Destination: Infestation
Destination: Infestation
PG-13 | 07 July 2007 (USA)
Destination: Infestation Trailers

While on a flight home from Colombia, the plane that Dr. Carrie Ross and her daughter are on is attacked by bullet ants whose sting is the most painful and deadliest on the planet. Joining forces with air marshal Ethan Hart, Dr. Ross, an entomologist, tries desperately to save the flight from disaster. In the end, their struggle brings them closer together and offers the couple hope for the future.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Kidskycom It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
nightair86 Was surfing the channels on the weekend and came upon this movie just as it started. My God, what a joke. I could understand if it was a deliberate mock-up of the airplane disaster genre. But, alas, this movie was a serious attempt at suspense and horror; it actually took itself seriously.What an embarrassment to the resume of all the actors and other participants involved. Truly and painfully awful. But I sure laughed at its incompetence. I wonder if anyone actually got paid for their efforts? The two lead actresses (mother-daughter)will rue the day they accepted this acting job. Their careers would have been better advanced by posing for Playboy. The acting and script would have been better for sure!
ichocolat I am not to tempted to write a review on this movie because I have a mixed feeling as to the ratings that I should give. Tempted to give it a very poor rating but it'll do justice to the movie, because even though I found it not worthy for an award, it does have a few good scenes in the movie. But give it a good rating will cause the reader to be misled as to the quality of the movie and in my taste in film.So I am trying my very best to give it an unbiased review and let fellow readers to make their own judgment.Alright, first things first. The premise of the story s not an original one. It is a rip-off of the 'Snake On the Plane' action flick starred by Samuel L. Jackson. Whilst Samuel has to fight off snakes, in this film, the passengers and the flight crews have to 'battle' the ants that somehow managed to infest the airplane.Since when do ants become parasites ? Well, the truth is that, I do not know, and I have absolutely no idea ! Maybe it is a new breed of aliens, disguising themselves as ants to avoid international hunt against their colonies. Hahahaha..There were scenes that is quite good. One of it the way the ants came out from the infected person's body and stomach. It was gross, which made it good. The way the drunken person acted in the movie was also believable, and one fell certainly happy to see how he got his lesson for being such a nuisance in the plane.However, as much as there were good scenes, this film is littered with lousy scenes. I would not write it, so you would have to watch it yourself. Suffer an hour and a half watching it, just like I did.All in all, this is a film in which the review may be different from one person than the other, as it is based on a person perspective. Some may like it, some may don't. As for me, it is good to watch it there is nothing left to watch, but otherwise, don't bother watching.
FilmCreature Why do they even try and make these kind of movies? I turned this movie on expecting a cheesy, stupid movie about killer ants-it was even worse. The acting was atrocious, these people were incredibly unrealistic, and I simply hated the movie altogether.I turned it off halfway through because of the astonishing awfulness of this movie simply stunned me. It wasn't suspenseful, or scary, or dramatic, it's hardly even a film at all. It rates up there with 'Absolute Zero' as one of the worst TV movies I've ever seen (which is horrible--I've seen A LOT of bad TV movies).I like Jessalyn Gilsig in 'Heroes', and she was another reason I decided to turn this on. Even she was horrible. I didn't expect much from Antonio Sabato, Jr., as many fans of the sci-fi channel will understand.So, a 1/10. I can't stand the thought of watching another movie like this again. Ugh. *Starts puking*0/4
ovaga1 I expected worse, and was pleasantly surprised. It's "ants on a plane"; an archetypal disaster flick. I thought it was better than "Snakes On A Plane. I mean you didn't have ants attacking a passenger's crotch, or biting a woman's breast! But any one looking for anything other than just entertainment should go elsewhere. It's like The Poseidon Adventure, except on a lower budget. You see a cross section of humanity trapped in jeopardy. Some people you like, and want to survive: others you hate and want to get munched. I was pulling for the ants! If you want to go deeper, it's a struggle of the human species against the natural order. The humans don't work as a machine; the ants do. Guess who has been around longer?