| 14 April 2009 (USA)
Shank Trailers

Teenage gang member Cal, hides his sexuality from his fellow gang members despite their often violent dislike of anyone that isn't the same as them, be they unsuspecting shoppers, foreign students, gays, etc. When his world collides with Olivier, a student he rescues from a pointless beating, he encounters a lifestyle that presents as many new experiences as it does obstacles.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
mfbhxc88 I found this movie randomly on Netflix, and I did not really think it was going to be anything special. However, I LOVED it, it was steamy and real and pretty much kept me and my friends glued to the screen the entire time. (Which is not an easy thing to do. The end really shocked the hell out of me and that was a plus! The characters where easy to relate to and were all pretty well thought out. It was hard to understand some of the slang in the movie since I'm not from the UK but it was okay. The music (J.Knights in particular) really helped me get into the film. I try to get almost everyone I know to watch this because it's definitely one of the better indie films i've seen in a really long time.
miguel-790-424268 This film is the most gaspingly and brutally real gay-themed film you will ever see.Cal, the central character is completely believable and represents every gay man's dream: a straight-acting hunky punk. His best mate is something out of my wildest fantasies. To be honest, I had a hardon for most of the film.Sure there are weaknesses in the dialogue and plot, but the positives far outweigh the negatives. The gang dynamic was confusing and underdeveloped. The blond girl took up too much of the film's emotional energy. The French lover was a bit awkward, but I've dated a French guy exactly like that, so it wasn't unrealistic.But I will remember this film- for being things that most films are not: daring, raw, unbridled, sexual, and hyperactive. I was shocked to hear that the director is only 21 and this is his first film! I hope to see a standing ovation at the Image & Nation festival in Montreal.Just watch it already!
thesar-2 I did have reservations of lowering my rating down to 4/10 stars for Shank, because overall, it wasn't that bad of a movie, for a small, somewhat original independent gay themed movie.How it mostly shot itself in the foot, was, though (again) somewhat original, it was thoroughly predictable, a bit unrealistic and contained the one of the most outrageous, out of left-field finale involving a rape (you'll know what I mean when your mouth is agape as was mine) and plot twists wrapped up that didn't either matter or there was simply no reason to tie up some stories.The movie begins with a small gang of male thugs lead by a female in England beating up just an innocent man out walking for no more reason than their twisted sense of enjoyment all the while filming it on their phones, I'm guessing for either internet or trophies. The movie shifts focus to one of the gang members, Cal (Virgo) who branches out his gang-free time by picking up a stranger to have some coke and sex with in the woods. This stranger happens to be of the same sex.Of course, he's closeted in his own gang, which probably is much like a KKK member who's black under his hood. He's also ashamed of this and doesn't want to get too involved in homosexuality. So, naturally (I'm joking, naturally only to this messed up kid) he pounds that male he banged in the woods pretty fierce, with one blow that leaves days of evidence. The victim happens to be a teacher, and that teacher happens to have gay student who inadvertently gets tortured in the same manner as the male in the opening shot. Only, this time, Cal rescues him.Even though I have never has an associations with gangs or thugs, it's fairly obvious to know the aftermaths of him helping this beaten gay student on the road. Again, like a KKK member bringing an African American down from the cross during their sick rituals. I don't think that KKK member would be looked on too kindly by the other racists.So you know where this is going, hence the predictability, as do you know Cal falls, finally, for another male. Though it doesn't begin that way: as Cal definitely likes Oliver, (Laurent) the gay-bashed citizen, he uses him to hide out from the revenge smitten ex-gang friends of his. Romance blossoms until the eventual climax (previously ridiculed by me earlier.) I do believe, in a lot of cases, opposites attract. These two, Cal and Oliver, couldn't be farther apart. Cal's a clean-cut, masculine, handsome, boyish looking, albeit gangster while Oliver would make Jack McFarland (Sean Hayes on Will & Grace) look like a straight Republican. I didn't really see any true love or affection of Cal's obsession with Oliver, other than a hideaway from his previous life or that the script called for it. All other examples displayed butch males he was attracted or desired.I don't want to sound too harsh on this film. I liked the eye candy, the actors or director had no qualms about showing them naked or in hard-core sexual acts – I hate edits, and the fact this story stemmed from a closeted gang member, something we rarely see, if at all. It gets a slight recommendation from me for the original idea, but reservations for the bizarre closing and predictability. (Not to mention, the beatings, though intricate to the story line and character development, were hard to watch. Not the most brutal beatings, SEE: American History X, but, nevertheless, they're hard to view, probably mostly due to the motive behind them. I.E. there was none – these punks were just plain evil.)
adamshl Director Pearce obviously threw himself into this work with all the enthusiasm that a 21-year old can muster. The screenplay is hard-edged and tough, and the entire cast respond well to the director's instructions.Wayne Virgo and Tom Bolt are particularly impressive; indeed, the entire cast works hard to bring this British indie off. For the most part they succeed in their individual contributions. In fact, it's almost impossible to distinguish the actor's own personalities from the characters they're playing.Unfortnately, the film looses ground in the final "rumble" scene, which is carried on much too long. Whatever potential it originally had is lost in its prolonged enactment. Post-production editing was required here, and the heart of the drama was drained through over extension. In fact, the entire ending third of the film falters.The cast cannot be faulted, though. All performances are believable and powerful. The same cannot entirely be said for the youthful director or writers. All in all, a fairly good film that doesn't pull its punches.