R | 22 December 2010 (USA)
Somewhere Trailers

After withdrawing to the Chateau Marmont, a passionless Hollywood actor reexamines his life when his eleven-year-old daughter surprises him with a visit.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Cassandra Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
QTarantino14 İf we need the summarized the movie with one word; That would be the 'underrated'. I know we can't say ''this movie for everybody'' Because Somewhere one of the slow movies. Sometimes or some moments it can be hard to watch. But this doesn't mean we are watching a bad film. On contrary this the perfect way for this subject.I was surprised by the reviews, of course I was waiting bad comments but this too much for my opinion. Specially I liked the scenes Johny Marco and his daughter,because it was so normal,natural. The relationship with his daughter was so important. When his daughter is gone he tried the go back to his previous routine,his life at the famous motel. But he failed. Because he unlocked the door of something. Maybe there's a chance for him. And I want the say Elle Fanning was perfect. After the Lost in Translation this is the best movie of Sofia Coppola. Give it a chance guys.
sander-dammann Somewhere is after The Virgin Suicides and Lost in Translation the third movie I saw from director Sofia Coppola. It was a success like those movies before it. Somewhere is not good because of the story, but because of the characters and their actors.We get to know the characters by little clues. It is a less is more movie, and I like those kind of movies. The protagonist, played by Stephen Dorff. I knew him especially from Blade. He played very good I liked him in this movie. Elle Fanning played maybe even better. She acted very naturally. Like I said before, I liked those kind of movies. The structure of the movie is very slow, but the movie has compelling characters and is beautifully shot. The soundtrack was pretty awesome too. Julian Casablancas' song was a highlight of the movie. It fitted perfectly in the movie. Well done.
dsso-126-769167 I never finished this movie and could not stand its boredom and poor directing. I'm not sure why, but the director insists on showing the actor constantly driving around in his Ferrari. The opening scene was the Ferrari, and too many scenes driving in his Ferrari. I think its the director's personal car and he must be in love with his Ferrari.Add to that, the character does not jive. The actor is an average looking Joe with low self confidence. Yet when women see him, they want to have sex with him at first sight. One hot chick even stripped open her bikini to show him her boobs just because he looked at her. Oh come on...And he lives in a very middle class type of apartment, and yet when he travels, the Italian police escorts him from the airport, and he has to be reminded that he has a dinner with the mayor. Such nonsense and poor balance of character.Better stay away.
Lilian Larwood (lilian-larwood) I figured that 2 is a funny number to rate a film on IMDb. It ain't the worst thing ever however clearly not the best thing ever. But I don't think that all films should be rated 1 for being truly awful because at least they tried to make something that looks like they went a long way for it. At least that's what I thought about for most films. But again, that is obviously a matter of opinion HOWEVER in Sofia Coppola's 'Somewhere' it is the closest thing I could think of for hating a film which is a rare feeling for me. The laziness of making a film just because her father's got millions astounds me. If she didn't have money (and I mean NOTHING out of it) then the quality would've been the exact same thing.Not only that but I felt that it was painfully boring! My god, the sheer amount of pills I had to take to keep awake has become somewhat routine for me during that hour and a half of nothingness. The only thing I think this film is decent enough for my life is simply using it to GO TO SLEEP. Like play it just before sleepy-time and I would get the best sleep ever! Don't get me started on the characters (but I'm going to anyway). The character of Johnny Marco was dry, dull, boring and was just... nothing to the story. I understand that it was about a Hollywood star with no life (at least that's what I thought it was about) but nobody seemed to care! I felt nothing for the character, no sympathy, no heart-felt moments for him, nothing! The only character with energy was Chris Pontius's character which was great improvising by the way with Cleo as apparently he's good with kids in real life.But going back to my title - how did Sofia Coppola get a budget for making nothing!? Because her dad's super successful and famous. I really don't think that some Coppola's should be in the film-making industry, at least not for Sofia's in that way. Only Francis Ford-Coppola and his many years of realising that he's awesome for making The Godfather etc. Sofia went "I wanna make films" and we're going "Pfft! Sure you can!" (sarcastically). Don't get me wrong I quite liked 'Lost in Translation' as I thought it was sweet and pretty but again, typical Sofia with her dry narrative 'skills'.She had pretty much everything to make this film: Great actors, producers with cash - lots of it, locations, music choice. However he messed it all up with her unimaginative mind and writing on the script which might as well be scwiggly lines. No point whatsoever! A very empty film with a weird beginning, a boring middle and an unsatisfying ending. Either watch it for A: Cause you need to get to sleep, or B: Because you wanna slit your wrists with a blade cause you hate life but you just need that extra push to make you snap and finally do it.