The Other Woman
The Other Woman
PG-13 | 25 April 2014 (USA)
The Other Woman Trailers

After discovering her boyfriend is married, Carly soon meets the wife he's been cheating on. And when yet another affair is discovered, all three women team up to plot mutual revenge on the three-timing SOB.

Ploydsge just watch it!
SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
thekarmicnomad A woman finds that the man she is dating has a wife. The wife finds out and the two start on a tempestuous relationship.I watched this with my girlfriend and was prepared to catch a sneaky nap. But I enjoyed it greatly. I find that some films with similar plots to this tend to be man-hating revenge flick with some awful jokes squeezed in.This is a much more rounded affair. The female characters are flawed, but non-typical. I found a lot of the jokes worked and the physical humour landed well. This came to a satisfying conclusion and I was rooting for the women all the way through.
tampinator What an excruciating film this is, thank Christ I sort of watched it for free on TV. Every cliché in the book from the bloody annoying largest dog they could find to any opportunity to do some kind of faux girlie intoxicated squabble involving lots of garbled script. the sole thing that kept me from turning it off was to see what kind of clichéd comeuppance the two-timing husband was going to get. It certainly didn't disappoint, the ending was predictably bland. All the girls having seen off the scheming husband end up in clover one way or the other, the antihero presumably on skid row. I don't blame the acting, except Niki Minaj.....what was all that about, why was she even in this film...the guilty party was the director who's supposed to be in charge....dreadful.
Chappy Watched I have to say I'm kind of surprised at this film.I definitely thought it was going to be one of those where the best parts were in the trailer. Don't get me wrong, most of the funny parts WERE in the trailer but there were more during the film.Obviously it's not going to be cinematic brilliance but it's something to sit, turn off your brain and be entertained.The cast is okay. Cameron Diaz is pretty much the same character that she is in most of her movies, Leslie Mann's character is sometimes a bit too much during the film; Kate Upton seemed to be there only to be the pretty, younger one.It's an okay film. Good for a once watch but I probably wouldn't watch it again.
SnoosReviews I remember seeing the trailer of this movie at the cinema last year and commenting on how awful it looked 'another mainstream Hollywood comedy flop'. I'm unsure on what inspired me to watch this on Sky Movies, the genre is not my usual choice and the style of humour and plot isn't something that jumps out at me. Nevertheless, I gave it a go and surprisingly I am quite glad I did as I was pleasantly surprised with The Other Woman.The plot is very simple, as is usually the case with movies of this nature. Nikolaj Coaster-Waldau plays multi- millionaire Mark King, a clichéd womanizing, materialistic, cheater who has 3 women on the go at once. Leslie Mann plays his wife, she is ditsy, clumsy and more of a family woman that the other two. Cameron Diaz plays his girlfriend, she is a high flying business woman who is a similar match to Mark King and Kate Upton plays the younger, model looking girlfriend. The three women are created well with each one offering something different that Mark King would want. The three women find out about his cheating but rather than take it out on each other they come together to get their ultimate revenge on their cheating partner, developing a friendship along the way.The highlight of the Other Woman is Leslie Mann's performance;, she easily gives the performance of the movie. Her character is the most likable of the three and she made it very easy to connect with this character, much more convincingly than the other two actresses. Leslie Mann and Cameron Diaz share the most screen time, their chemistry is believable and often amusing. Kate Upton has very little screen time as she isn't introduced to the movie until around half way though, she feels more like a third wheel to the other two women as she doesn't share the close friendship.These movies are always predictable, suffering from cliché after cliché and The Other Woman is no different there. It is highly unrealistic, how could a woman who has just discovered that her husband is a cheating rat, be that calm? The script is average to poor, and all characters apart from Leslie Mann seem to have several negative features. The lead male character should be sophisticated and suave but he is far from that, he is boring offering no laughs and it isn't that believable that he should have women fighting over him. Cameron Diaz' character is wooden and overly stereotypical and Kate Upton is there merely for her appearance, her one line based tiny script cannot save her, her acting is woeful. Leslie Mann carries this movie with her fantastic performance; the supporting cast really let her down.The women meet as strangers and finish as best friends, yes it is clichéd and predictable but it is still done with a refreshing look. This isn't a rom-com; it's a film about friendship and getting their deserved revenge together.Despite the predictable plot and questionable characters I still enjoyed this movie! Don't judge me, I am aware that as a movie, it is far from perfect but strangely I actually enjoyed it, I know I shouldn't! This is probably because I expected those faults and much more to be honest, plot holes and hollow characters are common in chick-flicks. However the film did make me laugh on multiple occasions and it was just the film necessary after a few beers on a Sunday afternoon.7/10
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