Brain Dead
Brain Dead
NR | 17 October 2007 (USA)
Brain Dead Trailers

A sleepy fishing port town is consumed with terror when a small crater crash-lands nearby and releases a slimy parasitic agent that transforms the residents into brain-eating zombies. Cornered in an abandoned fishing lodge, six strangers are forced to band together to stave off the blood-sucking monsters clawing the walls outside.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
Billy Ollie Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
gavin6942 A sleepy fishing port town is consumed with terror when a small crater crash-lands nearby and releases a slimy parasitic agent that transforms the residents into brain-eating zombies. Cornered in an abandoned fishing lodge, six strangers are forced to band together to stave off the blood-sucking monsters clawing the walls outside.I get a little worried when you have a horror film from a known director (Kevin Tenney, "Witchboard" and "Night of the Demons") and it takes three years to go from film festival to DVD. I get the impression that it must be pretty bad if companies are not willing to take a chance on a man who is known to have a winning streak in his past. Does my apprehension have basis in reality? Well, the film is great at what it does, let us say that. Cheesy? Oh, yes. But the gore is amazing, very much in the splatter tradition of Lamberto Bava's "Demons". This film does not take itself seriously, but I think that is its strength, because the low budget does not give it the ability to be too serious. Tenney approached this the right way.Amy is very, very sexy with a cute face and the seductive hairstyle that lures dirty old men. Her breasts are a bit large for my liking, but I am probably in the minority and I really probably should not complain at all -- what is a horror film without topless women? And there are topless and bottomless women... and the big breasts just keep bouncing (and floating).One cheesiness that could have been cleaned up was the tattoo on the convict... just not believable at all. No tattoo is that dark. But then, you get lines like, "My phone bill is higher than Whitney Houston", and it all seems okay.I would feel like I failed in my duty if I neglected to say this film has an obvious connection to "The Blob", with its villain being of a meteor origin. But the connection is weak, and it is neither an homage nor a ripoff.
mario_c It's a B-series Zombies' flick which mixes gore with humor, like it uses to be common in the genre.Some of the jokes are funny and some of the gore scenes too! In fact the type of gore used is not to shock you but to make you laugh.It also has some beautiful and nude girls who definitely help to sustain this movie interesting...I might say it's enjoyable and nice for gore fun but it's not a reference, not even in the genre.I score it 6/10.
ElijahCSkuggs It takes balls to use the name Brain Dead for a horror flick. There are two other horror flicks out there that use Brain and Dead in their title, and they both have their own followings....especially one of them....the one that matters. Does this one live up to it's awesome word combo of Brain and Dead? Yep. It does. Yay!The story revolves around an asteroid ripping through space to only land in a dude's head. From there the ooze from the asteroid transforms the guy into a brain-feeding, zombie/monster/guy. From that moment it's only goal is to eat brains, brains, brains so it'll see. Eventually the story becomes a trapped and survive type situation, and for me, and thanks to Evil Dead 2, I love that setting.The film has a good amount of characters that tend to be pretty entertaining as well. Our lead character, who is also our main source of humor, was consistently telling jokes or using smart alec remarks. It kinda got old, but fortunately his acting was good enough to make his persona likable, which made you not really care about the failing funnies. With 4 out of the 5 girls showing boobs and bush, the movie also succeeds in the nudity department. But once you see one girl nude, that's it, they don't shed any more for the rest of the movie. So don't expect anymore nudity later on. And of course we are watching a movie called Brain Dead and expecting some red stuff. Praise the lord because we get a decent amount of gory fun. Head splitting open, shotgun to the face and torso explosions....and even some good ole fashion puke gore.Brain Dead was a cool horror/comedy that delivered everything that I hoped. Though I do have to say I was hoping for some more nudity later on, because a couple of these girls were stacked. The humor worked enough, the acting was inspired, the gore creative and plentiful and did I mention the nudity? Definitely check it out if you get the chance. Brain Dead lives up to the name, and was a bloody fun flick.
adrian-155 I just finished watching this movie at the Fright Night Film Fest in Louisville, Ky. It's a pretty damn good little film. While it's not ground breaking in any way, it's a lot of fun and brings T & A back to horror films where it belongs. Back in the 80's breasts and horror went hand in hand, sadly that's no longer so except for fine films like this one. The biggest problem I think this film will have in finding an audience is the name since there are already at least two other films in the genre that go by the same title. Hopeful I'll be able to pick it up on DVD soon. Begin SpoilerBy the way, beware that space amoebas hide in the strangest places.End Spoiler