The Attic Expeditions
The Attic Expeditions
R | 19 April 2002 (USA)
The Attic Expeditions Trailers

Trevor Blackburn is accused of murdering his girlfriend, Faith, in a brutal ritual. He's sentenced to live in an experimental rehabilitation community and falls into a coma. When he wakes up, he meets the mysterious Dr. Ek, who tortures Trevor in an attempt to learn the whereabouts of a powerful occult book. As other patients start to disappear, Trevor begins to wonder who and where he really is.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Catangro After playing with our expectations, this turns out to be a very different sort of film.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Coventry I've rarely felt as disappointed from watching a horror flick as after "Horror in the Attic" … I looked forward to this film because of the seemingly innovative basic premise, some of the names in the cast and the director (whose other movies "The Wizard of Gore" and "All Souls Day" intrigued me to say the least). However, it quickly becomes apparent that this is an overly ambitious – on the verge of pretentious, even – and wannabe be intellectual psychological thriller that is more confusing than compelling and much more annoying than frightening. Surely you'll encounter many reviews stating that "Horror in the Attic" is a truly amazing and brilliant film, and these are also the exact same reviews that will claim that if you don't like it, well, you don't "get it". Don't worry about that. I've seen my share of psychedelic cinema classics, including the whole oeuvres of Alejandro Jodorowsky, David Lynch and Fernando Arrabal, and let me assure you this nearly doesn't play in the same league. The plot contains a few noteworthy fresh ideas and Jeremy Kasten maintains the sinister atmosphere for quite a long time, but then the film irrevocably drowns in its own pool of pseudo-mystery and audacity. The story's protagonist, Trevor Blackburn, awakes from a coma and the (clearly capricious) Doctor Ek bluntly tells him that he remained unconscious for four years after murdering his fiancée in a pagan ritual. The house where he supposedly committed his hateful crime turned into an alternative type of sanitarium in the meantime, and naturally Trevor gets submitted here, in the good (?) care of Dr. Ek's colleague Dr. Thalama. Meandering through the house – and particularly the attic – Trevor's amnesic mind slowly begins to function again and he discovers that Dr. Ek is a manipulative crook. I'm strongly convinced that, with a slightly more straightforward scenario and a lot more bloody action, "Horror in the Attic" could have been a modest cult gem. Now it's just a largely dull, derivative and pretentious flick with only a few isolated highlights. The acting performances of the lead actors are rather forgettable… I spent the entire movie wondering where the hell I saw that guy Trevor's face before, but frustratingly didn't find the answer. Only afterwards, through clicking on his name here on the website, I remembered that he appeared in my favorite "Nightmare on the Elm Street" sequel, namely part four "The Dream Master". Seth Green's performance is a pitiable imitation of Brad Pitt in "Twelve Monkeys" and the luscious Beth Bates is only granted the opportunity to show off her beautiful body instead of her acting capacities. The supportive cast is what's most interesting here, with interesting (albeit typecast) roles for veteran actors Jeffrey Combs ("Re-Animator"), Wendie Robie ("The People Under the Stairs") and Ted Raimi ("The Evil Dead"). Perhaps the weirdest moment in this overall weird movie is the cameo appearance by rock star Alice Cooper. Keep an eye open for that!
HumanoidOfFlesh When Trevor Blackburn awoke from a coma,he had no memory of his past.In search for answers,he breaks into the secret attic with another patient,as the others are being killed one by one.A darkly sinister doctor played by a horror regular Jeffrey Combs informed him that he'd been committed to a sanitarium for the criminally insane for the sacrificial murder of his fiancée.Thrown into a bizarre halfway house filled with strange psychos he plunges into a violent world of magic,nightmares,wild sexual escapades and torturous medical experiments.The above synopsis on the back of my tape sounded pretty good,so I finally decided to check this film out."The Attic Expeditions" is a pretty unusual horror flick.It contains a decent amount of violence and nudity.The plot is interesting as it showcases plenty of unique twists and turns,but in the end becomes extremely confusing.8 out of 10.
shawn7911 Whatever your opinion of this movie, there is one universal truth... Insanity. None of the movie is real, there is no magik, no murders, no book, no Faith. This is simply a tumultuous journey through the mind of an insane man. Stop trying to figure it out and look at it exactly as it is. The only constant is insanity obviously fabricated by the mind of a mental patient. At the very end of the movie they show two nurses in what can only be a mental hospital, No Doctor Ek. The nurses are not guessing, but sure that the patient will not wake up, not to say that he cannot wake up, but he is obviously sedated or heavily drugged, which rules out any possibility of a coma as there is no visible life support. There are no scars on his head thus no brain surgery. Think Identity only the personalities do not die when they are killed, all these people are in his head with the exception of the nurses who are indeed real(paranoid schizophrenia), one personality Doctor Eck knows it enough to diagnose it, but the personality called Dr. Ek has an ulterior motive, aka the book of magik, therefore Trevor has no reason to believe that any of the people are not real. Overall this movie was entertaining and well done if you ask me, you can certainly say it has some very good discussion about it, which I am sure was intended.
drumberforever Wow! This is one of the best movies I've ever seen! Beth Bates is amazing, and absolutely stunning!She is by far one of the most talented actresses I have ever seen. Though I have seen her in many other things besides this. She is extremely beautiful. Seth Green is also great, as he is in every movie he has been in. I would definitely recommend taking a look at this movie. This movie will freak you out. It is very scary, and will definitely make you question reality. Though this is a "low budget" film. The director does such a good job, that you can not even tell. This is definitely a great cult film...and if you like getting scared,i would definitely recommend seeing this movie