Murder Party
Murder Party
| 12 October 2007 (USA)
Murder Party Trailers

A random invitation to a Halloween party leads a man into the hands of a rogue collective sparking a bloodbath of mishap, mayhem and hilarity.

Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Frances Chung Through painfully honest and emotional moments, the movie becomes irresistibly relatable
Bob This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
arfdawg-1 The Plot.On Halloween Eve in Brooklyn, an average Joe loser named Chris finds an invitation to a costume party. Arriving at the "party", Chris discovers he's fallen prey to the lethal trap set by deranged artists. As the night wears on, rivalries within the group flare up. A body count accrues, and Chris must take advantage of the ensuing chaos if he's to survive the night.Plow budget but it works. Yes, the story sort of doesn't make sense all that much, but they make it interesting and so you're willing to stick it out to see what happens!
LeonLouisRicci The Lack of a Meaningful Budget can not Stop Talent and Creativity from Manifesting Itself when an Artist is at Work.Writer/Director Saulnier made this Labor of Love with Spit, Chewing Gum, and Bailing Wire. What Resulted was a Live-Wire of a Horror Homage with Wit, Creativity, and just a Desire to make it Happen.The Movie has a Feeling of Everyone Pitching In and the Result is a Near Perfect Game. Especially in the Second Half when things start to come to a Climax filled with Gore and Suspense.The First Half builds on Dark Humor and a Laid-Back Feeling of a Psychotic Playground Populated with Misanthropes on a Mission to Snap and Murder ("Everyone Dies").When the Finale Ends Up in an Art Exhibit the Director's Eye for Stylistic Images Emerges and the Film Looks Beautiful as some of the Scenes are Presented Purely as "Art" ("Still Life").There's some Snappy Music and Insider Jokes for the Horror Crowd, enough Gorezone to Satisfy Hounds, and it's All Done with Exceptional Makeup and SFX that Never Looks Cheap.Overall, one of the Best Indies out there, a Grisly, Gritty, Black-Comedy-Horror.
James Noriega Once upon a time, I felt like watching a movie. I was in the mood for horror, yet I couldn't think of anything I was particularly itching to see. I began to browse the web for suggestions, and stumbled upon a film I had never heard of before. I went to my local movie rental store, rented it, and went home to watch it. What I witnessed was one of the most unexpectedly enjoyable films I ever had the joy of experiencing. That film was Murder Party.Murder Party is the story of a loser named Chris who finds a card on the ground that invites whoever finds it to a Halloween celebration. Since he has nothing else to do that night, he decides to throw a costume together and attend. He soon finds out that he has made a dire mistake, putting his fate in the hands of murderous college students who want to kill him as art.What's simply wonderful about this film is how they manage Horror-Comedy. Most films in that sub-genre, such as Evil Dead II or Dead Alive (both great), derive humor from the insane and ridiculous special effects and scenarios they can pull off. While some of that is present in Murder Party, the film mostly relies on the distinct weirdness of each character and their motivations. It's an interesting spin on the formula. The insanity really comes in later in the story, but telling why would be a spoiler.Overall, this is an extremely impressive film. Not only due to the fact that it was made independently and that it technically had no budget, but also because the filmmakers brushed the limitations aside and created a thoroughly fun and enjoyable experience by focusing on the writing, directing, and acting more so than the effects. It's goofy. It's tense. It's Murder Party.
thetangledweb14 Despite the silly name, Murder Party is a surprisingly well-made movie that takes itself seriously only in the bits where it mattered. The director described it as "Breakfast Club but with chainsaws and hard drugs" but I felt like it was more Tarantino meets Kevin Smith and they get together and double team Sam Raimi. Which I guess kinda gets the same effect. But still.The plot is a stereotypically simple one: Lonely guy finds an invite to a "murder party" (see what they did there?) and decides to attend out of boredom (and because his cat, Sir Lancelot, refuses to get out of his chair). This plunges him into a nightmare world where dimwitted hipster art-major-flunkies vie desperately for the attention their friend Alexander through MurderArt™ (i.e. they plan to kill the main character for the sake of art) and also take entirely too many drugs while doing it. Meanwhile, our hero, who's almost as idiotic as his captors, is sitting in his goofy-ass cardboard knight costume and continually screwing up his escape plans with sheer incompetence.Most of the movie feels like a parody of horror movies, because it constantly takes horror stereotypes and either tips them on their heads or transforms them into Shaun-of-the-Dead-esque gags. Throughout, there are some truly hilarious points that really display the talents of both the writers and the actors.But when it comes time for the movie to actually be a legitimate horror movie, it really does hunker down and deliver in an incredibly satisfying way. And it's not just the gore/special effects, which are by themselves -very- impressive. When a character's face gets burnt off, the makeup is so good I honestly found it very difficult not to look away.But it's got the suspense aspect as well. You're really terrified for the main character by the end of it, because the events are set up so well, and the way they unfold keeps you glued to the screen until the very end.On top of all this, the movie is beautifully shot. The director has a real eye for what makes an aesthetically pleasing shot, whether it's of the hero making pumpkin bread or somebody's head being ripped apart with a chainsaw. So kudos to that, too.Now, I purposefully left out plot-related spoilers because I really, truly want everyone and anyone who reads this to go out and see this film. I only knocked it down a star because the actors were admittedly not fantastic and there were a couple low-budget effects that offset the relatively high quality demonstrated through the rest of the movie that left a slightly bad taste in my mouth, but they were easily overlooked.Also, if you get a chance, get your hands on a version with the special features and watch the Making Of short. The story behind this movie is genuinely heart-warming and inspirational, especially to anyone who's even vaguely considering film-making as a career.If you like senseless gore, making fun of pretentious hipsters, watching people take hard drugs, or seeing a middle aged man running around in a stupid looking cardboard costume, this movie is for you.