Two Night Stand
Two Night Stand
R | 26 September 2014 (USA)
Two Night Stand Trailers

After an extremely regrettable one night stand, two strangers wake up to find themselves snowed in after sleeping through a blizzard that put all of Manhattan on ice. They're now trapped together in a tiny apartment, forced to get to know each other way more than any one night stand should.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Micitype Pretty Good
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
darnthatdream Megan has got to be one of the most self absorbed, immature and boring characters ever put on film. Why is Alec, a drag himself, even dealing with this behavior? Yes, of course, they are snowed in.. and sex. What else is there besides those two boring characters, performed by two dull actors? Not much..
expe67 i read some pretty bad reviews from others.OK the movie had no originality.but you knew that ,when you read in the review "two strangers stuck in a place".the actors i thought were playing simple but OK,and young people,or actors ,can sometimes escape bad criticism because hey it is just a little movie,a little romance,and if you think the actors are cute and kind of likable it passes the time.that's what i think about the movie.and i wanted to watch it till the end although yes i knew what was going to belief is that there is a category of movies that you simply should not judge too harsh.actually the whole thing depends not entirely on the script but in the chemistry of the actors.and i thought these guys were pretty much OK hanging around together.having said that,it was not a great love story or anything as such.but i do not think they intended it to be.i give it a six and a half rating.
threestarandsevenlip I started watching this movie on 31/12/2015 @ around 12:45 am but left watching it in the middle because I was not finding it interesting and entertaining but I gave this movie one more try and started watching it again from where I left it on 31/12/2015 around 1:35 am and completed watching this movie on 31/12/2015 @ 7:30 pm - 08:00 pm . And I'm glad that I gave it one more try and I'm not saying that this movie is great but this movie is really good and its worth your time , just hang on till the end because you will be surprised as I was by this movie. In the beginning I thought that I must not have watched this but as the movie got over , I thought that I'm happy because I watched it . It may be predictable to all of you but it was not predictable to me . It is 12:26 am in India on 01/01/2016 and It is New Year and guess what I was doing in the beginning of it, first I gave rating to this movie and at 12:04 am and again 12:05 am I received a call from My niece and She wished me "Happy New Year" and I wished her "Happy New Year" and after that I started writing my feelings for this movie which was not on "My New Years Resolution" and do not have any ( I do not know why) . This is the sixth movie for which I'm expressing my feelings in the form of review on and I am really glad that I did . So what I did in the beginning of 01/01/2016 ? 1) I rated this movie , 2) I talked to my Niece , 3) I expressed my feelings for this movie. For me its 8******** Stars :-) ****** Happy New Year ******** to all of You :-) Have a great time and a great year ahead :-)
lukagnamus I must say this is the type of movie I often prefer at tired days, like when being hungover. It is the classic romantic comedy with intelligent humor and just the right amount of romance.The story is simple with a really targeted ending and you can't get lost in it. Megan (Annaleigh Tipton) is the typical break-up suffering girl who wants to get her life back on track and therefore signs in on a dating site expecting a simple one night stand. She connects with Alec (Miles Teller) and the expected thing happens. However, it gets complicated when a snowstorm blocks her way out of the building/apartment next day, so she is stuck with her yesterday's not much liked lover. I won't continue to sum up the rest because it is really a great pack of funny events, character teasing, good romance and a little educational value that should not be spoiled.To explain the 7 stars: The acting is good and the same is the chemistry between characters/actors. The scenario and dialogs are really good, but the top is definitely the intelligent sense of humor. What I missed is a better directing job which is solid but not good enough to be recognized. Also there is the ending I haven't liked and the lack of some good music.Summed up I recommend the movie, especially at lazy days or for hangover 'treating'. Could also work for a dating movie, try it.