The Brown Bunny
The Brown Bunny
NR | 27 August 2004 (USA)
The Brown Bunny Trailers

Bud Clay races motorcycles in the 250cc Formula II class of road racing. After a race in New Hampshire, he has five days to get to his next race in California. During his road trip, he is haunted by memories of the last time he saw Daisy, his true love.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Verity Robins Great movie. Not sure what people expected but I found it highly entertaining.
adrianarae This is one of the saddest relationship films I have seen! It's like a bizarre wet dream with a couple who are destined to destroy themselves. It was made with a low budget, and anyone who doesn't appreciate that is a loser. Chloe Sevegny is so lucky in this role to work with Vincent Gallo, as he is my idol and i worship him! The ending - OMG i love it!
Ron Solina Boasting an exceptional soundtrack, minimal and well-suited for a film about someone embarking on a solitary road trip, the meditative pace is very much apt for such a contemplative film. Plus points.The thing I find implausible in what Mr. Gallo did in this brooding and painfully slow film was shooting that scene in the desert salt flats where he just took his jacket off, leaving him with only a white tank top on as he rides his motorbike and zooms off disappearing towards the horizon, and in all that time, not managing to include a scene where he has his character, Bud Clay, apply some sunscreen given that it's such a harsh, blistering environment. The unhealthy and risky things he did in this film, among other things. Minus points.But one can't deny that he has indeed an artistic vision in conveying his narrative, calculated shot composition, gritty images, awkward camera angles that looked amateurish, and yes, the symbolism. In analyzing that motorbike-riding-towards-the-horizon scene, what he essentially did there kind of mirrors what he accomplished in making this film, acting with a complete disregard for what harm would befall unto him, in this case (sun)burning himself, for the sake of what he considers art.With regards to the sex scene, even though it involves two very good-looking actors, it never felt that erotic (it's definitely a non-porn). It was more along the lines of a scene realistically done and was not in any way meant to be salacious. One cannot possibly take pleasure in watching that scene the same way there is no enjoyment in seeing a wheelchair-bound person have their chair yanked away from them. There are some steamy sex scenes in other art films that were indeed meant to stimulate, but this film just doesn't bring someone in that kind of prurient mindset. (And I could name those that do in a heartbeat.) Take it from a guy whose chances of being put in the same situation as that notorious consensual scene is as remote as a rat's chances of stealing cheese in a cheese factory the same time it's hosting a mouse-hunting-for-cats convention. Virtually impossible, not bloody likely. But, as with everything else in life, nothing can always be deemed improbable.--B-flat--
joana310 This movie follows Bud Clay, a motorcycle racer, as he drives to California. Along the way, he encounters 3 different women, each embodying a loneliness similar to his own. However, Bud can only be satisfied by one, Daisy. This movie shows his journey, not only physically, but emotionally and mentally.This is one of the most emotionally crushing films I have ever seen. It's crushing in a different way. It leaves you numb. It's one of those films that inhabits your mind for days and never loses its grip. Typically, I'm a crier, I've cried during so many films that I've lost count. But I didn't cry during or after this film. Once it concluded, I was left in shock. The way Vincent Gallo, who is brilliant in this, ties everything together is unbelievable. You feel that you become a part of the story, but, really, it becomes a part of you. The film also stars Chloe Sevigny, who is just as brilliant. No matter what is said about the oral scene, I will forever defend its inclusion in the film. No, it's not gratuitous, and no, it isn't porn. The act REPRESENTS something, like many events/people/things/occurrences/traits represent something in cinema.I think this is a beautiful depiction of loneliness and very easy to relate to, as its hard to imagine someone ever not feeling lonely. Maybe some have felt it for longer periods of time than others, but it's not an alien emotion, even though "alien" is the exact way people feel when lonely. The way it's presented however, is avant-garde, so I get why people don't like it. Nonetheless, I think it's perfect. This is a film that will forever be ingrained into my subconscious. I won't ever be able to escape it and the impact it has had on me. 10/10!
peterpants66 There really is nothing like a Vincent Gallo film, their weird depraved little pictures with a few notable stars that end up haunting our memories for years to come. I liked Buffalo 66 and Gallo's appearance in the video for "cosmopolitan blood-loss" i thought was probably his best work ever, but this crap was nothing more then someone jerking off into our faces for ninety minutes. Nothing happens, try telling someone what the movie was about, lot's of Gallo riding his motorcycle while making out with a really busted crack-addled looking Cheryl Tiegs, and the blow-job that got me to wait in line to get in. It's not like i'd never seen a bj up until then, my friends wanted to go and it was the selling point for the movie. Random shots of the dashboard with some Gordon Lightfoot playing, seriously? This guy has gotten way to artistic to be understood and this film really did nothing for me or practically anyone else. I really don't know what happened to this guy, he seemed to "have-it" at one point and mysteriously lost it for this flick. Could you imagine seeing either Winoda Ryder or Kirsten Dunst doing the knob-job at the end! My god it would have been totally different, instead we get the equally hot but in film terms much more damaged goods Chole Sevigny pulling the line. Boring does not begin to asses my issue, it's a movie based around a blow job, and not a real earth shattering one either. Just a simple little fluf in an otherwise random and meaningless film.