From Within
From Within
R | 25 April 2008 (USA)
From Within Trailers

When the citizens of a small evangelical town systematically begin committing suicide, a young girl struggling to reconcile her Christian upbringing with her desire to experience the outside world finds her faith put to the ultimate test.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Konterr Brilliant and touching
Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
rookpawn-38288 Most of the reviews are either complains about acting, or some praise directed towards unessential elements like where it was played or who did the cinematography etc.. I want to take this review to examine the actual storyline elements and show how this is actually a really good movie. Spoilers ahead.From the beginning we see a young "dark and moody" couple that are arguably really cliche, but if you watch the rest of the movie you will see that the young man who we witness his suicide by gun, that he is part of a completely destroyed family that the "locals" wrecked. It just so happens that the "Christians" in town burned his mom alive in a hut and covered it up to make it look like an accident because they thought his mom was a witch. So, the two "goth" boys basically flee but eventually come back. The older one is in fact, reciting a curse at the beginning of the movie ,and that he knowingly is going to sacrifice his girlfriend as well as part of this larger scheme of taking revenge on the whole city that burned his mom.Basically he's really wrong in doing this because its going to cost the life of his girlfriend, but at the same time he's trying to take vegeance for his mother against the town. What's interesting storywise is that this dynamic is rooted in both good and evil. Good because he loves his mother, so much so that he will act against those who killed her, but bad because paradoxically, he loves his mother too much that he can't see himself doing massive evil by killing his girlfriend (via the curse) as part of the necessary road to vegeance, which ironically, is exactly what Christians say about taking up the role of God to be the upon oneself to give judgement which is only going to lead to more misery. The movie's main villain is actually the boyfriend amped up by a good old witchhunt, literally. We are introduced to him in the most disgusting way, he starts talking about his penis to his girlfriend's daughter. He is clearly filth, yet he marches under the banner of God. i definitely think the movie wanted to play around with this idea of not just hypocrisy, but a social order that doesn't root out these villains and insteads enables and empowers them as leaders in their city.Yet at the same time the movie is presenting direct evidence of the eye-for-an-eye philosohpy that drives the older boy and its horrific consequences, that actually in some part, substantiate the claim of these disgusting so called Christians. I think in some ways, we are seeing a bit of the Hatfield and McCoys, and the tit-for-tat nature of vegeance. This is the core of my analysis, that the movie presents a very scary narrative in which many innocents are destroyed in this struggle, and we don't really side with anyone but are taken along for the ride. Very underrated horror movie and hats off the writer.
delomatrix I was very impressed with this movie, especially being it is from the 8 Films to Die For. Many of the "8 FTDF" are poorly made, have horrible acting and are just all around garbage. But not this one, this is a hidden gem. Filled with a strong cast, good timing and interesting scenes, this movie was really fun to watch! I have to disagree with another reviewer who said that Blatz was a bad actor. I felt he was the BEST actor in this film. The one actor who was needs more acting lessons was Amanda Babin. Her 5 minutes of acting made the film feel poorly made and since she was bad at acting it really took me out of the scene. Also, the makeup/special effects on Michelle Babin (her twin) in the scene looked cheap. I really did not like this one scene in particular. Besides this one scene, all of the other scenes where characters died were well done and the makeup/special effects looked strong. I would not say this movie is very scary but it was cool to watch and kept my interest the whole time. Overall, I felt this film had a unique story, one I've never heard of before (and I watch SO many horror movies). I really enjoyed the dark overtones and how morbid it was. The acting was great (besides Amanda) and I was VERY pleased with the ending. BE SURE TO WATCH THIS MOVIE! It is streaming right now on HBO/GO.
begob Suicide stalks the population of a religious town, one by one, until the heroine must save herself by dispelling the curse.This moves along at a fair clip, in Final Destination style, and the direction is good. The pursuit by dopplegangers is spooky, with a couple of mild jump scares, although the deaths are tame.Not so sure about the writing, as there are some clunky scenes, stereotypical characters (plus the cousin was there just for plot purposes), and it all wraps up with a ... chase through the woods. There are not just one, but two unconvincing crowd scenes where extras gather around in circles. However, there is a neat twist at the very end.The acting is OK, although the preacher's son seemed to have a giant zit under his makeup. Music lacked passion, but the piano nocturnes were good.Overall it felt overstuffed with elements that the writer struggled to wrap together, and the logic of the story meant the baddies were right all along.The long, scathing review just below is not unfair, but I found this passable entertainment.
