| 16 March 2001 (USA)
Firetrap Trailers

Master burglar Max Hopper is released early after three years and soon gets an exceptional job: stealing an advanced computer-chip from the IQ Industries headquarters. His first attempt fails; when he enters in cop uniform during an emergency board meeting, a fire quickly spreads- he considers it a godsend opportunity and stays, but soon has his hands too full saving other lives and just surviving to concentrate on the chip; only the owner, his wife who just filed for divorce and a few employees remain, but it soon turns out one of them stole company secrets but the arsonist and/or another chip-thieves are among them.

ShangLuda Admirable film.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Trevor Geddes This film was so bad it became enjoyable. If you want to see a soap opera cast decide to do an action film, this is for you! Overacting, irrelevant incidents, implausible dialogue - it has it all. The main character has a split personality and can not make up his mind whether he is thief, a loving father or a hero who will risk his life for others. He is plausible in none of these roles. This sets the standard for many of the other characters. The boss of the company whose building is set ablaze displays the same unpredictability, and so does his wife. And the punch line - who has taken the "chip" - beggars belief. I found myself laughing heartily and for that reason, I recommend you watch it.
F1ame I was rather surprised how well Dean Cain fitted into this role. He seems to be growing from the caped avenger days and actually developed some good acting ability.The effects in this film looked about as good as they cost. The plot was not thick, and information was crowbarred in occasionally. This film does do the No.1 job of keeping you interested.It's by no means a clever plot and not a craft of film work, but it does the job for 90 mins.
dagruvykat Lori Petty is brilliant and Dean Cain pulls off the performance of his career in this entertaining movie. I think I now have a favorite movie of all time: Goodfellas but this movie was pretty good too. Richard Tyson put in a dandy of a performance as well.
Wayne Huffman I thought this was a pretty good movie, even with some obvious plot holes (if the alarm system worked when someone pulled a wall station, why didn't the smoke detectors work? Why didn't the system signal a loss of water pressure, if someone shut the water off? What happened to the sprinklers?) The fire scenes were some of the best I've seen (even though accellerant trails were visible in a few scenes). There were also some mistakes in basic firefighting (no one sprays water from the street at a fire on the sixth floor - that is what aerial ladder pipes are for!) I did like the plot, and I thought Dean Cain was great as Max Hopper. This would make a good series.