Bad Roomies
Bad Roomies
| 01 December 2015 (USA)
Bad Roomies Trailers

Two guys find a beautiful young woman to take the place of their missing roommate. Everything seems fine until a horrible mistake on drunken night leads all three on a downward spiral.

Konterr Brilliant and touching
Kaydan Christian A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
kimberlymichelle-08205 It's so terrible that I'm on the internet writing a review, which I never do. It's not funny. I don't want to see Patrick Renna in any more movies. Just replacing him would have drastically improved the movie. This would have been better with a few changes. It's not funny but there's a clear effort to be funny, which is why it's listed as a dark comedy. Okay, you could've had a great movie here if you did away with the comedy act and went for a more edgy drama, minus Patrick Renna, of course. I bet the Kickstarter contributors are disappointed.
dasuperbudda At the beginning this movies feels like a YouTube video has gone long. Its missing a cinematic quality I've grown accustomed to from years of watching real movies.The dialog do not sound natural and I believe the actors know about this too, they do not have the conviction of what come out of their face mouth. And also the both male characters are not likable with this movie, but this could just me one man's option.To summarize, Don't watch it, you don't need to, you're going to get nothing out of it unless you're a film student, if you're a film student then this level of work might just be perfect.
mautthew I started this movie, thinking it would be a classic raunchy/semi-satirical comedy of 21st century. I was quickly proved wrong. Overall, I give "Bad Roomies" a 3 out of 10 star rating. This film started out funny, I'll admit. A lot of the jokes were funny, the stuff they did was comical, and a lot of the lines were very well/cleverly-written. The cinematography was also pretty dang good; it was shot very well, with a good usage of natural lighting. Then, the movie got confusing. Then, stupid. Then, in the second half of the film, everything was very confusing, weird, and kind of stupid. I did not enjoy this movie very much overall; it was a WASTE OF TIME and I really don't understand other watchers of this movie that say it was any good.
lisamariewilberg Loved it. Loved the twist at the end. Quite funny in many parts too. Very entertaining. Always been a fan of Indie movies and it's always refreshing to see a dark comedy that can not only make you laugh, but cringe at the same time. The characters were great. Of course the one guy could be a total dog, yet you find out that he has human feelings too - and a heart. It's a really great written script that has you wondering, "What's next?" A lot going on here with a lot of depth. It totally grabs you and pulls you in. I loved how the beginning all ties into the ending of the movie. It is all one, great big circle. It was a really fun movie to watch on a rainy day. I would highly recommend it to all Indie fans.