On a Clear Day
On a Clear Day
PG-13 | 07 April 2006 (USA)
On a Clear Day Trailers

After decades of laboring as a Glasgow shipbuilder, Frank Redmond, a no-nonsense 55-year-old working-class man, suddenly finds himself laid off. For the first time in his life, he is without a job or a sense of direction, and he's too proud to ask for guidance. His best mates - rascally Danny, timid Norman and cynical Eddie - are there for him, but Frank still feels desperately alone. An offhand remark from Danny inspires Frank to challenge himself. Already contemplating the state of his relationships with loving wife Joan and all-but-estranged son Rob, Frank is determined to shore up his own self-confidence. He will attempt the near impossible - swimming the English Channel.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
intelearts Drama / Comedy + inspirational sports done well, you cannot beat it. And On A Clear Day is done very well indeed: a very good tale about redundancy and new hope in Scotland told with a glint in the eye and a spring in the step.It also follows along in Brassed Off and Full Monty's line: it is about how we find dignity (And the only two missed opportunities for me in the film were not to use Wyatt's brilliant Shipbuilding and Deacon Blue's Dignity as soundtrack songs).When Frank (Peter Mullan is typical acerbic form) is made redundant he falls to pieces. His mates are there but nothing is clicking. He sets himself an impossible task: to swim the English Channel - he has his personal reasons (Which give the film a deeper edge).But film isn't just about technique or script or even acting: it's as much about the overall effect and this scores very big in this respect.This is a film with huge heart and it is nearly impossible not to be moved or inspired by it.There may be better films out there, but seriously, there weren't many others from 2005 that we simply loved this much.
wordsmith_57 An endearing everyman movie with a UK setting. Frank, a traditionalist, would rather leave than kowtow to the new management. After 36 years of work he is at odds what to do with himself. He can't communicate his emotions to his wife, he barely expresses his feelings to his chums, and he struggles with his relationship with his son. Woven through this is the 23 year old tragedy of losing his other son to a drowning, which has haunted him all these years. Frank finds a way to redeem his self-esteem and that is to swim the English Channel. The movie weaves this main plot in with several sub-plots and it all works well. Indie movies are brave enough to portray real characters with plausible dialog. A tremendously capable cast with the talents of Billy Boyd (Pippin) as the comic relief, and Brenda Blethyn (Pride and Prejudice) as the stalwart wife, plus the wide array of minor characters, blend to create a thoroughly enjoyable family movie. Some of the lines with Billy Boyd are laugh out loud hilarious.
Chrysanthepop Gaby Dellal's impressive directorial debut 'On a Clear Day' is a simple little movie that tells the story of Frank and his relationship with his wife, son and friends. After getting sacked from his job, he falls into depression. The fact that he couldn't yet come to terms with the death of his son, his fragile relationship with his other son Rob, his wife secretly applying for a job as a bus driver doesn't do much to cheer him up. The only thing where he seeks comfort is in swimming. He then decides to swim the English Channel. Initially, his friends are reluctant. He hides the news from his son and wife. However, things take a slightly unexpected turn.The movie has been made on a modestly small budget, yet it makes good use of its tools. Dellal uses a very greenish tone to set the mood. Cinematography is great. Music is impressively put to minimum use. The screenplay cleverly balances both drama and comedy.Performances are a standout. Peter Mullan is brilliant as the stubborn Frank. He delivers a subtle and studied performance. Brenda Blethyn is amazing as Joan (who is the complete opposite of Blethyn's character from 'Little Voice'). She keeps reminding the viewer of her incredible versatility. Jamie Sives is effectively restrained. Billy Boyd provides enough comic relief to lighten up moments that could otherwise have been 'too serious'. Sean McGinley, Ron Cook and Benedict Wong are all superb.An enjoyable and remarkable little film it is, the common viewer will be able to relate to the characters and situations. 'On a Clear Day' is not trying to be anything loud or larger than life. It's more of a slice of life, a modest and honest little film.
edwagreen An Irish couple have secrets after years of marriage. She is aspiring to pass a test to drive a bus and he wants to swim the English Channel.It takes nearly the entire movie to explain that the family had a swimming tragedy years before.Brenda Blethyn, so wonderful in "Secrets and Lies," and "Little Voice" is the mother here. Sorry, Miss Blethyn this is not the former film here.The father has an assortment of friends who are basically insecure. Of course, his successful conquest of the channel will change all that.They also have a married son who is unemployed with twin boys.With thick Irish accents, it is often difficult to understand what the characters are trying to say. As an example, Miss Blethyn states and I say it phonetically- "I joost faeled mi buz tezt."Jump for joy when the major swim and the film are over and the credits begin to roll.