It's funny watching the elements come together in this complicated scam. On one hand, the set-up isn't quite as complex as it seems, but there's an easy sense of fun in every exchange.
Clarissa Mora
The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Brennan Camacho
Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
When Bill says "f**k this whole scene - everybody dies!" - he means the whole pretentious art scene, the pseudo-Manhattan lifestyle, the second-rate living. The main point here is the filmmakers believed the mid-2000s gentrification of Brooklyn was/is destructive. It's not just about their bad amateurish art, it's also about their lack of imagination. For example, on costuming, Bill dresses out of The Warriors, Lexi out of Blade Runner, Paul out of Lestat, etc. In contrast, Chris uses his imagination and dresses as a knight made from an old box, from which he cheerfully throws away a perfectly good pre-fab Halloween costume. It's a sort of David-vs.-Goliath on a small scale.The entirety is unmasked under a "truth serum" extended scene, wherein we learn that everyone is pretty ordinary. Macon loves Lexi, Paul is confused of his identity by religion and sexuality, and Alexander is just another junkie from New Jersey, not Manhattan. Only Chris is exactly who he says he is, a ticketing agent for the NYPD who has pretty much no secrets, an everyman superman, if you will, a knight in "shining" armor.The plot is simple: an invite for a "murder party" placed to the wind reaches our lonesome hero by pure happenstance, and when he arrives he becomes a victim of would-be murderers who will do it for the "art" of it, and oh yes the money too. This plot is fleshed out with the above-mentioned hacking and slashing of pretentiousness, done so with panache, class, and style, a real triumph of the screenplay over anything desired by the so-called Brooklyn artists herein. This is a commentary/morality play which is part "save our neighborhoods" and "save our civilization"!Dialogue is well-done, and does not itself exceed into pretentious overreach. It sticks to its goals, to skewer its victims. Chris is literally and metaphorically gagged for most of the film, as if to say "we're going to let the pretentious do themselves in and not have Bruce Willis wise-cracking."Good gore, and plenty of it, although in the 1970's/1980'd retro vein, again not trying to be "arty" or "new wave." Just good old fashioned chainsaw to the eyeballs and so forth.All in all, this exceeds Troma for story and cultural commentary, and will be enjoyed by anyone with a sense of humor.
A bunch of hack art school grads are drawn to a murder party by some guy named Macon- who claims to be offering a $300,000 grant.Though, really he's just a fry cook that wants to kill he can sell their art when they're dead.Originally, they were acting as a cabal- having lured a man named Paul to be murdered.Though, they quickly turn on each other...leaving Paul to run for his life...from one of two remaining murder part members- a man, named Bill- who is dressed as a Baseball Fury (from The Warriors) hailing an axe.He chases Paul into another art party, where Paul hides in a performance art exhibit...only to get a bunch of hipsters killed too.That is...until the tables turn...Like they say..."Everybody Dies!"...but...can you kill someone who is already dead to the world? This is a siiiiiiiiiiiiick gore-comedy film. That's action packed from start to finish. With awesome- very realistic- special effects.Highly enjoyable and entertaining.7.5 out of 10.
When i started to watch Murder Party, i was definitely expecting a pretty typical horror movie, since neither the plot, nor the poster would promise anything more. But as soon as Chris follows the invitation and we get to know our "bad guys", you begin to realize that this is really not your typical movie. First i'd like to praise the team behind the movie, because, even though you can see the low budget sometimes (mostly when we are outside), it really looks like a higher budget. The camera-work is fine and it never gets boring. Saulnier always seems to know when there would be a possible moment of boredom and so he levels up the tempo and gives us some action. The effects are pretty good too and never feel cheap. The other part i want to praise are the characters, which don't have too much depth, but never feel like cardboard. They all feel unique and have their own quirks. This also contains the acting, as they all are acted really well and everyone seems to have a great time doing his job. My favorites are the beautiful Lexi and Macon, which are both people that i'd like to be friends with (without the killing though^^).In short: A great movie for Halloween, which just is fun from the beginning to the end. Kudos to Saulnier for making such a great movie. I will be looking forward to his new movie Green Room.
Originality scores big points with me and 'Murder Party' has that in spades. Its dark humor and plot twists elevates it to near perfection. The premise is really pretty straightforward and the majority of the film takes place in one room. So simple and so bloody brilliant! This film is hilarious and made me laugh out loud several times. The humor is wickedly dark and the dialog is sharp as a razor. The writing really was excellent and the group of actors deliver their lines perfectly. The group of artists are pretentious and self involved, but their inane chatter was highly entertaining. After the first half of the film I was thinking, I am totally digging this, but I'm not sure I would call it a horror film. But by the time the credits role it absolutely solidifies its placement in the genre. It is cheeky as hell and those final scenes were quite spectacularly bloody and extremely rewarding. Highly recommended! 'Murder Party' deserves a cult following, and I can't suggest more enthusiastically that you give this one a try next time you're looking for a rental.