Corbin Nash
Corbin Nash
| 20 April 2018 (USA)
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A rogue police detective in search of his parents' killer is murdered and reborn the ultimate killer.

ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Sameer Callahan It really made me laugh, but for some moments I was tearing up because I could relate so much.
Lidia Draper Great example of an old-fashioned, pure-at-heart escapist event movie that doesn't pretend to be anything that it's not and has boat loads of fun being its own ludicrous self.
mahmoudamorsy Couldn't even complete the movie, terrible acting, the plot is all over the place, and I have never seen a more uncharismatic protagonist ever. I could've given it 10 stars if I could do it in negative
beorhhouse First, it's important to point out that the theology is Biblical as opposed to other recent films where things look like good vs. evil but they're actually written by people who have no idea what our most ancient wisdom says about the subject. This one follows Scripture nicely, for a fantasy film about vampires. For best example, the foundation of the film is the idea that good masquerades as evil in order to fight evil. This is first seen in the life of Jesus when he is "numbered with the transgressors" so that the soldiers would have a solid reason to arrest him. How did he do this? He told his disciples to bring swords. Peter used his on a man, and this gave enough evidence to the arresting officers to take Jesus. Some heavy hitters here with Corey Feldman playing what will likely be his best (and disturbing to say the least!) role to date, Rutger Hauer, and Malcolm McDowell. Anybody who remembers the TV series Forever Knight will see that show reflected in this film, but the brutality here goes far beyond anything ever produced for TV viewing in the early 90s. I was led by the adverts to believe this was a demon-hunting film, and maybe it is. I can see the logic of conflating demons with vampires. There's no reason they shouldn't be considered the same monster--they do the exact same things. In any case, this is an action-adventure-police-horror film, so now you've been warned. I doubt much will prepare you for Feldman's transformation, but you'll find darkness, fangs, vampire-women, Gothic settings, and stakes to the heart things you'll likely be all too familiar with.
Fella_shibby Thankfully saw this on a pirated dvd n was able to fast forward some utterly boring scenes. Got enticed into seeing this awful film due to some misleading fake reviews n the trailer. What kinda vampire organizes ring fights? The ring fights were boring too. Our lead actor is bitten by hordes of vampires but i dont kno how n why he is healed miraculously n nursed by a stripper. Malcolm McDowell n Rutger Hauer is totally wasted. They must b bankrupt to take part in this awful film. Ther is no tension, ther is nothing scary in this film, the editing is awfully bad n the best was the ending man. The cross dresser vampire tells the other vampire to take revenge n kill the lead guy. I expected some showdown but hohoho.
Michael Ledo Corbin Nash discovers his parents were demon hunters and it is his destiny to hunt the LA demons that murdered his parents. He becomes a cop and looks for missing people. The demons are more akin to vampires. Malcolm McDowell plays a blind prophet who narrates nicely in poetic sounding prose, but becomes more of a bore after his initial read. He was no "Huggy Bear." They attempt to create a cross dressing character, but that was all. This appears to be an introduction to a series. Boring characters and dialogue. Guide: f-word, sex, nudity