| 24 April 2009 (USA)
Tell-Tale Trailers

A man's recently transplanted heart leads him on a frantic search to find the donor's killer before a similar fate befalls him.

Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
adonis98-743-186503 Tell-Tale is a movie starring Josh Lucas, Lena Headey, and Brian Cox. A man's newly transplanted heart leads him on a dangerous journey to find out who murdered its donor. Despite solid perfomances from Josh Lucas, Lena Headey and Brian Cox 'Tell-Tale' is a mix of different genres such as Mystery, Sci-Fi and Drama and all those things don't mix that well together especially when Lucas character goes from getting a heart attack on becoming a vigilante and that whole arc was pretty poor. The actors try their best at everything but the story and the script are poorly done and it shows plus the pacing was all over the place. Definitely a waste of a good cast and an interesting story. (4/10)
SnoopyStyle Terry Bernard (Josh Lucas) is in love with his daughter's doctor Elizabeth Clemson (Lena Headey). He had a heart transplant. He has visions from his pounding heart. He recognizes the paramedic attacking him in the vision and tries to confront him. A fight ensues and Terry accidentally kills him. He discovers the identity of the heart donor and contacts police detective Phillip Van Doren (Brian Cox) who investigated the case. He uncovers a dark conspiracy and a secret pointed right at his heart.This is suppose to be a reworking of Edgar Allan Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart". I didn't really get the reference the first time I watched it. There's a reason for that. Terry is not guilty of anything. That's the whole point of the Poe story but I guess the writer missed that. The hearts of the two stories are completely different.I love all three main actors but the story lacks intensity. The mystery of the story is never really in doubt. It's simply about the identity of the villains. It would have worked a lot better if Terry paid for the heart.
blanche-2 I liked Josh Lucas in The Client, so I chose this film as a rental. Don't ask me why because horror/thriller/blood is just not my thing.A husband and wife die in a botched robbery, and the man's heart goes to Terry Bernard, a single father of a daughter with a degenerative disorder. Terry keeps remembering bits and pieces from what must have been the donor's last moments. He starts being able to hear his heart beat. Then he sees one of the donor's killers and does away with him.Terry is tortured by the sound of his heart, the fact that he's killed, and the flashes of memory he has. But he continues finding the killers and getting rid of them. Meanwhile he is starting a romance with an attractive doctor at the hospital who wants to help him, but he won't tell her what's wrong. The only person who knows his secret is the officer who was in charge of the case but couldn't close it. He wants Terry to do what he can't - get justice.You may like this if you're into horror-type films. I have to say I liked the ending very much, and it really brought the level of the film up. And the story is intriguing.This could have been a bigger, better film, but given its budget, it does well enough.
KilRydLoad I give this movie a perfect 10 out of 10 stars because it is an awesome modernization of Edgar Allen Poe's The Tell-Tale Heart...but viewer, be warned...I'm a grown-ass man of 37 years who has been watching horror movies since he was 8 years old...and I almost vomited at one point during this movie! Like my review title says, it's sicker than any Friday the 13th movie I have EVER seen, and I don't know how a certain IMDb reviewer from Argentina found this movie to be "boring"...IT IS ANYTHING BUT BORING!SPOILER BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OK...what's gross about this movie? At one point, they have Josh Lucas in a bathtub covered in ice, and they start cutting out his organs...while he's awake! Seriously, I almost vomited! Just trust me when I say it's gross! Again...10 out of 10 stars due to the great plot and ingenious re-telling of the Poe classic...but NOT for the faint of heart! I won't be watching this one's just too gross!!!
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