A Very Murray Christmas
A Very Murray Christmas
| 04 December 2015 (USA)
A Very Murray Christmas Trailers

Bill Murray worries no one will show up to his TV show due to a massive snowstorm in New York City. Through luck and perseverance, guests arrive at Gotham’s Carlyle Hotel to help him — dancing and singing in holiday spirit.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Boobirt Stylish but barely mediocre overall
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Ian (Flash Review)With a gloomy plot assembled loosely by matchsticks, this is basically a musical variety show. There is a poor attempt at a real plot of Murray doing a live Christmas special during a snow storm in New York where he is afraid people won't show up or be able to make it. That plot falls away early with a few low key musical numbers, a couple by Murray himself, and some awkward dialog scenes that felt flat. Overall, it started to hit a nice stride with 14 minutes remaining after an unfunny, contrived and clumsy first half. Clooney had a very unusual role in one song and Cyrus actually did a nice job with her rendition of Silent Night, which caught me off-guard.
MisterWhiplash It's a strange thing: I don't think I would have taken so much of a liking to A Very Murray Christmas had I not avoided most of the Christmas music this season. Sometimes it's shoved in your ears in such a way that you can possibly feel blood running out (it may depend how much time you're stuck or need to go for some reason to the mall or certain stores where there's some madman's idea of a joke to keep Christmas music going, some of it recorded before your grandparents could walk). But I think by mostly not hearing too much of it this time - also I didn't see it last year when it premiered, and it'd be too hipster-ironic-dumb of me to see it during the summer - I quite enjoyed it. I might even go so far as to say it's one of the better things Sofia Coppola's directed... maybe ever? That may speak to me not being a huge admirer of her films since Lost in Translation. But here, I liked that she was cutting loose and trying her hand at more improvisational comedy (if it was improv, some of it certainly feels that way and Murray gets a co-writing credit with Coppola) and at filming musical sequences. Except for the last few numbers near the end, when it turns into "dream sequence" time, she keeps her camera and cutting simple, not too showy, letting the performers take center stage. Does that mean all of these people sing well? Maybe not, but since I went in with somewhat low expectations, I was delighted to see the actors who I never thought could sing much - Maya Rudolph especially with a cover of 'Christmas Baby Please Come Home', and also Rashida Jones and whoever played the one waitress at the bar - so that made up for duds like Jason Schwartzman (and holy god that IS David Johansen!)This has been fairly low rated, and I think I can understand what might be high expectations for such a thing; Bill Murray has been elevated to the status of a cultural icon over time (by hipsters, sure, and there's even a nod to that with the whole 'want your picture with me?' bit where Murray offers to the Jones character, a bride, that he does that sometimes, but also the general public), and so one might expect a lot of hilarity. I found myself laughing a lot through this because the tone is so loose and not really caring about pleasing anyone except themselves. I think I was hooked once Chris Rock showed up as the most reluctant 'No, I'm NOT singing' performer here, and while some numbers are stronger than others, the energy and fun is always there.This all said, I don't know if I'd watch it more than once, at least for a while, and it certainly gets an extra point for including the Pogues 'Fairytale of New York' (if only it included Tom Waits's 'Christmas Card from a Hooker in Minnesota'!) and a surprisingly great turn from Miley Cyrus (the first time I connected with a performance of 'Silent Night' in as long as I can remember). But I wasn't going in expecting a whole lot, which may have been part of it, and yet at the same time I was impressed by what Coppola and Murray were able to pull off with a silly premise that everyone acknowledges is silly, and all led by Paul Shaffer who, come on, who doesn't like Paul? If you're in the right frame of mind (and not too burnt out) for Christmas covers and some bits of self-referential comedy, this is a nice slice.
alex wolfman It always has been a respectable digital platform for films but this year Netflix went up another level. With them putting out respectable TV shows on their platform like Daredevil or good comedy specials from people like Chris Tucker or Aziz Ansari, they are an entertainment platform here to stay. Even more so, it's impressive how they stuck a big named actor like Adam Sandler to sign a four film deal with them. Let's also not forgot the film A Very Murray Christmas Netflix made with Bill Murray that came out earlier in the month to celebrate Christmas. Due to a massive snowstorm during Christmas time in New York City, Bill Murray worries that nobody will shows up to his TV show. Even with everything going on outside, guests and celebrities still find time to join Bill Murray to celebrate Christmas and to find a real meaning to the holiday. With really no plot here and only running fifth-six minutes long, don't expect a lot and this drags a lot also. It's a holiday special that depends on how much you like Bill Murray. He is much the same in A Very Murray Christmas as he is throughout the year. He is loud, obnoxious, and of course drinking is a must. His cast includes people like Chris Rock, Amy Poehler, George Clooney and others. Expect a lot of fun singing even by Murray himself and the best singing comes from really a surprising guest. With the type of talent here and with the excellent director in Sofia Coppola, I would rather have wanted this to be a full-length film with actual real characters. In a way though, that is asking a lot. A Very Murray Christmas is at least a respectable holiday special even if it's a bit of a disappointment. It is a special that likely is just going to be forgotten in Murray filmography years down the road.
Mr-Fusion News reports touting an upcoming Bill Murray Christmas special warrant attention. He's such an oddball that I honestly had no idea what I'd be in for, but knew I had to see it.I like the idea of this; it's all very random and feels like one big gag. But it's also very sleepy. It was funnier when Murray was freaking out during the opening, but once he settled into crooning mode, it became very subdued. After that, you can boil it down to the high point (Clooney popping out of a Christmas tree, singing, "Santa Claus wants some lovin'") to the low (ugh, Miley Cyrus).5/10