Billy Bathgate
Billy Bathgate
R | 01 November 1991 (USA)
Billy Bathgate Trailers

In the year 1935, a teen named Billy Bathgate finds first love while becoming the protégé of fledgling gangster Dutch Schultz.

Matcollis This Movie Can Only Be Described With One Word.
Titreenp SERIOUSLY. This is what the crap Hollywood still puts out?
Tyreece Hulme One of the best movies of the year! Incredible from the beginning to the end.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Tim Kerr-Thomson This film can't make up its mind what it wants to be. Ostensibly it's about the 1930s gangster Dutch Shultz. However, the story predominantly rotates around the romance between Kidman and Deans characters. Yet it doesn't really sufficiently deal with either the romance or the life of Schultz. Neither does Schultz or the romance act as a secondary story to the other. So the movie loses out by not knowing what it is.
sotheran57 I have been a Doctorow fan for a long time and have read most of his works. His book Billy Bathgate was given to me for a Christmas present and I read it three times in a few months. I had not seen the film but, again, I got it for a Christmas present this year. While I enjoyed the film the book was still fresh on my mind and I found, while a lot of the story was adhered to, the ending in the film was not as satisfactory as the book. It seemed to 'fizzle out' when I was expecting the final ironic twist in the tale. Also because the story is quiet complex I would expect that viewers who had not read the book might find the film a little bewildering. Loren Dean was certainly not up to the titular role - he just didn't seem to be a credible character and looked almost bemused by what was going on around him; in reality, I mean, not as the character. Dustin Hoffman was good as Schultz but did not have enough to do. Steve Hill as Otto, one of the important characters in the book, was excellent. Enjoyable with reservations. If you haven't, you must read the book.
piratemanboy An excellent movie about gangsters without being bored. A cast of actors simply amazing, with the beautiful Nicole Kidman more beautiful than ever. Unlike Godfather, here we see the mafia world through the eyes of a street kid who wants fame and money.In the Godfather movie, all the characters are already on top, it does not show how they arrived and they are almost invincible to either the government, the police or rival gangs. Here the mob has to work hard. Violence is just right and the nudity scenes are very well done. A nudity scene always improves the movie in question. The action is also very good, here there is no place for annoyance. A movie that I like a lot, I have in Blu ray and I recommend it.
sol ***SPOILERS*** Truth and fiction are mixed into the movie "Billy Bathgate" and the results comes out like an upside-down cake; totally confusing. At the beginning of the film see Bo Weinberg, Bruce Willis, on his way to go the sleep with the fishes, deep sixth-ed, for something that he did to hurt his boss Dutch, Arthur Fegenheimer, Schultz (Dustin Hoffman). We never really find out what Bo did to deserve the fate awaiting him if he did anything at all since we have to take Bo's word that he's somehow been framed and is totally innocent of the charges that Dutch accuses him of.Shipped out to sea with a pair of cement shoes Bo gives us this cock and bull story about how he was the reason for Dutch's amazing success as a big time hoodlum and now with him about, or be made, to check out for good Dutch's days will be numbered as both the Feds the State Special Prosecutor, Tom Dewy, as well as his fellow hoods will put an end to him. It's here that we get to see Billy Bathgate, Loren Dean, who together with Schultz's top hit-man Irving, Steve Buscemi, are to do in Bo by dropping him, cement shoes and all, overboard.The movie goes into a series flashback showing how Billy got to know and become a member of Schultz's gang. The flashbacks are so badly mishandled that for a time you don't really know if you either in the past or the present. We don't even realize that Bo was done in, by drowning, until more then half way into the movie and even worse we don't get any solid information at all to why he was done in by Schultz in the first place! The only thing that Schultz was reported to be trying to do was make a deal with a rival hoodlum but were not told what it had to do with Bo! It's later found out by Billy from the late Bo's girlfriend Drew, Nicole Kidman, that one night at a party with Bo, as she was almost out cold from drinking, she saw him with this guy Lucky Luciano, Stanley Tucci. Luciano's a mobster that Schultz's is allied with but all this came out after Bo was put on ice and even if, the Schultz-Luciano meeting, came out when he was still alive and breathing what did it exactly mean to Schultz anyway? Schultz was Luciano's partner in crime and even more important why would anyone believe someone like Drew who was admittedly dead dunk at the time of her supposedly seeing both Bo and Lucky together?Schultz is shown in the movie as he really was in real life a trigger-happy and murderous psychotic and Hoffman's portrayal of him is right on target. The rest of the cast is just wasted in this movie by the silly lines and roles that their given. Drew is slated to be hit by Schultz because she knew that he had her boyfriend,Bo, murdered even though she was nowhere near the murder scene. Billy who was not only at the scene of Bo's murder but also participated in it is somehow left alive by the grateful Dutchman?The hit on Drew was decided to take place at the Saratoga racetrack with Irving given the honors to do the job. Billy who was having an affair with Drew and knew about her forthcoming demise does everything possible to prevent her execution and calls her closet gay husband Harvey, Xander Berkeley, back in New York City to come over and rescue her.It turns out that Harvey is a big shot in both city and state government and murdering his wife would bring the entire wrath of the state district attorney's office right on top of Schultz's head. All that keeps, together with Billy running interference for her at the track, Drew from being hit as she and Harvey leave the racetrack and fly back to NYC. With Schultz supposedly knowing all this about her and her husband Harvey Why then was Drew to be hit in the first place? Was it that Irving and the rest of the Schultz Gang were somehow ignorant of this very important and public fact, Drew's husband having power and influence, when Dutch put the hit on her?"Billy Bathgate" also has to do with Schultz's legal problems with both the Feds and the State's Special Prosecutor Tom Dewey. Schultz, with the help of his lawyers, gets a change of venue for his trial on income tax evasion out of New York City to some obscure upstate town where he puts on an act as a nice guy. A person that you wound't mind inviting over to your house to have a couple of beers with.Despite losing it and blowing away one of his associates Julie Martin, Mike Starr, for skimming off his hard earned cash Schultz's get's off the hook by a friendly jury verdict of not-guilty. Still it's that annoying prosecutor Tom Dewey who refuses to be paid off by Schultz to drop his case since Dewy is planning to run for governor of New York and later president. And in him putting the Dutchman behind bars may well be the feather in Dewy's cap that would get him elected: Dewy in fact wasn't losing both to FDR and later Harry Truman in the 1944 and 1948 presidential elections.Determined to stop the now crazy Dutchman from killing Dewy Luciano ordered him and his gang members to be hit in a Newark stake-house. The irony of Luciano preventing Dewey from being murdered by Schultz's mobsters was that the next year Luciano himself was busted by Dewy for running a prostitution ring. That eventually lead to Luciano being deported back to his home in Italy as an undesirable alien. History has a strange way of straightening things out doesn't it.