He Named Me Malala
He Named Me Malala
| 02 October 2015 (USA)
He Named Me Malala Trailers

A look at the events leading up to the Taliban's attack on the young Pakistani school girl, Malala Yousafzai, for speaking out on girls' education and the aftermath, including her speech to the United Nations.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Dorathen Better Late Then Never
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
medeeapopa It was one of the greatest documentaries I have ever seen. It really inspired me and it gave me strength to cope with reality. It is amazing to see how just one human being can change thousands of lives.
sarajevo-2 I watched this movie with some trepidation, having wondered how much Malala was a product of Western media and manipulation. However, she completely won me over. I worked in education programs in Afghanistan and with Afghan refugees in Pakistan. I know firsthand the challenges that the communities in this region face, living with the horrors wrought by those who cope with their fears and insecurities by lashing out at anything they see as threatening, and living within the beautiful soul and heart of the Pashtun people and culture. Malala is a model of this spirit, as are her father, mother and brothers. I also thought the movie was beautifully made. For me the animated scenes made about parts of the story that couldn't be shown as reality were inspired. We saw what was only memory as a story, which is all it could be. Going back and forth from the present to the past made be slowly come to see how the present Malala came to be. She is smart, wise way beyond her years, funny, delightful. Spending this time with her was inspiring. Everyone who wants to understand the many faces of the human spirit, of Islam, of dedication, of human rights, should see this movie.
joe-debono I simply don't understand it. She was shot in the head for speaking out against the cruel, primitive, repressive, religious laws of the Taliban. She recovered and spoke against the evil.She won the Nobel Peace Prize, then went straight back to the evil religion that caused her all the pain and grief.She says: There is a moment when you have to choose whether to be silent or to stand up.She surely is brave but there's another part to that realisation... she needs to set the example, walk away from that primitive world view, walk away and leave that bronze age nonsense behind and live bravely in the real world.That would top this story off nicely.
Irishchatter I gave this movie a go because it was uploaded only a few days ago on Putlocker and of course, I have heard a lot about Malala especially promoting for girls to have education in poorer countries. I really felt relieved that she is alive today for speaking up because rarely, people normally don't survive with a gunshot wound to their face. Fortunately, young Malala was lucky to have survived. The Taliban are crazy nutjobs just like Bako Haram, ISIS and other dangerous groups who are extremely heartless. As Malala's father has said, they basically use Islam for an excuse to bring power into destroying people's lives! Such a cruel world we are living in like Jesus!Anyways onto Malala again, I loved seeing her two brothers, they were so funny since of course, they are younger then Malala and they think they are the big guys of the family. They are like every child and teens of the world, they like to tease their siblings a lot. Thankfully my brother and I are outgrown the teasing since we are too old for that now haha! Im sure deep inside, they are very proud of their sister for winning awards and speaking out for girls like herself. She is like three years younger then me and god, i wouldn't be brave as she is. She has such a personality that you are immediately drawn to, she is a very kind, caring, intelligent, ambitious and courageous person that you could ever met in this world! I say in years time, she will be always known as the girl who escaped from war and that would mean for a lot of people who had the same experience as her!
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