PG-13 | 21 February 2014 (USA)
Pompeii Trailers

In 79 A.D., Milo, a slave turned gladiator, finds himself in a race against time to save his true love Cassia, the beautiful daughter of a wealthy merchant who has been unwillingly betrothed to a corrupt Roman Senator. As Mount Vesuvius erupts in a torrent of blazing lava, Milo must fight his way out of the arena in order to save his beloved as the once magnificent Pompeii crumbles around him.

GrimPrecise I'll tell you why so serious
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
svjenner406 This adventure movie is based on a real event, the destruction of Pompeii by the eruption of Vesuvius in 79 AD. It is not meant to be a documentary about the event itself. As an adventure-romance it is excellent. Story, acting, and special effects all work well together to move the story along to the spectacular climax. It is irelevant whether the facts are accurately portrayed anymore than they are in Ben-hur, the Ten Commanments, or any other epic fictional piece. The only way to judge it is does it hold your attention, do you care about the characters, and is it enjoyable to see. In this, Pompeii exceeds the general run of the mill adventure movies and remains one of my favourites, whether or not it is factually correct,.
typoking-95576 The story line in this movie is similar to previous movies, gladiator rescues rich woman. The battle scenes are well done, and the special effects look like something out of Star Wars. I suggest the way to enjoy this movie is not to get too wrapped up in the plot, just sit back, relax and watch the action roll out to you. Good movie.
Filipe Neto I confess I had some curiosity about this movie. Disaster films with volcanoes are no longer new ("Volcano" and "Dante's Peak" are good examples) but a film about a real historical fact as dramatic as the destruction of Pompeii (and the nearby city of Herculaneum) in 79 AD, is somewhat unusual. Unfortunately its much weaker than I thought it would be.The plot is simple: a Celt, captured and enslaved after Romans massacred his family, becomes a successful gladiator and gets the attention of a wealthy Roman girl, disappointed in her culture's cruelty. When Vesuvius erupts, he will have the chance to flee with her and avenge his family, as the girl's forced bridegroom is, precisely, the one responsible for the massacre that has killed them. The influence of films and series such as "Gladiator", "Rome" and "Spartacus" is evident, but the fact is that the script is frankly underdeveloped, with characters so basic that we can summarize each one in a single word. Another problem I felt was the partiality of the plot, demonizing Roman civilization. The end of the film tries to be unpredictable but isn't properly capable of that, besides that makes everything too melodramatic. About historical accuracy... forget it. Who wrote the script totally ignored historical facts. That bombs or that tsunami are obscenities that attempt to the intelligence of those who know the basic about what actually happened in Pompeii.Paul W.S. Anderson has a bad name as a director but this was his first movie that I actually watched. In this case, I recognize reason in the criticisms: he's a weak director, dazzled with the CGI but incompetent in the direction of the cast and the script. Regarding the cast, there are some heavy names like Kit Harington, Emily Browning and Kiefer Sutherland, but the performances were generally mediocre and uncompromising. It is true that the characters are too basic and underdeveloped but the actors also did not feel like sweating the shirt by their characters. Browning, for example, was unable to build a chemistry with his romantic pair. That intense love that should have existed is never there and everything sounds unlikely and artificial. Sutherland, who was the villain, is simply ham and histrionic. The best actor here was Akinnuoye-Agbaje, with a performance capable of harmonizing strength and action with some psychological depth and drama.Visually, the film is a CGI feast and visual and sound effects of good quality and a lot of impact, mainly from half the film to the end. Cinematography helps, emphasizing the colors and with the camera moving quickly in the action scenes. The problem is that these were the only aspects where the film was really good, and this is not enough to make the movie good. It just makes it bearable.
Maz-hell This movie is what happens when you are trying to create Gladiator and Titanic, but if the Titanic was sinking slowly and nobody was dying for it, Gladiator was ornamental, John Snow looked uninteresting, the hottest lady around is that lady from Sucker Punch, Jack Bauer was evil and bored and Killer Croc... well, he kept his standards, while Trinity looks bored.For history fans, it is offensive over the limits. For science fans, it is terrible. For physicists it breaks every rule known. For toxicologists is laughable. For love story fans, it is really boring. For action fans it is overly long and terribly edited. For CGI fans it is terrible. For practical effects fans... Pfft. Keep dreaming. It offers nothing to anyone. Even at the end you just want it to end before you actually take your life out of boredom. (I wanted it to end around 45 minutes earlier, but beggars can be choosers)Dull at its finest. Cliché to a maximum level. They tried to make it a safe movie and ended doing a boring mess. I give it a point because my fan fiction about Trinity giving birth the dancer from sucker punch, which marries Jon Snow, whose best buddy is Killer Croc, While Jack Bauer tries to conquer Westeros is a million times better after watching this abomination.