Bloody Birthday
Bloody Birthday
R | 28 April 1981 (USA)
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In 1970, three children are born at the height of a total eclipse. Due to the sun and moon blocking Saturn, which controls emotions, they have become heartless killers ten years later, and are able to escape detection because of their youthful and innocent facades. A boy and his teenage sister become endangered when they stumble onto the bloody truth.

2hotFeature one of my absolute favorites!
Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Predrag I love the look of this movie. It has the fuzz look that i associate with 80's slashers on TV. This movie has a couple of good scenes that make it a great addition to your movie collection. A couple that stick out in my mind would be the scene where the little girl charges the boys a quarter to watch her teenage sister dance around topless. Another would be the teacher getting dispatched. The one scene i loved the most would be the kids chasing the kid Timmy i think his name is. He gets close to his house but they catch him and knock him down and start chocking him with a water hose. The ending is great too. The ending isn't something common in these kind of movies.The story is not complex, but the actors do well with what they had to work with, and it all comes across as almost campy fun. The adult actors in the film were quite bad and it seems like the kids were better actors in my opinion and the film had a really low budget. There are some neat and gory death scenes and of course lots of nudity, since no self-respecting 80's slasher flick would dare skip that, but what's really good about the movie is that it shows how manipulative these children are. Not only do all three of them pretend to act innocent and cute to hide their evil deeds, but they know how to prevent anyone from finding anything out, nobody suspects them so it's easier for them to continue killing. Unlike many other horror films from this period, it at least attempts to bring something original and imaginative. For once, the kids acting is good and the entire film has a creepy atmosphere and grizzly music. Overall rating: 7 out of 10.
cblazo This movie sure does cross some boundaries for it's time. The concept of a group of murdering kids would be very chilling in the early 80's. Children are always thought of pure and innocent and to see them in adult situations tips the scales. It gives you an unknown "x" factor in life and makes you think. This movie is a true gem. It is a moving force in the evolution of 80's horror. This film is in typical quality of that time and with equally typical bad acting. Although avid watchers of 80's horror are not watching this genre for the acting and quality. We are watching for the abstract ideas,kill scenes and the aura the movie propels. This movie is definitely in the top category of the 80's horror dynasty. I recommend this film. It's a feel good movie of kids vs. adults through grainy sequencing and low back light. Enjoy.
Lee Eisenberg Alright! I've seen many a flick about murderous children, but Ed Hunt's "Bloody Birthday" has to be the coolest. It focuses on three children who were born during an eclipse that blocked Saturn, thereby depriving them of emotions, and so they go around killing people.There are some neat death scenes (and of course some nudity, since no self-respecting '80s slasher flick would dare skip that), but what's really good about the movie is that it shows how manipulative these children are. Not only do all three of them have cherubic faces to hide their evil deeds, but they know how to prevent anyone from finding anything out: that scene with the cake really had me going! As for the cast, it's a real treat. Playing a doctor is Cyrano de Bergerac himself, José Ferrer. Playing a teacher is Susan Strasberg (yes, the daughter of the guy who played Hyman Roth in "The Godfather Part II"); in fact, her character is named Viola Davis, which is the name of the co-star of "Doubt" and "The Help"! There's also Ellen Geer (Will Geer's daughter), Michael Dudikoff (known for action flicks), and K.C. Martel (Greg in "E.T."). Julie Brown, who has what is probably the coolest scene in the movie, is apparently a gay icon, although I'd never known about her before watching "Bloody Birthday".All in all, it's a really fun movie. Not any kind of masterpiece, but definitely a pleasure to watch. Just be careful the next time that you eat cake.
Count_Elvis_III Alright, here is the scoop this time around: in 1970 three kids were born under a solar eclipse, and because of this, both the sun and the moon were blocking Saturn, thus the kids are born with no emotion. The kids don't really show it until around their tenth birthday where they start killing suckers. Anyway, as a whole I enjoyed "Bloody Birthday". It has a cool premise and is fairly well acted. Add to that some above average performances and a couple of cool kills and you have one of the more respectable offerings from the early 1980's horror scene. It's certainly better than most uninspired "Halloween" and "Friday the 13th" knockoffs. The music is heavily inspired by both the scores of "Jaws" and "Psycho", but still works save for one small bit. There are a few gripes I have with this film that really brings it down, which is a drag. For one, the kids never really stick to a MO. Now, I'm not talking about a slasher movie where no two kills are the same. That would have been groovy. No, what happens in this movie is that sometimes the kids kill someone outright, while sometimes they try and make it look like an accident. They should have stuck to something. Also, this film has a lot of gaps in logic, but never to the point where it becomes part of the film's charm. Another thing that bugged me about this flick is that there is not a single child who dies. I love watching little kids buy the farm, so when not a single one died, I was sad. Still, it has a cool final chase scene and the ending shot is boss. Oh, and props to one of the characters for having a Blondie poster.