Sleeping with Other People
Sleeping with Other People
R | 11 September 2015 (USA)
Sleeping with Other People Trailers

Can two serial cheaters get a second chance at love? After a one-night stand in college, New Yorkers Lainey and Jake meet by chance twelve years later and discover they each have the same problem: because of their monogamy-challenged ways, neither can maintain a relationship. Determined to stay friends despite their mutual attraction, they make a pact to keep it platonic, a deal that proves easier said than done.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
achilleslink First I will say that in my opinion this movie was worth the watch. It had some moments that had me laughing out loud. Jason's disposition is inherently funny and he knows how to deliver a line. I like Alison, so that was another plus. But that's where the really good things about this movie end. The story line was very flawed and incredibly unrealistic, in my opinion. There is no way that Elaine and Jake wouldn't be together after spending so much time with each other and being in love the whole time, especially considering they lost their virginity to each other. Elaine ends up fucking some random guy that was at a kid's birthday party (which by the way, why would she do is she's in love with Jake?) and Jake is not even that mad about it. Regardless of the title of the movie, I don't like how they perpetuate how it's "okay" to fuck other people even when you know you're in love with someone else. It's not something that's morally sound and no one should do that. In a later scene, they are then cuddling in bed, consoling each other, and nothing happens even then. There was a totally lack of sexual and romantic chemistry with these two. They had matching vibes that could've certainly resulted in sexual and romantic chemistry, but the story line never allowed it to develop or show. They really dropped the ball on some crucial elements that could've made the movie truly great. It needed more romance and it needed more passion.
mts-78680 Definitely worth seeing with your significant other! Not a chick flick nor guy flick but good adult couple flick. Don't believe all the hype/reviews. Make your own opinion.I normally don't do crude comedy like Jason Sudeikis seems to be in but this was worth sitting through. Great variety of comedy, sex, love and morality.
SnoopyStyle In 2002, college student Jake (Jason Sudeikis) finds Lainey (Alison Brie) yelling for Matthew (Adam Scott) in the hallway. Jake and Lainey end up losing their virginity to each other. In the present day, the two run into each other in a sex addiction support group. They haven't seen each other since that night. Jake sleeps with inappropriate women rather than maturely breaking up his failed relationships. Lainey has been in an on-and-off affair with Matthew even after his marriage to Emma. Jake and his best friend Xander cash out by selling their business to a big company. Quickly, Jake is flirting with the company lawyer Paula (Amanda Peet). Jake and Lainey have a platonic relationship but their romance is never far below the surface.This hits on similar terrain as When Harry met Sally. Sudeikis and Brie have some slightly irreverent brand of humor but it's never completely edgy. They seem well matched. The missing element is the uncontrollable heat. Sudeikis is a little too standoffish and always joking around. There seems to be good possibilities with these two but it fails to land that knockout punch.
indiedavid I am a huge fan of Jason Sudeikis and I was confident that he would choose material that was original so I decided to invest in this film without researching it. What a disappointment. First of all, it is the exact formulaic premise that we have all watched for the past 40 years. You know the type..."I am in my 30's and life is so complex/Sex makes everything so complicated/I just can't grow up/Nobody understands me". Secondarily, in order to be plausible, you have to believe that Jason Sudeikis can pull of being a womanizer. As I said, I am a huge fan but I think it is too big of a stretch for him to pull that off. The actors all did their jobs bringing mediocre material to almost watchable but in the end, it's just another romantic comedy about a guy and girl who love each other but aren't together for whatever implausible reason. I am not sure how these mediocre scripts continue to get funded.