Psycho Cop
Psycho Cop
R | 28 November 1989 (USA)
Psycho Cop Trailers

Officer Joe Vickers would probably make a good policeman if it weren't for his two nasty habits. Firstly, he is a devoted satanist; secondly - he likes to kill people. When he meets a group of teenagers spending their vacation in a wood hut, he decides to investigate...

Marketic It's no definitive masterpiece but it's damn close.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
acidburn-10 The plot = A cop whose into devil worshipping, decides to go out on a killing spree, he comes across a group of teens on they're way to cabin in the woods for the weekend, so he decides to follow them and kill them off one by one.Okay I knew off hand that this would be a cheesy routine slasher flick and a pretty bad one, I watched the trailers so I went into this movie not expecting much anyway, but for some reason I was still drawn to it and for some sort of strange reason I actually kind of liked it. Maybe the reason I was drawn to it was because of the title "Psychocop". This movie was obviously a cash in movie, because of the much better Maniac Cop and this is in no way even compares it has The acting is absolutely dire, the script is excruciatingly inept, shamelessly rehashing every horror movie cliché in the book – in particular the often improvised dialogue is atrocious. The special effects are terrible. But this must have been successful in some way to spawn a sequel which I haven't seen yet. The one thing that kind of saves this movie is Psycho Cop himself (Bobby Ray Shafer), okay it was a badly acted performance, but you can he had fun with it with his awful one liners, but at least he had a smile on his face and that aspect I actually liked and he moves around like he's got a stick up his butt and the teen cast are awful even the main heroine whose incredibly dull, to be frank he should have killed them all off a lot sooner.All in all not a movie I strongly recommend but if you're into bad slashers then I suggest this and most probably the sequel.
Sandcooler I barely ever get to say this when it comes to horror movies, but the sequel is a lot better. Don't get me wrong, "Psycho Cop" has its moments, but obviously it sinks like a brick after the caretaker meets his demise. He was the glue that held everything together, without him the movie's plot almost seemed incoherent and moronic. And talk about screen presence, no definition is high enough to do the character justice. Oh caretaker, you were truly a God amongst men, nobody could hold an axe for vague reasons like you could. Sadly when you take this ingenious character out of the equation, you're stuck with the kind of average slasher movie people were already sick of back in 1989. Cars never start, phones never work, people keep wandering of into the woods for stupid reasons, dead killers are never as dead as they look, every teen is 35 years old, it's that kind of movie and very little more. Officer Joe Vickers is a pretty amusing psychopath, but I think he's much better in "Psycho Cop Returns". He just doesn't have material in this movie. "Psycho Cop" is not quite funny and not quite scary either, sort of a failed slasher pastiche.
Bezenby Review? I've mislaid it...maybe it's out by the pool! I can't find it anywhere...must ask Eric...but he's not here! Maybe he's out by the pool! I can't find him anywhere! Maybe I'll ask 'insert other name here'! But I can't find him anywhere! Maybe he's out by the pool!What's that noise in the woods - Who's that? Who's that? I know you're out there! C'mon Eric! I know it's you! You weren't out by the pool and weren't bringing beer and I couldn't find you must be you...Wait...a crap cop? ACting really badly? But not by the pool...what the AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGGGGGGGGGGGGHPsycho Cop is crap
FieCrier We're promised a Psycho Cop, and while the guy is a cop, and commits a number of murders, he's rather goofy. While most of his lines consist of single sentences, they're almost without exception not one-liners. That is, they're not jokes, or double entendres, they're simply single lines.The main characters are annoying, and hardly given characterizations. They're almost always looking for misplaced items, or for the caretaker. (Evidently Psycho Cop likes stealing items only to place them somewhere else later.)Who is Psycho Cop? Evidently a former foster child who became a devil-worshiping, brutal police officer. He turned psycho after taking a day off. He's apparently really someone else named Gary Henley (sp?) or perhaps really a criminal, Ted something, I think. But even this sketchy characterization is scarcely given any attention in the movie.Anyone looking for a Psycho Cop would be better off watching the cop in Psycho, or the T2- as-cop in Terminator 2, or watching Maniac Cop and its sequels. Psycho Cop 2 surprisingly is a lot better, though.