Apocalypse Pompeii
Apocalypse Pompeii
NR | 18 February 2014 (USA)
Apocalypse Pompeii Trailers

When a former Special Ops commando visits Pompeii, his wife and daughter are trapped as Mt. Vesuvius erupts with massive force. While his family fights to survive the deadly onslaught of heat and lava, he enlists his former teammates in a daring operation beneath the ruins of the city of Pompeii.

Clevercell Very disappointing...
ShangLuda Admirable film.
AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Blaine Dixon SPOILERS SPOILERSIf your a fan of B disaster movies I cant recommend this "C" movie highly enough. Starring Adrian Paul (still looking good) ("The Highlander) as a ex special forces commando who is negotiating a big international security company deal that he is the CEO of. So he and his wife, 18 year old daughter (who is an amateur volcano and geological expert) she dresses like Lara Croft Tomb Raider (but so does every female tourist in the movie) but she has the longest legs, the lowest cut t-shirt and the shortest shorts!. Lots of overhead shots (from the viewpoint of falling ceilings) peering down her blouse. She and everyone else runs through the movie flashing the long legs and jiggling along. Obnoxious tourists get fire bombed by the Volcano etc. Paul quickly assembles a command special forces team to rescue them. His old war buddy is now the Colonel in Charge of Naples NATO base and by coincidence the Colonel is able to get old friends that everyone knows (except Lara Croft Senior) (Where did SHE come from) to help. They steal a NATO chopper. Its full of cliff hangers bad science bad history (dont try to ride out the volcano inside an old underground villa (thats what killed the Romans 2000 years ago! Lots of other B and C and D disaster movies on Amazon prime streaming
brookswieszczek Despite negative press, the film isn't a total disaster. This direct-to-video disaster film was released by the notoriously cheesy independent film group The Asylum on home video on February 18, 2014. The unrated film follows a Special Ops Commando on a trip in Pompeii who attempts to rescue his wife, his daughter, and a group of other people after the infamous Mount Vesuvius erupts once more, trapping them inside the ruins of Pompeii. The film stars Adrian Paul, Jhey Castles, and Georgina Beedle as the aforementioned family, who attempt to reunite with one another in the midst of all of the chaos. Also starring is John Rhys-Davies reprising his role from previous Asylum picture 100 Degrees Below Zero as Colonel Dillard, and, frankly, he's the best performer here by a long shot. The rest of the struggling group are rounded out by Dylan Vox, and Dan Cade among others. The 88-minute long film is stretched out just enough to reach a feature-length running time, making it feel like an episode of MacGyver, only with cheesy effects as a result. Now, I really don't have a lot to say about the movie. It's your typical movie by The Asylum with bad effects, alright acting, and stretched out pacing. But then again, this is why we watch these films: for ironic enjoyment. Honestly though, the film isn't as bad as some of The Asylum's disaster films such as Airplane vs. Volcano. Instead, it's just your typical, comfortably paced low-budget movie, acting well in a "watching a movie while you fall asleep" situation. Despite the fact that the movie is one of The Asylum's better films, it's still exactly what you expect: A short direct-to-video film with cheesy effects. But the movie is still not all bad. I thought the film was just Meh...
chuck-231 Seriously. If you set out to make the worst movie ever you could not do a better job than this. Even the workman-like acting and confusing accent of Adrian Paul, the commanding presence of John Rhys-Davies and the awesome bust of the lovely Georgina Beedle could not save this travesty of a movie. Truly one of the most appalling things ever committed to film. There are so many things wrong with it that it boggles the mind. It makes a Troma film seem positively Shakespearean. Where to start? The writing is probably the worst part of this, the story horrible, the "science" idiotic and the dialogue just plain stupid,followed by the wretched "sets." No doubt hundreds of dollars were spent on sets and special effects. I honestly felt embarrassed for the producers of this travesty, it was so bad. Stay away.
Patrick Brookings Wow, where to start... This is by far the most horrible, pathetic movie I have ever seen. While the plot itself could actually work, everything else was a plain disaster! The acting is horrendous. Extremely shallow, it does not feel real at any point. The 'special' effects are a huge laugh too. They are so pathetic and fake that they could come from a 1980's movie, most certainly not from a movie published in this year! Just about everything looks fake. The volcano explosions, the falling rocks, heck even the the tumbling stones are clearly plastic or whatever. Some weird things going on too... when the hot air gush was happening, you see those people vapourize. Yet there's still green leaves on the trees?? At the end, the survivors are in the basement when the lava appears. Within a couple of minutes they are up on the roof, and the lava floods the roof. Come on people, lava crawls up the stairs and floods the building? It's just ridiculous in every way. It was obvious from the first moments that this was going to be a horrible movie, but I forced myself to watch it all and see if it would get any better. But instead it just got worse.To say it in short, if you want to have a laugh at how pathetic this movie is, then watch it. Otherwise, do not bother please. Without a doubt the most disastrous movie ever!