearly as well known as Whedon's but she takes his incredibly unique and simple story and gives it elegant life. She takes the concept of two minds connected in an inexplicable way and makes it not only plausible but exceptionally real. The two leads fantastically bring their characters to life and the chemistry between them is truly palpable despite the fact that they rarely share the screen at the same time.The plot takes a little bit to get moving but if you can muster through the opening minutes that paint the background for these characters, in just the next few moments they will connect with you and not let go. There are warm laughs, witty dialogue, quirky awkwardness and even tension as the story unfolds before you. It's uncommon tale is woven together brilliantly capturing the passion, complexity and beauty of Becky and Dylan's unexpected and unimaginable romance.In a Hollywood landscape filled with remakes, big budget blunders, overly sexed and violent films - In Your Eyes brings back the elegance of storytelling that is so rare today. This is an exceedingly charming film that is sure to both entertain and delight.
Alexandru Lapadat ...bottle of wine and spend 2 hours with this movie. Excellent combination 😊 you will either love it or take it as a soapy opera. your choice. it's a nice love story, better than one expects. maybe the wine is kicking, but i can tell that you will follow both the wine and the action. just keep a clear mind, don't expect that the movie will be more than a dream, and you are all set up to have the next two days happy that you have spent two hours of your life watching this movie.
yossarian100 The lead roles seem like they were written especially for Zoe Kazan and Michael Stahl-David. Five minutes with them and I couldn't picture anyone else playing their characters. Zoe Kazan, especially, took my breath away.The movie captures the magic of the story quite well, and the pacing is excellent. I appreciated the director's willingness to stay with the main characters, instead of trying to develop secondary characters. Nothing fancy about the camera work or the storytelling. They told the story and they got the job done."In Your Eyes" is a great example of this genre, and if you don't see it, the rest of us will know.