Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield
Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield
R | 06 March 2007 (USA)
Ed Gein: The Butcher of Plainfield Trailers

Inspired by the true story of one of the most gruesome killers in American history. Now, years after inspiring "Psycho's" Norman Bates, "The Silence Of The Lambs'" Buffalo Bill and "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre's" Leatherface, the story of real life serial killer Ed Gein is told once again. Nicknamed "The Butcher Of Plainfield," Gein was responsible for a rash of gory murders that sent shock waves through his rural Wisconsin town, and across America, in the late 1950's. Prepare to enter the evil mind and twisted world of "The Butcher Of Plainfield."

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Tricia Ramsay First of all, this takes place in central Wisconsin, so why is everyone speaking in a crappy, contrived southern accent? I'm from Wisconsin and I assure you, that is not even close to what we sound like! I'm not trying to sound snobbish, I love a good southern accent, but perhaps the creators of this atrocity should have done a bit of research prior to filming... The acting is horrible, I was shocked to see that this was made in 2007, it feels like a cheap 70s horror flick. And as for the plot, well it's a total joke. How it managed to get a three star rating on Netflix is just beyond me... Trust me, don't waste your time...
Inkandpaint First the good points.This movie has a strong and effective atmosphere about it and does have an intensity about it. Thats about it. Ed Gein has a horrific and appalling history that is ultimately tragic, BUT, if you are into the history and cases of serial killers this movie is not for you. It is so far off the facts and story that it reminds me of a certain huge cartoon corporation that rewrites great literature to make it nice for the kiddies EXCEPT that in this movie the substitutions of facts for more horrific effect fails epically as they are rather less gruesome than the facts. Add to that the appalling acting and you have wasted 90 minutes that you could have been having fun in. I recommend reading the book instead.
dgar1948 This movie is supposedly based on the real life of Ed Gein. The one with Steve Railsback was much better. Gein was a short man,5ft.7in. Kane Hodder was too big to portray Ed Gein. He's good as Jason but not for this role. Of the two, Steve Railsback was better. He even resembled Gein somewhat. How Gein managed to go unnoticed is beyond me. Just looking at his picture with those cold, dead eyes, gives one the willies. I suppose being 1957, people didn't know much about serial killers and in a small town like Plainfied, no one really took notice of Gein's weird looks. He may have been friendly to people but that look should have raised a red flag I think. A real, cold blooded, cold eyed butcher.
Ted Brown In Ed Gein : The Butcher of Plainfield the horror icon Kane Hodder takes the role of one of the most infamous serial killers in American history. A man who is the basis for such legendary cinema madmen as Norman Bates, Buffalo Bill, and let's not forget Leatherface. Gein a real life serial killer who went on a brutal wave of violence in the 1950's when police officers searched his home and found the following items. Human skulls mounted on his bed posts, various things made out of human skin such as lampshades, clothing, and a chair, also in the home police were shocked to find a box of preserved vulvas that Ed admitted to wearing.I was scrolling through netflix instaview and noticed this little gem, being a huge TCM fan I try to watch every Ed Gein related media I can get my hands on. And as a bonus this one just happens to star the great Kane Hodder of Jason Vorhees and other horror fame. I've heard a lot of complaints about this film not following the facts. And for you who feel this way and think that is reason enough to dub this a bad movie I'd love an example of a based on a true story movie that follows the real life account fact to fact not changing one detail for the sake of making it cinema friendly.Now with that said and out of the way I enjoyed this film from start to end it reminded me of my childhood and how much fun the 80's slasher genre was. If this film would of been released in that era instead of 2007 it would of seen a theatre release it would also of been a great drive in movie experience. While it does nothing new for the genre it does do a good job at sticking to the old' classic slasher formula of extreme violence and over the top blood and gore delivered in a fashion that can only be described as brutal and unforgiving. The makeup effects in this movie are beautiful a true symphony of screams and blood soaked bodies.The story may not be 100% accurate but that's no reason to over look this movie. If this film would of had a title that had nothing to do with Ed Gein a lot of the people belittling it due to this fact would probably watched it and came away loving it especially fans of the Friday the 13th series and children of the 80's splatter generation. If you can find a copy of this I recommend you give it a shot and once again for all you Netflix subscribers out there you've nothing to lose as it is currently available for instaviewing I have a feeling it will feel familiar and comfortable for all you long time horror fiends.7/10