Yoga Hosers
Yoga Hosers
PG-13 | 02 September 2016 (USA)
Yoga Hosers Trailers

Two teenage yoga enthusiasts team up with a legendary man-hunter to battle with an ancient evil presence that is threatening their major party plans.

TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Casey Duggan It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
SnoopyStyle Colleen Collette (Lily-Rose Depp) and Colleen McKenzie (Harley Quinn Smith) are the store clerks from Kevin Smith's previous indie Tusk. The Colleens are best friends for most of their 15 and a half years. The sophomores are excited being invited to a 12th grade party until they face miniature Nazi bratwurst soldiers.This has a few fun moments mostly by the clueless phone-obsessed girlie chemistry of the Colleens. The "About" can get repetitive. Kevin Smith is making the broadest of Canadian references like naming the high school Terry Fox. Oddly, he tackles a real name from Canadian Nazi past. Like Red State, he doing political satire in very broad strokes which doesn't really work. He goes down some strange paths which is not to everybody's tastes. If anything, the girls work best doing more realistic stuff like getting their phones taken away. The Colleens are wacky enough that they could exist in a more normal story. It's just that Kevin Smith is on weird trip and not everybody will enjoy the ride.
Plaidrocker32 I have to say, I really enjoyed this movie. I was entertained. At the end of the day, that's what a film is supposed to do. Is it a well crafted story? No. However, Kevin Smith himself has said this was supposed to be like an 80's B-movie and I think he achieved that. It did what it set out to do. If that's the case, can you really call it a failure? Obviously this film isn't for everyone, but that should be common knowledge with any Kevin Smith movie at this point. If you're up for a campy, ridiculous good time late at night, this is a solid choice.
Oberrated After viewing this film, to expand on my previous comment of "does Kevin Smith even care?", it truly seems like Kevin Smith is throwing hands with the critics and he is going to continue to make what he wants, whether it is necessarily "good or bad" in the eyes of the public. His dialogue in this film, specifically delivered by Ralph Garman playing villain Andonicus Arcane, refers to "critics of art" saying terrible things about his work. Which can be seen as a parallel to how critics have received Smith's most recent films... Sorry Kevin, I am mostly going to agree with them on this. 'Yoga Hosers' was not entirely a horrible film but it was no where near a good one. Kudos to Kevin's slam at critics though.'Yoga Hosers' had plenty going well for it like its pop-culture references and the ever-standard crude humor. Early on in the film, it seemed to be on the right track to be a cult-classic stud but that steam would quickly run out as the introduction of the Bratzis came to fruition, and that only took about ten minutes or so. I like to think I have a good tolerance for ridiculousness but 'Yoga Hosers' became a bit too much with its concepts and especially effects. Low budget or not, I can only handle so much cringe-worthy moments and be able find myself entertained.However, I can not say 'Yoga Hosers' is a complete abomination and I have not hinted at that in the least bit. Again, Kevin Smith will always have hidden innuendos to his films and I always have found an appreciation of this. Also, I think Lily-Rose Depp and Harley Quinn Smith (Playing the leads Colleen Collette and Colleen McKenzie) were quite charismatic and engaging in their roles. If anything, this film was a presentation of their talents no matter the platform they were given. I hope to see the two young ladies excel in Hollywood in the nearby future. Lastly, as most would know, Kevin Smith has a trademark style of delivering his comedy. I found it hit-and-miss for me but I can not deny that he made me laugh out loud a couple of times throughout my viewing of the film.-- --
duannewalton Watched it today. Harley and Lily were charming and did good. I wouldn't mind seeing them in other projects, ones that didn't involve their Dads. It was more odd than funny (or scary). But I didn't hate it.·