The Tall Man
The Tall Man
R | 01 August 2012 (USA)
The Tall Man Trailers

When her child goes missing, a mother looks to unravel the legend of the Tall Man, an entity who allegedly abducts children.

Console best movie i've ever seen.
ShangLuda Admirable film.
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
NateWatchesCoolMovies Pascal Laugier's The Tall Man is one of the more interesting thrillers of the last decade, and is almost the cinematic equivalent to a roper dope. It's leads us down one path and appears to be headed in that direction, and suddenly veers off in an intriguing detour into territory you'd never expect it to venture. It's not so much a twist as it is a paradigm shift in the core of the story, which leaves some in the dust and confused, but worked very well for me. In the dilapidated, worn out northern town of Cold Rock, children are going missing, disappearing into the night without a trace, and with only one clue: a foreboding 'tall man' that some folks reported seeing on their land, or lurking in the forest. The Sheriff (William B. Davis) is hopeless, and even the fed they call in (the great Stephen Mchattie) is perplexed. When waitress Julia Denning's (Jessica Biel, fiercely deglammed) child is snatched in the night and kidnapped by this fiend, she desperately pursues him in an excellent sequence as he careens down the highway in an ominous van. He escapes with her boy, and she is left to piece together what has happened to the youngsters of Cold Rock. I won't say anymore as it would ruin the plot, but it goes to some really unexpected places, and I dare you to guess the outcome. There's also great work from Vancouver actors Garwin Sanford, and Jodelle Ferland as a mute girl who figures in the mystery. Director Laugier is famous for his grisly, panic attack inducing shocker Martyrs, which features an equally compelling story arc. Although he tones down the brutality here, that 'anything goes', serpentine style of plotting still prevails, to the films advantage. We find ourselves confounded that point A is so radically different from point B, and what's more, we enjoy the journey getting there as well. That unique narrative blueprint, combined with gorgeous British Columbia photography and a chilly, unsettling atmosphere makes for a thriller that smacks genre conventions right in the face, and aims wholeheartedly to entertain us.
drpakmanrains I just saw this 3 year old film today, watching it twice. It is an amazing film, giving the initial illusion of being a horror picture, but gradually revealing it to be a suspense-drama. Jessica Biel gives a bravura performance I had no idea she was capable of. There are more twists and turns than any 10 films combined. And while some of the reviewers who panned the film thought it sanctioned an evil idea, the ending, which was perfect, was far from an endorsement. It leaves the viewers with a lot to think about and discuss. Extremely clever take on how the road to hell can be paved with good intentions. Makes my top fifty out of over the nearly 3,000 films I have seen in my 74 years.
mystical_trick Recently, best mystery film, i have watched.So fast running.Absolutely you have to watch this film. And the point is not real, 6 point is so low for this film.Absolutely STUNNİNG.Jessica Biel is so amazing at this film.And the other actors is good too.Editing is perfect and scenario is excellent too.In film, in the beginning of this film i thought film is so simple but later i understood that film is not simple so much.You have to think for this film because film is so will never get bored at this film.Go to Amazon and buy this film.I have watched this film 100 times.As a result, in my opinion 10 point is enough for this film.
Edgar Soberon Torchia Although this production has been sold as a horror film, it is a cautionary drama that had me thinking for a couple of days after watching it. When the movie was finished I felt a combination of anger and awe, wondering where the director's heart was in this sort of modern folk tale, questioning if he really endorsed the ideas expressed by the leading character, as the story is closing, tying its loose ends. Jessica Biel plays a nurse that for most of the film is trying to save a little boy from being kidnapped by someone called the Tall Man by the people from the town where she lives. But then the cards start to turn, and as she gives something that sounds like a consciousness-rising, social speech (which has a lot of logic!), she also reveals in herself strange traces of a hippie freak, mixed with features of a despairing soldier from a totalitarian society, and she turns into a delirious, mystic visionary with a bad agenda… The next day I realized how really terrifying the story was, as in my mind I began to make more connections and associations, and started to think of body and mind snatchers, and of us mankind as entities that resemble easy to pack-easy to swallow vegetables for the "chosen ones", them of the little privileges. For me "The Tall Man" was a very satisfying film experience.