Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit
PG-13 | 17 January 2014 (USA)
Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit Trailers

Jack Ryan, as a young covert CIA analyst, uncovers a Russian plot to crash the U.S. economy with a terrorist attack.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
Dirtylogy It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
HotToastyRag It's always hard, when you're the fan of an original, to watch a modern remake and give it a fair chance. If you loved Harrison Ford's Jack Ryan movies, I'm not sure how you'll react to this reboot with Chris Pine. I never saw the originals, so to me, this was a brand new action movie.I wouldn't call myself an "action movie gal" but I do enjoy the genre. Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit earns a place at the top in my book, right up there with Tom Cruise's Mission Impossible movies. The action scenes are exciting, and between Kenneth Branagh's menacing Russian bad guy tactics and Kevin Costner's air of mystery, the tension keeps you hooked throughout. Also, usually in action movies there's some sort of comic relief. Sometimes the humor is stupid, but not in this one. There's a clever banter written in for the lovebirds, and it gives you a laugh without making the movie silly.Now, I'm the first to admit my bias, so here it goes: Keira Knightly is my favorite modern actress. Keira plays Chris Pine's girlfriend; even though she doesn't have a very big part, she is my favorite part of the movie and the reason I keep watching it. I mean, what man alive wouldn't go to the ends of the earth to keep her out of harm's way? Shadow Recruit is a really good action flick, perfect for a guys' or girls' weekend. And there aren't any sex scenes, so it's a great date movie, with eye candy for both of you!
johnnyzheng212 Okay, first of all, if you haven't seen this movie yet, don't. It sucks ass. The plot? There is none. Well, there is, but it is some generic James Bond plot. You know how it is. Good guy is on some kind of secret mission, goes through some problems, and brings down the bad guys. There is nothing original about this movie. It just borrowed stuff from every other secret agent movie. Not only that, it is a secret agent movie with none of the special effects. I swear to God, they must have spent 5 dollars making the movie. Don't watch it plz! It is that bad. The only good thing about this movie is that we get to see Keira Knightly but she's not even nude so what's the point. Seriously, don't see it. It is a waste of time, at least.
augustincoppey This review focuses on the negative critics, which I find to be quite unrepresentative of the movie.Most negative reviews focus on the act that the marketing tag line "trust no one" was woefully unrepresentative of the actual plot. I have serious objections about that. There is a major betrayal early in the movie, at a point that no one expects, which sets the stage for confusion and doubts in the hero's mind through the rest of the film. This effect only works if you are concentrating on the main actor, suspending disbelief about watching a movie and instead letting yourself slip into the hero's mind: inexperienced in field Ops and betrayed on his first mission. All the negative reviews below are because the viewer was eating popcorn instead of falling into character. In truth "trust" in not a major plot line, but it's not absent either, as the review imply. It's just texture to build up the tension.This brings me to my second comment: I enjoyed this movie's plot, (despite, yes, many shortcomings regarding the details), because the story line was very representative of Tom Clancy's writing style, with multiple plots going on in parallel but on different time frames. This worked very well for me in the books, building up tension with very little relief until the last pages. The movie here produces the same effect with the same technique. I can accept that it makes the story somewhat convoluted at times, and it may possibly lose many viewers with short attention spans, causing some negative reviews. But if your attention can keep up, then you realize why the main character can "trust no one" - he is as confused by the plot as the viewer (because inexperienced and fallible), trying to keep up with the multiple objectives on multiple time frames. I found this to be an excellent technique to build suspense in an intelligent way, with very little special effects or dumb actions scenes (there are good action scenes, but no one is an invincible here - just plain human).In short, you will find this movie boring if you find iron man or superman to be great entertainment. If you've enjoyed reading the books, you may find this to be a better story than the previous Jack Ryan movies.
c-conley90 I know two faced in my review of this movie. On one had, it's rather dry as far as Jack Ryan movies go. Hell, it doesn't have a football stadium blowing up in it like Sum of All Fears. Chris Pine is good, Kevin Costner is excellent, Keira Knightley is playing sort of a damsel in distress at parts of this?!! OK, this kind of blindsides me after years of Pirates of the Caribbean movies where she could kick some person's ass if she wanted to. The director is the bad guy. Oh wait, sorry Spoilers! He's actually not bad as a sleazy Russian extremist terrorist. His end is however a letdown. The action scenes are great, but again the whole movie as a whole is a meh. I would watch it again, if I need a fast paced Spy Thriller to watch. I can see why this bombed and it never saw a sequel.