R | 01 November 2005 (USA)
Touched Trailers

A romantic drama about a man who awakes from a coma without his sense of touch and the nurse who comes to his aid.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Armand it is not easy to understand it if the experiences of characters remains out of your personal circle. because it is a common romance. the acting is decent. the story can be perceived as unrealistic of too pink. in fact, except few scenes, it is image of a hard ordinary situation. many cases who have only deep silence for describe their case. sure, Touched is a commercial version but the story, the basis of story is the same. short, a film who has not as essence the artistic virtues. but the role of medicine for many of its viewers. and this fact is important. the candied, thin sheet of story, the not great but not uninspired performance of actors, the frame of fight, the use of romantic ingredients and, maybe, with indulgence, the end.
Dolfin505 Without a doubt, I was absolutely touched by this movie. It really hit close to home for me due to my mother passing away while in a coma. After reading previous comments, I see that people don't understand why certain things were even included in the movie. For instance, the situation with her brother. However, I think if you or someone you know has been through such a realize even more just how precious life is and how it can end at any minute. That is the reason that I believe that specific story line is included in the movie. It goes along with the theme. I was crying throughout the entire movie...It really touched my heart. I, like many others I'm sure, believe that I was meant to see this movie for a reason. I lost my mother in February and to this day.... do not feel the loss getting any easier to cope with. I still grieve every single day....and I was recently told by a friend that I needed to let her go in peace. To hear what the little boy said to his dad about letting go...let's just say I could have filled a bucket with tears! Anyhow, long story short...I was so impressed with the movie and the actors. I plan on buying it.
melvin-1 This movie's story is not what I am commenting about it is Jenna Elfman's development from being typecast after 'Dharma & Greg'. She really carries the story and shows her in a new light. I don't we will see her in another sitcom now. Now the story about a female nurse and her male patient falling in love. Now if there had been more substance to the story it would have been better. At the end I even think more should have been added to a possible future of Scott and Angela being together. Jenna's character was a miracle to Randall's character being a caring soul that stayed where his wife did not even try and wait. His son told him to let go and 'touch' the one that really loves him now.
Ana_Banana It seems as this movie was made for Jenna (who is also an executive producer of it, remember). In fact, she is the leading performer here, and her character is the one that keeps the story going and evolving. Too bad that the script and perhaps the editing have some flaws, which I won't discuss here (just see the movie and enjoy it - as much as possible). And there are some inconsistencies in the characters, including Jenna's.But all in all it's a refreshingly different kind of a movie than the bulk of ordinary Hollywood products. If your idea of a "movie" is "The Lord Of The Rings", you would fall asleep while watching "Touched": it's sad, it unfolds slowly, it's dark (I mean few lights), and quite quiet (btw, how's that sound, "quite quiet", he he?).I have been curious about this movie, and again, Jenna is a very good actress, not just a wacko comedy blonde chick. Just watch carefully her dramatic performance here and admire how she really, really saved even the lamest melodramatic moments. Forget about "Dharma & Greg", "Looney Tunes Back In Action" and stuff like that, Jenna still has to get the role stimulating enough and fit to her talent.