R | 18 April 2015 (USA)
Tumbledown Trailers

A young woman struggles to move on with her life after the death of her husband, an acclaimed folk singer, when a brash New York writer forces her to confront her loss and the ambiguous circumstances of his death.

AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Brendon Jones It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
Jakoba True to its essence, the characters remain on the same line and manage to entertain the viewer, each highlighting their own distinctive qualities or touches.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
karlakreso I tought this was a good movie from the begining all up to their kiss. I liked story and was really interested in it. But then Andrew leaves and when he comes back he is in love with her? And they kiss? And at that point I just wondered if I had skipped a few scenes. This movie left me with a feeling that they had ok plot and story which they were going to elaborate but near the end they were like 'S*** we forgot about the whole romance thing between two main characters so let's just throw in a scene of them kissing and call it a day'. BUT I still enjoyed the movie ,it got me thinking about things which is a good thing so I'll give it 8.
Kate Higgins As being a Maine native, it seemed like all of the costumes, scenery, and accents were FAR off. Like Joe Manganiello can honestly pass as the worst fake Mainer. This might not have anything to go with the movie, but it just bugged me on how stereotyped this movie made Maine. Now, concerning the actual story... although predictable, one of the most beautiful films I've seen in awhile (#1 being Before We Go). I also just want to bring attention to the AMAZING soundtrack as well. It can only be explained as pure art; the movie in general is just art. This review makes no sense, but I encourage you to watch it if you enjoy an emotional story line with romantic undertones and a touch of viewer interpretation. Also, if you love Jason Sudeikis, this will NOT disappoint. It's an honest, and although not necessarily an original screenplay, still raw and hopeful. So, definitely watch for the story and not the Maine aspect because it's sh*t which is really too bad.
Hall92 This movie is terrible. It is about dealing with the loss of a loved one, and how to move on. At least that is what the viewer is expecting. The plot is thin, the character played by Rebecca Hall may be the most annoying, egoistic and rude character in the history of film, and the attempt to making a decent "bring it home" ending solution at the final seconds makes this the worst movie I have seen this year so far.The only reason to why I rated this movie 3 is due to Jason Sudiekis, who at least tries to give life to the movie. As I have a tendency to always completing each movie, I hope I will never have to endure something like this again. Ever.
edwagreen This was really over-blown drama. A college professor wants to write a book about a songwriter who died young and meets tremendous opposition from his widow at the film's beginning. Everyone says she is still grieving. Nonsense. She is already having a sexual escapade with another man and her dancing at the local club wasn't exactly mournful either.This becomes a story of how a relationship builds between the professor and young girl. Blythe Danner, as her mother, is an interesting character. In the way she is speaking, you would swear that it was her son and not her son-in-law who died.The common denominator here for both the professor and young widow is suicide, and how it both touched them.Perhaps, it was the chilling cold of Maine that couldn't make me warm up to this film. Neither could the characters either.