fedor8 Conspiracy theorists should have a ball with this one: two Jews play small-town Bible-hugging baddies in a rabidly anti-Christian movie. You be the judge; I couldn't care less; both religions are equally silly. Speaking of silly… Scene One. Two boys are sitting on a river-shore. They kiss. So is this horror film going to have a politically correct gay sub-plot, too?No. It's not two boys. One of them is the daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore, the appropriately titled "Rumer" Willis. If I had to choose between a ridiculous name such as Rumer, and a normal girl's name such as Susan, I'd go for Rumer too: it fits her like a glove. The lip-pierced boy sitting next to her is one of the annoying actors from another disastrous horror flick, "Deadgirl".But FW has mercy on us poor viewers: only a minute into the movie, he shoots himself. He pulls the trigger and blows his tiny Hollywood brains, mere seconds after French-kissing Rumer. Coincidence? Kissing that woman would have driven the most mentally balanced man into suicide. But what about Rumer? When will she be killed off? How long before a hell's minion finally devours her or something? Not to worry, folks! Only a few minutes later, Rumer is killed off by the writers, too. Pew, what a relief! I don't have to watch this awful nepotistic produce for the rest of the movie.For every talentless, unattractive Rumer/Aniston/Dern that gets a movie career handed to her on a plate - just because her parents have great power in Hollywood and choose to wield it unjustly – there are 10,000 gorgeous and far more skilled aspiring young actresses that don't even ever get to audition for a toilet commercial. The main victims of this nepotistic corruption? We, the viewers. On second thought, who'd want to play in a cinematic turd such as FW?So it's quite fitting that Rumer's dad is played by yet another useless nepotist, Jared Harris, son of 60s movie star Richard Harris. Just watch Jared sob over Rumer's death: so utterly unconvincing; a perfectly awful display of nepotistic incompetence at its most horrible finest.FW has the usual run-of-the-mill horror-film BS, the standard to-be-expected one-dimensional cardboard stereotypes from the Horror Movie Guide To Making Useless Fluff: 1) the wise-beyond-her-years goody-two-shoes no-character-flaws-at-all girly, played by Rice, 2) the town bully (this time not a jock but the preacher's son!), played by the amazingly untalented Kelly Blatz who grimaces his way through this as if suffering a perpetual overdose of uppers; a dilettante (with the right Hollywood breeding), 3) the sensitive/shunned quiet loner – this time made to look and act like a whiny, depressed Emo, with horrible front hair that probably prevents him from seeing what's going on in the movie – which would certainly explain all the stupid decisions he makes, 4) the primitive, morally corrupt and stupid step-father, played with over-acting gusto by the very useless Adam Goldberg, 5) the unsympathetic alcoholic mother who dates losers, etc. Not to mention the usual boring clichés about small-town lynch-mob mentality and Christian fundamentalism. Hollywood, you damn bore, we know about self-righteous, corrupt, simple-minded Christian fundamentalists, you must have covered it in at least 90,000 movies. How about looking in the mirror for once, and giving us a movie about self-righteous, corrupt, simple-minded liberal Marxists, for a change? (The Christians worship the Big Black Book, the Marxists adore their Little Red Book; it's all the same crap to me.) At times, it seemed this movie focused much more on its obvious anti-Christian message than at furthering its horror plot – which appeared more like a sub-plot at times.Plenty of extremely silly shenanigans going on here. Here are the "highlights": 1) The scene when the preacher's son (Blatz) gives an impassioned religious speech to High School kids – who listen in awe(!!!) - is RIDICULOUS, perhaps the stupidest scene in this astonishingly dumb movie. 2) I said "perhaps". A scene that rivals it is Rice's kidnapping. This horse-manure of a plot-device has to be seen to be believed. 3) When Rice enters Emo's house and starts reporting about possession – right after another spate of murders – Emo's cousin from NY starts playing tritonic (evil-sounding) chords on the piano. I guess the director must have given her soundtrack duties as well (and seeing as how she can't act at all, that's just as well: makes herself at least useful that way). 4) The moronic plot-twist that has the hated outcast family at the center of the evil-demon witchery – making the movie's entire anti-Christian message almost obsolete! It turns out that the evil redneck (Goldberg) and the grimacing Blatz were RIGHT about wanting to kill them. Duh. (Who wrote this crap?) 5) Goldberg's utterly cretinous speech just before he burns Emo's piano-playing NY cousin.6) And you'll never guess FW's amazingly idiotic major plot-twist: it turns out the town's head preacher had a GAY AFFAIR with the boy who drowned in the lake, i.e. he was the one who had killed him! You've got to love the unintentionally comic mind of this turd's hopelessly confused writer.At first I was confused why Emo took the cousin's gun along with him. We all know that emos are spineless pacifists who would never shoot anyone – apart from themselves, of course (while listening to some awful 30 Seconds From Mars album). Sure enough, he took it to blow his Emo brains out.There are stark similarities in the Emo-Rice relationship to "Twilight" – and this certainly does not serve as a recommendation to see this turkey. As for the end-credits, you might find yourself giggling when you see the almost pythonesque sequence of suicide-corpses. This piece of crap is one for the history books. Whoever wrote this garbage shouldn't be allowed anywhere near a keyboard, let alone write another screenplay.