Sex Tape
Sex Tape
R | 18 July 2014 (USA)
Sex Tape Trailers

When Jay and Annie first got together, their romantic connection was intense – but ten years and two kids later, the flame of their love needs a spark. To kick things up a notch, they decide – why not? – to make a video of themselves trying out every position in The Joy of Sex in one marathon three-hour session. It seems like a great idea – until they discover that their most private video is no longer private. With their reputations on the line, they know they’re just one click away from being laid bare to the world... but as their race to reclaim their video leads to a night they'll never forget, they'll find that their video will expose even more than they bargained for.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
adonis98-743-186503 A married couple wake up to discover that the sex tape they made the evening before has gone missing, leading to a frantic search for its whereabouts. Sex Tape is the kind of film that gives the genre a bad name and believe me it does. The acting was garbage, the jokes kept repeated again and again and the whole premise of the film was dumb and certain scenes even a bit disgusting. It makes sense that Cameron Diaz hasn't made a film since then!!! (0/10)
Gavin Purtell 'Sex Tape' is a quick, simple comedy with a good cast. Very straightforward storyline - married couple with kids tries to get the romance back, so they decide to film themselves having sex. It then is synced to all their friends' iPads and they have to retrieve them. I would like to say hilarity then ensues, but it doesn't.The cast, mostly Segel & Diaz, plus Corddry & Kemper, Lowe & Black are all quite charming/engaging in their own way, but the main fault with the film is that it's all been done before. Sure, it's a new premise, but it's based on the same old "couple-trying-to-get-their-mojo-back" plot and sadly there's not that many laughs to be had. A few chuckles here and there, but no truly funny laugh-out-loud moments.Basically, the best bits are in the trailer and if you're going hoping to see nudity, there's - unfortunately - plenty of Segel's butt! That is counteracted by a little bit of Diaz's butt & side-boob, but nothing to really write home about!
William DeVogel After seeing the Marines United scandal all over the internet, I decided to indulge in this dumpster fire (Currently on Netflix, for any other masochists).Now, I've always liked Jason Segel as an actor. He has his own style of comedy that he's polished over the last ten years, and not to mention he's an adequate screenwriter.That said, I don't know what happened here. It's like some scientist grew this Jason Segel clone from a test tube. Only a skinnier, painfully unfunny version of him. He somehow even manages to stumble over dialogue that he wrote for himself.Making matters worse is the fact that Segel and Diaz have zero chemistry together.I've never really understood Cameron Diaz's fame. Even as a child I noticed she was an awful actress. Checking out her recent work, one will see that she's on a streak of poorly reviewed films. Go big or go home, I guess.Her performance in this is nothing short of embarrassing. Some scenes (the part where Diaz comes up with the sex tape idea, and the part where Segel tells her the video was sent to their friends, in particular) seem so amateur it's astonishing they didn't do more takes.The whole film has a rushed feel to it. Plot holes, characters doing things without any motives whatsoever, and the feature's failure to comprehend the basic functions of the devices themselves. (Technology is a center point to the movie but for whatever reason they make no attempt to structure this component accurately). There are periods in the script where one has to wonder if it was written by a twelve year old boy.There's a line early on that displays this best; "My **** can see the future, that's why I call it Nostra****mus." Cameron Diaz is seen fully nude from the back not even two minutes into the film (Spoiler: you're not missing anything) and this happens periodically, like they were trying to reach a quota.The music in this movie… if it's not stock music they sure tried. There was a moment where I thought my afghan burner phone was ringing. (THIS IS NOT A JOKE THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED) The lighting in this movie is a mess. Normally I just notice well lit films. If it's nothing special I'll note it as "Whatever" but this needs to be talked about. There are scenes where the lighting is so aggressive you feel like you're watching a stage play. Shiny foreheads, overly white light in a dimly lit living room… its just a train-wreck.The editing in this film, MY GOD THE EDITING. Every single conversation is littered with a barrage of quick cuts. In between conversations, the shots are stale and flat like everything else.The only interesting thing going on here was the flip flop of it's stance on Apple's products. (The interesting bit is behind the fourth wall. Nothing worthwhile going on inside them) I'm confused as to what side of the fence it wants to be on. One minute the couple is upset about the device automatically sending the sex video to their friends and family, the next minute Segel is praising the physical design like he's in a commercial. One scene has him discarding an iPad out a bedroom window, only to later reclaim it from the ground, exclaiming "Man the construction of these things is unbelievable." Another part has him looking at the footage they recorded on the iPad, stating "It's like the best camera ever." Of course since Segel was involved in the creative process, it has his signature serious moments dealing with relationships and feelings and all that. (Just being an ass) It worked in Sarah Marshall but it ain't doing the trick here. It's forced and cringe as hell.I don't want to use the word "redeeming quality" here because it's impossible to save this heap. But the few laughs this got out of me came from the main couple's married friends. Rob Corddry and Ellie Kemper (Lou – Hot Tub Time Machine, Erin – The Office, respectably) do their best and actually manage (somewhat) to out-deliver the awkward jokes that Segel and Diaz could not.Oh, the dog slamming into the wall after stepping on the treadmill, and the ensuing guilt from Segel was pretty good. "Hey, are you okay?" Lmao I'd tell you to avoid this one. But chances are, if you're even reading my reviews you already knew to stay away from this trash long before I typed this up.2/10 Utter trash.
Unhelpful Yoda I gave it 3 out of 10 stars and that is me being very generous. This film was awful!! My husband and i watched it and 45 Min's in he said can we watch something else! The over acting and the lame jokes just made me cringe. I like Jason Segel from HIMYM so i thought it would be good but no this was definitely one of his more worse performances! Why would you make a sex tape if you wanted to delete it anyway? The whole goose chase thing to get back the copies is getting old in movies. I really don't recommend this film one bit because it's a waste of time and in my opinion one of Cameron Diaz's worse films ever. I think Jason Segel should just stick to TV in future because I also didn't like him in Bad Teacher either.