Are You Here
Are You Here
R | 22 August 2014 (USA)
Are You Here Trailers

When Steve Dallas, a womanizing local weatherman, hears that his off-the-grid best friend Ben Baker has lost his estranged father, the two return to Ben's childhood home. Once there, they discover Ben has inherited the family fortune, and the ill-equipped duo must battle Ben's formidable sister and deal with his father's gorgeous 25-year old widow.

Majorthebys Charming and brutal
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Reno Rangan It was something different, if you are fed up with the same old, the same old storylines keep repeating in all the Hollywood films. That made me keep watching it. Never was boring, but definitely should have been better in the overall story section. Because it looks more a cinematic than the real. Especially Owen Wilson character. Only fools let him near them as whatever happened in the film. But that's quite perfected since Zach's role was close to one.This is about two friends, one works in a new channel and the other one a hippie. When one of their rich father dies, they return to the hometown, that's going to change their fortune forever. But within siblings, a conflict arises and in the following events told how everything unfolds. I liked the cast. It was a wonderful combination. It was a comedy, though not a hard hitting one, neither a message film. Just a timepass film. For once watching, it is not a bad at all.6/10
ejonconrad This is an interesting movie, and far from perfect, but it has a certain charm and in the end I enjoyed it.First of all, the movie is not a comedy, or really even a "dramedy". There are a few laughs at the beginning, but by halfway through, it becomes a straight drama.It also starts out looking like it's going to be a straight up formula movie, but it ends up (mostly) avoiding that, and I really didn't know how it was going to the end.The centerpiece of the movie was Zach Galifianakis' performance as a man suffering from manic depression. The movie avoids the usual Hollywood tendency to romanticize the issue, and ends up portraying it in a very grown up and believable way.Owen Wilson gives a good performance, too, but his role is a little more clichéd and predictable.The bottom line is I wouldn't have paid money to see this, but it was a decent way to pass a couple hours on Netflix.
Gregorio Jait Thing is, this is not comedy, definitely not a classic romance story. The message it delivers is a hint of a more deep line. The false reality of things we are teach to want... Sure the story has a couple problems whit internal integrity and coherence, but the characters feel real !! real people... not some cartoon sister craving for the gold or a "hippie" against the system. Its truly remarkable the work the actors did to (at least in my case)make me forget it was a Hollywood movie. And i believe that the same thing i found so amazing is why is underrated. Its really not commercial. Most of todays indie films are gross commercials productions (all comedies sure are), the only thing that changes is the public, a more refined public or a less one. Doesn't matter... Profit does. "Are you here" doesn't try to be more that what it is.. and that is refreshingP.S The physical change of Galifianakis is comparable to that of Christian Bale in "the machinist"
OzoFriendly Let me start by saying that had the film ended with Steve's final reunion with Ben, I would probably have bumped my rating to a 7, feeling it might even have deserved an 8.Sadly, it seems as though the writers were forced to obviate pretty much all the clever characterisation of the first 100 minutes by contriving an ending that might keep the gum-chewing knuckle-draggers happy as they left the cinema chuckling over the treatment of trees and chickens.And just in case you were at all uncomfortable with the serious undertones on which these moments were predicated, here's some cheap 'comedy' music to accompany the 'funny' bits.On a positive note, I found the writing - where it seemed true to the spirit of the story - to be intelligent, witty and occasionally very moving.Zach Galifianakis and Amy Poehler were both excellent, Laura Ramsay was angelic, and while Owen Wilson was inanely typecast as Steve Dallas, he had the odd moment of depth, too.In the end though, I suspect "Are You Here?" was first written for a smart audience but ultimately needed to sell to a dumb one, then failed to entirely satisfy either.