Chasing Madoff
Chasing Madoff
| 26 August 2011 (USA)
Chasing Madoff Trailers

A look at how one investigator spent ten years trying to expose Bernie Madoff's massive Ponzi scheme that scammed an estimated $18 billion from investors.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Wordiezett So much average
Lawbolisted Powerful
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
whidbeydanielg The basic story was ripe for an excellent documentary. It was about how a small group of people tried warning others about Madoff. They failed, but not for lack of trying, and good for them for trying.However, the documentary itself is far too dramatic. After awhile it was tiring to hear the small group tout itself as being extraordinarily brave. The main guy who stuck with it ended up looking as disturbed as Madoff--living in a paranoid fantasy world where his family was in constant danger.It runs about an hour and a half. It would have been a very good 50-minute documentary. But it drags on and on, often not getting anywhere.Too bad. It had a real story to tell.Also missing is any investigative reporting, after the fact, about why the people who were alerted (looking at you SEC, Wall Street Journal) didn't act? We still don't know why from this documentary.
smits59 The story of Bernie Madoff is well known; the biggest Ponzie-scheme ever! Less well known is how Madoff was de-cloaked. Chasing Madoff tells this story, but not in a very well executed way. The speed of the movie is more like a MTV-clip than a documentary. And I found this distracting. Also quit a lot of the time the movie constitutes of people telling how good they themselves were in catching Madoff. With all due respect for the people who brought Madoff to justice; I would have enjoyed it much more if the story was told at a slower pace and if at had been a story about the hunters. All The Presidents Men is an great example what could have been....
eurograd This documentary explores very interesting aspects of what went on behind the curtains while the massive Bernie Madoff's scheme developed, expanded and ultimately collapsed.However, the documentary wastes the potential by using a very weak and wacky personal storyline anchor, which becomes repetitive and ultimately annoying after one of the main subjects starts putting out his paranoia for the n-th time. The end result is a clumsy piece that bumps from a few high moment between a repetitive cycle of self-pity, delusion and confused thoughts of a man that slide into it after not seeing any results from his push to expose a major fraud in the making.
Eric (eric-1268) Well, what a huge disappointment that was. "A look at how one investigator spent ten years trying to expose Bernie Madoff's massive Ponzi scheme."Too bad this one investor, Harry Markopolos, turns out to be one of the most uninteresting people alive. I was looking forward to get detailed information on Madoff, but unfortunately I got to see Markopolos parents, school, church, his extreme paranoia about getting killed and loads of other information I didn't care about.The information in this documentary could have been cut to +/- 30 minutes without all of the useless stuff. It's a shame, because this documentary could have been really great if it would provide more information about Madoff himself.