Shallow Ground
Shallow Ground
R | 28 April 2005 (USA)
Shallow Ground Trailers

A naked teenage boy covered in blood appears at a remote sheriff's station one year after the brutal unsolved murder of a local girl. Now Sheriff Jack Shepherd, guilt ridden over the girl's murder, must confront his own demons as he desperately searches for the boy's true identity and possible victims. Little does Jack realize that he has started down a path that will bring him face to face with an unthinkable horror. Before sunrise the living will pay for the pain the dead have suffered.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
GazerRise Fantastic!
Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
elliott78212 Lets do the bad first, some of the acting is barely adequate but overall acceptable and in moments good, at times the direction slows. Now the good even though the direction and pace slow it moves along the storyline never diverging into needless subtext. The plot line is very original from the moment the Blood Soaked Harbinger appears to the last reel. This movie grabs you, mesmerizing, scary, creepy on many levels and its never over the top gory or excessively violent. The secluded area begins to block you in creating an atmospheric claustrophobia, while the revelation of the killer is not as much a twist as it could have been you'll still find it satisfying.
djavh Shallow Ground is nothing but collection of stupid scenes that should be scary. But none of them are. I just don't know how to start disparage this movie. The film is just one big absurdity.The plot in this movie is like the essay of pupil. Lady loses the family because of new dam. Her husband and daughter dies when new dam is constructed ( It is interesting, what the hell her daughter had to do with dam development ). Then the old lady starts to kill family members of builders, engineers and etc. Then her victims cooperates and reborn as a boy. That boy ( somehow he is always bloody ) pursues the family members of killed humans ( remember that the boy consists of these victims ). We can see that boy almost in every shot, he always walks around, but almost no one can see him. Also he loves to make the blood come out of his nose and eyes. And also he writes graffiti with blood. And he has the ability to make trees and leaves bleed. There are several shots where boy and murders victims are covered with ants and other bugs. I don't know what should that mean.So, dead people, in shape of little boy, scares nearest relatives. In the end of the movie this boy finally realizes that he should scary not his devoted friends but his killer. Then he kills old lady very tellingly, but then, this lady transforms into super zombie creature and kills the boy more cruelly than he did. If you did not understand what i just said, then you can feel like you already saw this movie.So, I made my point about plot. Now, I would like to name some facts that i learned in this film.1. The best way to do everything safe is to tell your friends that they can't go anywhere alone. Then you leave them in the precinct with suspect and go to find out where this suspect came from.2. If you want to find out where the suspect came from, you need to go alone.3. The best way to see what the dude in cell did, is to step in the puddle of blood.4. If you want, that the policeman find the killer, you have to take his co-worker hostage.5. When you have a hostage, you should always grind your revolver into hostage leg, while your hostage is driving. There is no matter, that you are in the middle of forest at night.6. If old lady is angry, she can kill anybody. Then she binds her victim and loads it high into the tree (there is no matter that sometimes old lady kills males that should be hard to rise up).7. Zombies can make the electricity disappear.That's enough. So, as you can see, this film is crap. I am disappointed that such films have a rating 5.3 .I did not gave it 1 just because i gave 1 for "SHARKMAN", that still remains the biggest junk of all horror movies.I hope you will read this before you see this movie.Remember, I warned you.Sorry about my English
zzoaozz There's nothing new and revolutionary in this. But you know what, that's what sets it apart from any American horror movie I've seen in a long time. It has violence, gore, nudity, the supernatural, decent acting, spooky woods, and an obvious "start sequel here" ending. It was fun, well paced, nice to look at, and it made me feel good. It reminded me of what the first Evil Dead movie meant to be before it got the mistaken idea it was a comedy. It could be transported from today to the eighties to the seventies with ease. It's about darn time they started making horror movies again instead of pretentious little pieces of artistic fluff and torture/psycho/seen it all before regurgitated eighties tripe that really believes it is revolutionary. Yes I am a jaded horror fan, and you know what? I have a job. I buy movies, and tickets, and memorabilia... Hey Mr. Movie Studio Exec quit pandering to broke thirteen year olds who saw a pirated copy of your movies on their friend's computer, and start churning out more like this. I'll buy them. You'll make money. We'll both be happy.
debbie_harry this film from the beginning scared the hell out of me! so that was quite good because i usually find horrors amusing.however the plot was extremely confusing and instead of being scared i had to try and work out what was going on, who was bad, who was good, who was dead, who was alive etc etc another awful thing about the film was the poor sound volume quality. in tense moments, as all films do music tends to get louder and louder, however in most films you can hear the voices over it! i had no idea what was being said in these tense moments so it was ruined. however the DVD said it included subtitles for the hard of hearing, so i may have to re watch the film with the subtitles so i no whats going on!!! after all this moaning i have to congratulate it as there is a sense of mystery from the who's bad who's good side of it, the end definitely left a cliff hanger... 5 out of 10.. mainly for fear factor!on second watching...i now understand the plot... the people covered in blood are the souls of the dead who need revenge on the people who harmed then... hence why Helen was killed, as she had killed all of the souls in the "blood" boy. once they had killed the people who harmed them, their souls can be left to rest. so... the "blood" people aren't the "bad" guys in the films they are the "good" guys as they help the police to find out who the killer was... (of all the people who worked at the damn). the reason Helen was the killer is because she wanted revenge for her daughter and husband who died because of the damn.. phew!! confussling!! thanks to Megan who explained it to me! so i think it was a damn good film!! 8/10!!!!!!!