R | 03 July 2014 (USA)
Tammy Trailers

For Tammy, a burger-joint employee, a bad day keeps getting worse. She wrecks her car, loses her job and finds that her husband has been unfaithful. It's time for Tammy to hit the road, but without money or transportation, her options are limited. Her only choice is a road trip with her hard-drinking grandmother, Pearl, who has a car, cash and an itch to see Niagara Falls. It's not the escape Tammy had in mind, but it may be what she needs.

Teringer An Exercise In Nonsense
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
loseralley All these negative reviews?? I love watching this movie it made me laugh. It was a feel good movie.
Eka Herlyanti At first, the comedy looked so funny. What a poor woman, Tammy is. But you are so so so stubborn. But until Tammy got fired (or resigned according to herself), the story became so flat. It was too constrained. Almost all of it. The comedy became too mainstream to me. And maybe if the story only focus to Tammy, I mean not about a grandchild babysitting a grandmother, the story would be stronger. I myself had prepared to see how Tammy's handle the chaos in her life, but I didn't get what I want. It's more about the grandma's life.I really hate Susan's hair. Can you get a better wig to look old? And... If I didn't read the blurb after I finish the movie (Yes, I always read the blurb after, not before), i would be so lost about this movie. I wouldn't see the point.
L Hines Tammy Movie Review Tammy, starring Melissa McCarthy is a waitress at a fast food burger place whose day couldn't get any worse. She destroys her car, gets fired from her job, and finds her husband at her home with another woman. Fed up, she has an urge to just leave and get away but she has limited options. She doesn't have money nor a car, which leaves her one other option... A road trip with her grandmother.Tammy is a great movie. The acting was good, it was funny, and it was entertaining. The role of Tammy was played well. As the audience, I wondered what would happen next. She appears to be a loser who is her own worst enemy. Throughout the movie she is hit with bad luck. She tends to blame everyone else but herself for her problems, but she sees nothing wrong in her eyes. From her perspective, she's just being the best that she could be. This comedy was directed by Ben Falcone. The main character, Tammy, is purposely set up to undergo the events that occurred. She makes the movie funny by committing to the role and actions she has taken. She doesn't put much thought into what she's doing and acts nonchalant during most situations. An example would be when Tammy had to come up with money for an unexpected emergency. She was also overwrought during that time. What made it really funny is that she think she's doing everything the right way, but she's slowly getting herself into trouble. Her actions led up to making the movie entertaining. I enjoyed the entertainment throughout the different scenes played. Tammy basically set herself up for failure, as she knew that her ridiculous actions would have a negative outcome. She puts herself in humiliating predicaments, making a shameless reputation for herself. She has a mind of her own. She goes for what she believes and wants to prove everyone wrong. She just takes everything in the wrong direction and doesn't realize it until it's too late. This is a silly comedy that would definitely have you laughing at some moments. If you're looking for a comedy movie to enjoy and get a laugh out of, I would recommend Tammy. It is a great movie because it's funny, the acting was good, and it was entertaining.
Melania Marianu Tammy.. is how my opposite person would be like.She is careless, reckless, picks on people, is quite offensive, but... as the events unfold, she is also sensitive, deeply loyal to her family, and.. goofy. It was quite exhausting for me to watch her train of thoughts and actions, but in the end it was all worth it because the movie had a beautiful positive ending.Susan Sarandon - not so old to play a granny, not so convincing, not so believable. I haven't enjoyed seeing Kathy Bathes either, for that matter, and the troubles of having an alcoholic in the family seem redundant and melodramatic.