What a freaking movie. So many twists and turns. Absolutely intense from start to finish.
a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Janae Milner
Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Britain is switching from Pounds to Euros. A gang of thieves rob a train loaded with the old money to be incinerated. One of the bags of money falls into Damian (Alex Etel)'s playhouse. He's obsessed with religious saints and has fantasies. He's moved into a new house with his older brother Anthony and father after the death of his mother. Then a creepy man (Christopher Fulford) comes looking for the money.I love the fantastical style that Danny Boyle puts into this. It's backed up by a heart warming story and a very cute Alex Etel. The boy's innocence is adorable and heartbreaking. The saints are such a wonderful and unusual touch. It's a family movie that doesn't play down to the kids. It is funny and packed with interesting ideas.
Millions begins with the kind of colorful fantasy sequence that lent sparky life to Boyle films like Trainspotting and The Beach, and it continues with an appallingly funny segment in which 9-year-old McGibbon teaches his 7-year-old brother Etel that by mentioning their mother's recent death, they can extort all manner of gifts from guilty, uncomfortable adults. (When the moralistic Etel asks if this is "completely honest," McGibbon bitterly retorts, "Completely dead, isn't she?") But the film doesn't hit its stride until a sack of money falls from the sky onto Etel's head. After counting the loot, which comes to more than 200,000 pounds, McGibbon insists that they keep it secret, lest the government demand a cut, but he nonetheless proceeds to purchase high-tech toys, buy himself a cadre of followers at his new school, and start looking into real estate. Meanwhile, the more religious Etel clumsily attempts to share his bounty with the poor. With the mandatory changeover from pounds to euros fast approaching, the boys have to spend the money before it becomes worthless, but its previous owner is operating on the same schedule, and his ruthless efforts to retrieve the cash throw a threatening note into what's otherwise a sweet, almost-straight-faced family drama. Millions is a very special and moving film, with a superb staff. Watch it!
kai ringler
thought that this was a great human feel good story. those two little boys did a remarkable job with it, the story goes like this,, a boy playing outside his house happens to get lucky when a bag is tossed out of a train,, unbeknownst to him at first it has over a quarter million pounds in it, well at first he doesn't know what to do with it, so he shows it to his older brother, then they come up with a few ideas for the money, one being to give away some of the money to the poor.. along the way the meet several characters,, "saints" , like Francis of Assisi, and so on and so forth, you see their mother is dead so they are really trying to find their mother, but as the movie goes on having all of this money leads to chaos and more problems for the boys, as they start getting people following them and pretending to be their friends,, soon they realize that having all of this money does more harm than good,, all in all i liked this movie very much,, i was surprised to find out that Danny Boyle from 28 days later had directed this one,, congratulations Danny on a job well done.
Theo Robertson
Danny Boyle is a film maker who has a very mixed success . His early career after the success of SHALLOW GRAVE and TRAINSPOTTING was seriously dented by the critical and commercial failure of A LIFE LESS ORDINARY . He made a great come back when 28 DAYS LATER became a surprise hit in the United States . Strangely he decided to follow this up by directing a strange family film type fantasy for BBC films . You have to hand it to Boyle , he's not someone who plays it safe but neither does he do his cause much good by making obscure movies in different genres One problem with Boyle it's been stated is that the second half of his films never maintain the standard of the first . The problem with MILLIONS is that he directs in a literally comic book style , very similar to the end style of A LIFE LESS ORDINARY . Peter Jackson has received heavy criticism by concentrating on visual directorial flourishes on THE LOVELY BONES when he should have concentrated more on narrative and Boyle probably makes the same mistake here when the film needs more of a intimate style than a cartoonish one The story itself becomes much engaging in the second half since it ditches its fantasy element and becomes much more of a conventional film . It's also interesting to realise how much it owes to Boyle's earlier SHALLOW GRAVE and there's a sequence where the protagonists watch an episode of WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLONAIRE , a TV show that was at the core of SLUMDOG MILLIONAIRE Having said this it's certainly one of Boyle's lesser films and you can understand why it wasn't an international hit . Perhaps this was the reason that made Boyle direct SUNSHINE , a movie that was supposed to be a science fiction epic but unfortunately got a limited release in the USA .